
chapter 1 the beginning

There was a war that happend between the humans and the demons that came from the leak, with humans fighting as hard as they could, barely a match until one day a powerful man walked into the demon territory demanding a fight with the king of all demons.The man was to the people as the man blessed by god himself but even he wasn't a match for the demon king, at least we thought so until the fight happened.The fight took several hours and in the end everyone was shocked.The man killed the demon king till the point it only remained his eyes, so he held it like a souvenir to his victory.The other demons were so scared after witnessing what had happened to the man who was stronger than all of them combined that they became afraid of him, stopped the war and pronounced the man the king of the land.A few years went by and the man came down with an illness.He knew he was going to die sooner or later in his life and he knew once he died the demon won't be afraid to come out, so he venture to different places to look for away to protect the lands.As he was gone, he found an ancient temple on the mountain top and inside he found a statue of great power, each representing a god that could protect people from the demons.He place the statues in all of his land and on his death bed he trusted three of his sons with a land of their own and the remaining twelve lands to each of his greatest allies and relative.The man became known as Fugitoru Kori of the eastern region the man with no fear

LAND OF CHIBUYA : Laker's Town

A boy wakes up, his name is Rychard, he lived in a town in the country side with his father and he does his early fishing and farming.Everything was peaceful in their town until the day something terrifying happened.There was a great blast of energy that removed the town from the statue's eye. As the town panics about what is happening, a great sound can be heard from the forest and they quickly fell under silence as the horror begun.Demons rushed out from the forest sprinting and excited, they all ran hoping they could go back to the shield.As Rychard rushed out to see his father, some men were getting prepared to hold the demons back and the father told Rychard to run. As hard they tried to, they couldn't hold them back for long. When the father went back to look for his son, he saw his son getting kicked and pushed around, so the father quickly carried Rychard to one of the villager's shed.The father put his son there to hide cause he knew they would catch up to the running villagers.The father went off to fend for the town, then suddenly Rychard screemed for his father, shouting for him to come back to him as he cried in pain and banged the door, he ends up slipping and hits his body on the ground.

when a man has nothing else to loose because he has lost it all .has nothing to fear either because he has seen the worst .he has no nothing to fear but to await for his death

WhiteMaskscreators' thoughts