
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


" his Highness is so kind for inviting us to such a special place " linda said looking outside the carriage

"I think this is another test to pick his future queen" rose muttered " which I know will be me of course "

" I doubt that " rose hiss but my eyes remain close ignoring their useless chatter because Edward words still ring in my head as a smile broke in my lips, I can't wait to head back and meet him.

" we are here " the coachman yell enough for us to hear, rose rush down so did linda and I finally did, my gaze roam around the whole place.

Just as it have been rumored, this place is beautiful and awfully big " don't just stand there " lord delun voice brought me back to reality before we followed him into the theater.

I planned on sitting far away from Lord delun but his hands hold mine, taking me by surprise " milord?" I glare at him but that didn't stop him from forcing me to seat next to him which made me gain glares from my sister, linda sit at his other side placing delun in the middle.

Pulling my hands out of his, I stare at his face in the dark room, always calm and collected and here I am, fear clouding my vision, averting my gaze I focus them on the play being acted on the stage.

Within no time I was so interested in the act, the girl cheated on her husband with his brother. The twist and everything was so interesting and by the time her husband kill her and himself I couldn't help when a tear drop from my eyes.

" that was so emotional " rose mumble while shaking her head, people are beginning to leave the theater so did we but before I could step into the carriage with my sisters lord delun hold my hand, stopping me once again.

" Ride with me " turning around I stare at him " come " pulling me with him, I stare at my sisters and know they are all angry.

" lord delun, I don't wish to ride with you " I try pulling my hands out of his but he won't accept it " pick someone else "

" no " he pull me close to his body " it is you I want " his dark eyes stare at me and I shudder from the pain he is inflicting around my wrist, things aren't going well as planned.

Getting into the carriage I made sure I sit far away from him, my hands clench around my dress. Silence engulf us and the intensity of his stare is alarming.

I don't want to be anywhere close to this man, he is dangerous and it doesn't sit well with me " Christina" his voice rang in my ears as he called my name, lifting my head I stare at him " why do you fear me "

His question took me off guard " because I don't like you and your eyes fear me, it's has dark as your heart " where is this courage coming from " who knows, you might be the devil himself "

I watch a smile rise in the corner of his lips " I see, do not fear Christina, am not the devil, he is more evil than I am" he look through the window and I swallow, he is agreeing he is evil " but then edward doesn't scare you do he, in fact he intrigue you " my eyes widen from his question, how did he know about Edward " and am sure the letters made you smile " his dark eyes meet mine again " it gave you hope you will leave here, didn't it "

" he does " delun eyes suddenly become dull, it look so dark that anyone will be frighten and the anger in those eyes is terrifying" I met him before you and will always... " within a blink of an eye he is sitting next to me and his fingers on my lips to shut me up.

" when am around I won't wish to hear another man name from your mouth " he place his head on my neck and I flinch " you don't need to wait three days before knowing that it is you I want " I could feel him inhale my scent as if calming his nerves before withdrawing.

" I will never be yours "

" then watch your sisters die " why is he picking me, I thought linda intrigue him and he look at her always smiling, why does it have to be me! " I will never love you" I have to make it clear to him.

" time will tell little white" he caress my cheek while I close my eyes from irritation " you will learn to love me just as I do " opening my eyes I stare at this man.

This man that won't let me be, this man that makes my heart best from fear, from irritation.

" we are here milord " hearing the coachman voice I shove delun aside before running out of the carriage and into the palace straight to my chamber, why is this happening now.

Arriving in my chamber, I sit on my bed, knowing fully well my sisters will accuse me of stealing the spotlight, stealing their dear lord delun from them...if only they know that marriage is not my thing

If only they knew how I wish for Linda or rose to be picked instead of me, I hate it here, I don't want to remain here, all I wish to do is to go back to Edward, to be in his arms.

Is it a crime for me to be happy?

Delun stare at her running, his hands squeeze at his side, her scent is so intoxicating that all I need is to hug her all day and inhale her scent " milord " turning around I stare at ling who bow his head " shufen have been arrested and is placed in the dungeon awaiting your orders.

" I will be there " watching ling move away I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding, maybe this shufen will be the right person to vent my anger on " your Highness " linda voice made me turn around " thank you once again for this opportunity "

" hmm " ignoring her I head to the direction of the dungeon, the whole place dark with smell of blood all over " where is he "

" right here milord " standing I stare at shufen, his both hands chain together and one thing I know about wolfs is that they hate chains " what do you want" his blue eyes meet mine and I merely chuckle.

" what do you think I want shefun" I groan stepping into the cage " you killed my kind and that is something I don't take likely, all I want is for you to tell me who sent you "

" you know vampires aren't allowed in the west empire but yet you sent them there, what do you think I will do, ask them for a tea "

" hmm" I stare down at him " tea might have work and you won't be in this situation "

" you won't be able to rule all empire, you are already leading the north and east" shefun groan " this will only create war "

" hmm, is that your last word "


" It is where I come from " gripping his throat out of his neck blood gush out of his body " what a mess"

Yawning I stretch my hands and legs after waking up, my gaze move to my sisters who has already dressed up but starring at me strangely " what's wrong " standing up linda move towards my direction, saying nothing she slap me hard across the face.

