
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


I remain calm in the carriage, saying more to my sisters will only bring more insults towards my mother, the fact we have different mother's have always been disadvantage to me, even my father hates me for my mother crimes which no longer bothers me.

Looking outside the window I sigh deeply, after mother's death things haven't been going as planned and now father has sent us off to the north empire of all kingdom to get married.

Lord delun is Known to be kind, oddly peaceful and handsome, yes that's what rumor says about him but still yet, only few people know what his face actually look like.

It was also rumored how he conquer the east and west empire when the war break out and now father is trying to form an alliance with him to prevent war from knocking on his door.

This will be Lord delun first marriage and the woman will hold the title of his first wife " the kingdom is beautiful Linda" rose mumble eagerly the moment the carriage pass through the gates into the kingdom and she was right.

All the house were built with keen interest, no huts or bushy buildings, must be why people call this the heavenly kingdom " this must be my future" Linda smile " I have full faith I will be Lord delun wife "

" Then where will I be?" Rose furrow her brows " you obviously don't think he will choose you over me?"

" Either way the moment he see this cursed lady, he might change his mind from marrying any of us " they both glare my way and I avoid their gaze.

" Is not like am interested or anything" mumbling I remain silent through out the ride while listening to their wish and argument on who will win the lord heart.

" Linda come on, hurry up and step down" rose impatient voice could be heard from afar the moment the carriage came to a halt.

After they step down I didn't move with haste or anything related to that, I step down slowly and remain standing, my gaze fixed on the dragon sculpture placed on the palace entrance at the top.

The whole place look unique and a little ancient " milady " the man who is probably the butler mumble, drawing my attention " your sister are already in the palace, you're needed there "

" Of course " faking a smile, I lift my dress then step into the palace to meet them speaking with a red hair man, could that be Lord delun?

Approaching them, I notice their smiles but his face remain emotionless " my Lord will be here soon, he asked me to show you three to the dining room " we all nod before walking behind him but my eyes was on something else, the picture in the hallway, a man biting a woman neck while naked on bed.

Is he commiting murder or it's also involved in the act of love making? " We are here " the red hair man pushed open the door, revealing a huge dining room and we didn't hesitate to step in, moving closer I stare at the golden table, Lord delun has to be very rich to afford this.

" Please take your seat " a deep voice alerted us, we turn around to meet pair of dark eyes, dark eyes should be normal but it has a hint of red at the middle, tiny which made it different from others.

" Milord " bowing our head he chuckle, his laugh smoothing to the ears.

" I hope I didn't keep such beautiful princess waiting " lifting my head I watch him carefully, even when speaking so calm and inviting they is no smile on his face " be seated " this time around he repeated the word with command which made me realize that he hates repeating words.

Doing as he said, he also seat down while the red hair man stood at his side " I hope Leonard didn't cause fear with his emotionless expression"

" Of course not milord " Linda beat rose to it, smile on her face as she mumble " he was rather gentle "

" Hmmm" I watch him sip from the glass place in front of him, it looked like wine but thick, if am not mistakenly I will say it's too thick to be wine " go ahead, introduce yourself"

Linda stand to her feet then speak" Am Linda Dakota, the eldest daughter to the king of south " her hands move to push back the strand of hair disturbing her vision, placing them behind her ear " my hobbies are embroidery, singing, dancing and cooking"

" You cook? " The lord seem surprise " that's a good wife material then " this however brought smile to Linda face.

Rose stand to her feet, she has always been the shy and scared one, her body tremble before she even began " am rose Dakota, the second eldest daughter to the king of south" her eyes remain on the floor " I have no hobbies" she clench her fist as she admit that, repeating what Linda said won't do good to her after all.

Shrugging I totally forgot it was my turn to introduce my self, the moment my gaze meet with Lord delun, I rise to my feet " am Christina Dakota, the last daughter of king of south " I mumble, trying to keep it all calm " my hobbies are sleeping, eating and embroidery" I could notice Linda and rose stare but I just couldn't stop staring at Lord delun.

" Sleeping?" He repeat my word then smile.

No one ever mention how handsome he is, He had a concrete jaw, a Titan's shoulders, his eyes were almond shaped and dark with touch of red and those lips.

I would say he is sinfully handsome.

Delun remain seated while he listen to their way of introducing themselves but then the way her eyes remain on mine caught my attention, white hair and blue eyes.

These are attributes that's impossible for a human child to have " what's your name again ?" I mumble, placing my interest on her.

" Christina my Lord " she bow her head and I frown at that, not directly to her but to myself, I find myself smiling at her act of fake respect, I frown at the fact that am thinking of how to make her to keep talking " Leonard"

" Milord "

" Show them to their chamber " I mumble, they all stare at me while I rise to my feet " I assume you ladies will be tired from the journey, have your beauty sleep and then tomorrow we will kick off from where we stop "

" As you wish milord" Linda and rose mumble but Christina on the other hand remain quiet.

" Is something the matter Christina" I move towards her direction and to my surprise she step back, her eyes fill with emergency to avoid my approach.

" Am okay milord, forgive my stupid behavior" she bow her head and once again I smile at that, looking at Leonard I nod and he did as I say.

Placing my hand at my back I watch them leave, within ten minutes Leonard was back " milord you look rather disturbed "

" Hmm"

" Is it the princesses, do they disgust you ?" He asked " do you wish for me to eliminate them just like the last one "

Moving to my throne room, Leonard walk beside me " on the contrary Leonard" I mumble " I seem to have taken a liken to the dull one"

" You mean Christina"

I nod " I receive no file concerning her" stopping at the hallway I look at him " I will like for you to do some digging concerning her for me "

"of course my Lord" he muttered " what do you think we should do with the others" walking down the hall way, Leonard follow behind me.

" Let them enjoy the three days and after that do cut off their heads"

" As you wish milord"

" Tell me more about the war on ground " arriving at my throne room, I sit down and Leonard speak on " the king of danba appears to be more serious about the war, he believes people need to not fear you milord "

" When is this war "

" In five days time "

" Great, I do not wish to keep my future wife alone after traveling so far to see me " smiling, Leonard couldn't help but to ask.

" It seem that this Christina has some luck with her for her to capture your Stony heart "

Nodding my head, I just couldn't forget the way she look at me with fear, how those blue eyes glitter with fear " she sure does"