
Chapter Three: The Chase

Demo went back to the jail and into the place Maso's cell. He took out a magnifying glass and checked the prison. He looked at the hole.

"It seems like the sheet of paper slid through this tiny hole, and the helpers should be coming from the nearby forest," Demo murmured.

After that, Demo went out. He found a ladder, and he went up the roof. The Demo saw a branch of a tree nearby had a crack. He also saw footprints on the branch and ceiling.

Demo told himself, "if I followed the crack or footsteps in the forest, I should be lead to the place where the guys that rescued Maso stopped or their headquarters."

Straight away after Demo thought of that, he ran out and went to the forest. He did see some parts that had a sign of being stepped. The Demo followed the lightly shown track. He followed it under a tree and saw half-dried blood drops and a bloody handkerchief on the ground.

Demo thought, "there must be someone injured badly when escaping the jail."

Demo picked it up, then kept walking but suddenly noticed that the footprint had stopped in front of a tall tree. He started to climb it. He saw some sign of grapple hooks.

After reaching the top, Demo saw ropes connected to each tree, so he walked on them and went on them. He followed the rope. But a few trees later, the rope was gone. There were no footprints on the ground.

Demo thought, "why has the trail stopped here? Does this mean they have started to be cautious? But why is that? Could it be that their base is nearby"

Demo went highly cautious right now. He knew the enemy base was nearby, so there must be guards or traps nearby. Demo wasn't that confident about passing through the traps and guards, so he called the police just in case he got trapped or got caught. So then the police that came could help him or at least rescue him. But if lucky, the police can catch the entire Red Bulls civilization. He also told the police that please search for any clue that was left on the trail.

After that was done, he walked quietly and softly as he could. Demo looked carefully at the ground. He saw red-colored, glittering, stuff he picked it up. Then he smells it. Suddenly he noticed it was sleeping medicine, but before he could put it down. He fell asleep.