
Demon .Ex

DEmon .ex

J_a_zzy · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs

Abrupt Turn

"Doesn't it feel like we're all heading straight for the apocalypse?" a teenager sitting on the back of a motorcycle uttered, his voice barely audible.

Surprised by the unexpected remark, the driver turned his head, momentarily distracted from the road ahead. "Uh, what?" he replied, his tone laced with confusion, as his eyes shifted to the gathering thunderclouds on the horizon.

"Look at those clouds," he continued, his voice tinged with a touch of playfulness. "It's like something out of those movies or animations, you know? We're on an epic quest, walking right into the jaws of the apocalypse."

The driver's confusion momentarily transformed into laughter. "ha ha Oye Taran hear what Richie is saying".

As the driver's laughter filled the air, his voice carried to the two friends trailing closely on their bike. Richie's remark about the impending apocalypse sparked their curiosity, and they eagerly rode up alongside the driver, their expressions a mix of amusement and intrigue.

"What's Richie saying now?" Taran called out, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. He couldn't resist the opportunity to join in the banter and hear Richie's perspective.

The driver's laughter subsided, allowing him to catch his breath. "Richie here thinks those clouds up ahead are like something out of a movie," he explained, unable to suppress a smile. "He's convinced we're embarking on an epic quest, bravely marching towards the jaws of the apocalypse."

Taran burst into laughter, his bike swerving slightly as he struggled to contain his amusement. "Well, Richie, if this is the end of the world, at least we'll fucking go out in style!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with playful exaggeration.

Richie, grinning from ear to ear, found comfort in the jovial response of his friends. "Exactly!" he exclaimed. "We'll be like heroes in our own adventure, defying the odds and facing whatever comes our way."

This group of friends was heading home after a fun outing, enjoying some delicious macaroni burgers along the way. Unfortunately, their plans had to be cut short due to the sudden arrival of bad weather.The rider at the front of the bike was Ravin, while Shim sat behind Taran.

With their laughter still echoing in the wind, the trio of friends continued their journey homeward after their shortened macaroni burger adventure.

As they rode along the winding road, Taran couldn't help but interject with a mischievous grin, "You know, Richie, If this is really the start of an apocalypse, we should've brought some extra burgers. Who knows when we'll get another chance to enjoy them?"

Laughter erupted once again, blending with the rumble of the engine and the melody of the raindrops that began to patter against their helmets.

As they continued riding, Shim seemed less cheerful than usual, his mood unchanged. Noticing Shim's sadness, Ravin turned to him with a mischievous smile, playfully asking, "Why so sad, Shim?"

Shim remained silent, lost in his own thoughts. It was Richie who replied, "Rough breakup."

As they were engrossed in their conversation, suddenly, the engine of Ravin's bike sputtered and came to a halt, causing the group to come to an abrupt stop by the side of the road. The rain continued to pour, adding to the dramatic atmosphere.

Ravin, with a perplexed expression, tried to restart the engine, but it refused to cooperate. "fuck, not now!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with exasperation. He glanced back at his friends, who shared a mixture of concern and amusement at the situation.

Curious, Richie piped up, asking, "What happened?" Ravin, opening the gas tank and inspecting the bike, replied, "Looks like we've run out of gas."

Shim surveyed their surroundings with a sense of unease and urgency. "We should move from here fast," he said, his voice filled with a hint of concern. Their bikes had come to a sudden halt at an abrupt curve in an otherwise straight road. Shim glanced around, his eyes darting from the timber trees on their right to the abandoned factory building hidden behind them.

Ravin, puzzled by Shim's request, asked, "Why? What's going on?"

Shim's gaze shifted from the factory toward Ravin, his expression serious. "I'll tell you later."

Ravin, initially thinking that Shim might be joking, brushed off the warning. However, Taran, ever the practical one, chimed in with a suggestion. "Ravin, since we're close to your uncle's house, let's leave your bike there for now. Shim can push it with his foot while riding on mine."

Considering the situation, Ravin nodded in agreement. "Good idea, Taran. Let's do that."

With their plan in motion, Shim joined Taran on his bike while using his foot to push Ravin's stalled motorcycle. But just as they were about to move, Richie urgently shouted, "Stop!"

Puzzled, the group turned to Richie, who sheepishly admitted, "I need to take a leak."

Shim, feeling annoyed, said firmly, "Just fucking hold it until we get home."