" how dare you try taking the king away from me, you even ride with him!!" Another slap took me unaware as rose step forward.

" father told you to stay behind and then you try stealing the spotlight " linda groan at me and I quickly step back holding my burning cheeks, mother always told me not to fight with them and I won't " oh, you have nothing to say now"

Rose step forward and push me back, resulting in me falling down on my butt " don't you dare come for breakfast, you bastard daughter! "

Watching them walk out I hug my knee to my self and cry, is it right to let them treat me as a servant always, I never ask the king to take interest in me.

Standing up I clean my tears, change to a simple dress, tie my hair in a low ponytail before heading to the physician workplace " Lancelot?? " opening the door I smile when my gaze meet his.

" milady" he bow his head for few seconds before lifting them back up " why are you here so early in the morning "

" some treatment for my cheek, is burning red you see " I watch his grey eyes move to my cheek and his eyes widen

" come milady, I have the perfect ointment for that " nodding I move to the bed, take my seat while he apply the ointment on my face.

" I was hoping you could show show me around here" he nod, still looking calm and focus " are they any servant here, haven't seen one "

" of course milady, they are in the south part of the palace, only come here as early as four to clean up the whole place then head back for other arrangement "

" it means this place is huge " he step back and nod to my word and once again lick his awfully long canines like its his favorite thing to do " were you born with canines as long as that " his red eyes met mine and chuckle before nodding.

" yes milady but I choose to refer them as fangs "

" so that you feel like a vampire huh "

" yes milady "

" understandable "

" this way milady " I watch him open a door I didn't notice was in the room, following him in, i stare at the whole place, people placed in a huge container, water in it and closed, its everywhere.

My gaze move around, they look harmless, standing I stare at a man, his blond hair incredibly long, lips parted, eyes closed floating in water " what are these "

" those milady are lycanthropes"

" what's a lycanthrope "

" you can say Wolfe's "

" that's funny " I watch him shrug " come on milady, I have something else to show you "

" coming " my gaze move back to the suppose wolf, he look a little hurt, stepping closer I place my hand on the glass container, tracing his lips, nose then eyes. Leaning closer his eyes suddenly pop open receiving a gasp from me as I quickly step back.

Pair of yellow eyes look at me " milady!!!" I didn't waste time before running to catch up with Lancelot as we pass through yet another door " this where I work "

Looking around, different herbs are planted everywhere making the place look beautiful and healthy " I have a question Lancelot "

" what is it milady "

" why are people placed in glass containers, isn't it scary and wrong, I mean this is a place to treat people right?" his gaze didn't meet mine as he continue mixing herbs together.

" no milady, they are not scary nor is it wrong " he kept his gaze down " those people aren't worthy of your sentiment milady and no, this is my office, the rooms for treatment are separated" he finally look at me and smile but I can't help to think that its wrong.

" are they dead?" I couldn't help but asked, those yellow eyes still planted in my brain.

" yes milady " his answer made me question myself if I really saw him open those eyes " I thought milady wish to learn something " I quickly nod " help me with the herb over their while we make medicine to cure poison "

" yes sir " laughing I hand it over to him and within no time, work continue and I learn few things before heading out and made him promise to take me to the south place to see the servants and how many they are before returning home.

Lord delun voice came back to me, he pick me which only means I won't see Edward anymore. I will have to find another way to get out of this place.

Looking up I didn't notice that the sun has already gone to sleep, I spent a whole day learning about herbs and didn't even feel hungry.

Kicking some stones I continue looking around the palace, the building still looking a little too ancient, my gaze move to a stairs have never seen this place before, is it forbidden, it looks dark up there.

after a long contemplating I decide to climb the stairs I lift my dress a little bit high to fasten my steps, I felt someone touch my back, turning around I frown since no one is in sight but before I could move forward, it feels like someone push me back, resulting in me missing a step.

What surprise me most is that, they is nobody around the stairs but still yet, I felt the push.

Closing my eyes I wait patiently to feel the pain but it never came, my brain finally register someone hands around my waist and my hands clenching tight on the person shirt.

When did I turn around to hold him this way?

Lifting my gaze from his chest, I meet pair of dark eyes, his lips curve in a smile like he is holding the most precious thing in the world " right into my arms little white"

Leonard stood beside delun, shocked to see the happy expression on his face, he has known delun for centuries and its the first time he holds something so gently and smiling like they is no problem in the world while the young princess look so scared and irritated to have his hands around her.

His old friend has finally find his better half, is just a matter of time before she realize she is loving the wrong man " excuse me " with that Leonard walk away leaving the two alone.