But Richie, unable to wait any longer, replied, "I can't!" He hopped off the bike and hurried towards the nearby timber trees to relieve himself.

As Richie relieved himself, he felt a chill and blamed it on the rain. When he returned to his friends, he noticed a cut on his leg from the thorn bushes he had passed through.

"Ouch!" Richie exclaimed, wincing in pain. Blood trickled down his leg, mixing with the rain.

Taran and Ravin saw Richie's discomfort and asked, "What happened?"

"Just a little encounter with some thorns," Richie replied.

Shim, returning to his usual demeanour, said, "Hey, we peed together. You could have just relieved yourself here. No need to hide your little brother from these big brothers."

Seeing Shim return to his usual playful demeanour, the group couldn't help but feel relieved. They shared a collective chuckle.

Richie hopped onto Ravin's bike, Shim pushing Ravin's stalled motorcycle with his foot as they carefully made their way to Ravin's uncle's house. The rain continued to pour, drenching them as they rode along the slick road.

Arriving at their destination, they saw Ravin's clean-shaven head uncle standing at the gate, accompanied by his round-bellied friend.

Seeing the gang returning with satisfied smiles, Uncle Raj greeted them with a playful smile. "Ah, returning from Masanda, I see," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Eating macaroni burgers, were we?"

Ravin chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You know us too well, Uncle Raj. We couldn't resist those delicious burgers."

Uncle Raj's friend chimed in, his round belly jiggling as he laughed. "Ah, the joys of good food and great company. It's the perfect combination, isn't it?" Taran also joined the conversation.

As the conversation flowed, Richie leaned toward Shim and whispered in a low voice, "It seems like they couldn't resist alcohol, either."

Shim stifled a laugh and whispered back, "Well, Uncle Raj and his friend do know how to enjoy themselves."

As the friends continued their conversation, the rain intensified, transforming into a heavy downpour.

Taran raised his voice slightly to be heard over the rain. "Looks like we're in for a wet evening," he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

Ravin's uncle, standing at the gate, motioned for them to come inside. "Come on in. No need to brave the storm any longer."

They quickly sought shelter within the welcoming walls of Uncle Raj's home. The sound of rain echoed through the house, providing a soothing backdrop to their chit-chat.

The friends settled into the cozy living room with their damp clothes and glistening hair. As they made themselves comfortable, Ravin suggested, "I don't think this rain is going to stop anytime soon. You all should call your homes and let them know you're staying the night here."

The others nodded in agreement, realising the practicality of Ravin's suggestion. They reached for their phones and began notifying their families, assuring them of their safety and the hospitality of Uncle Raj.

Phone calls were made amidst laughter and friendly banter as they assured their loved ones that they were in good hands and enjoying the warmth and hospitality of Ravin's uncle.

After enjoying their meal and lively conversation with Uncle Raj, the friends left him and his friend to continue their drinking session. They said their goodbyes and found their beds for the night.

Ravin, intrigued by Shim's earlier warning, turned to him with a curious expression. "Hey Shim, what did you mean earlier? Why should we move from there fast?"

Shim hesitated for a moment before responding, "I've heard rumours about this area," he began, his voice tinged with caution. "Some say the factory behind those trees is haunted, and strange things happen around here at night."

Ravin and Richie exchanged glances, their curiosity now piqued by Shim's revelation. "Haunted factory, huh?" Richie mused, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Sounds like an adventure waiting to happen!"

Taran shot Richie a playful glare before turning back to Shim. "Are you serious, Shim? Fucking Ghost stories?"

Shim nodded earnestly. "I know it sounds silly, but there have been reports of unexplained sightings and eerie sounds coming from that place. And it's not just that. There have also been several accidents near that area, some of them resulting in fatalities."

Ravin and Richie's excitement faded slightly as Shim mentioned the accidents and deaths associated with the haunted factory. Taran's playful glare shifted into a more serious expression as he turned back to Shim. "Wait, are you being serious, Shim? Have there really been accidents and deaths around that area?"

"You didn't know we live in the same village," Shim said.

"I don't really hang out with village aunties," Taran responded. Shim shifted his focus to Richie and Shim, seeking their input.

As Shim looked at Richie and Shim, he realised that they were as clueless about the accidents and deaths as Taran. Taking a deep breath, he decided to share what he knew, hoping to shed some light on the mysterious events surrounding the haunted factory.

New novel gives me feedback should I continue or not

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