
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Stepping away from him I watch his brows furrow before coming back to its normal position " little white, are you lost??" He asked and I look around the place then shook my head.

" no lord delun I...." Before I continue, my stomach grumble leaving me embarrassed with a red cheek " I...I.. I should go " turning around delun hands holding mine stop me from moving, I could hear his footsteps as he approach me and wrap his hands around my waist taking me off guard " your Highness! " I half yell but he didn't bulge instead he rest his head on my neck inhaling my scent.

" be mine " his voice husky against my skin, no one has ever touch me like this, not even Edward " lord delun please let go of me " struggling out of his grasp I turn around and look at him, my heart beating fast.

" come Christina, dine with me " he didn't wait for my respond before pulling me with him somewhere else, I didn't try to struggle since it won't take me anywhere " I will never hurt you, stop being scared of me " he stopped walking then stare at me " I hate it when your heart beat loudly with fear "

" it will always beat that way when am around you " I said frowning at him " I can eat alone " successfully pulling my hands out of his, his eyes seem to have turned even more dark.

I watch his hands cover his face then growl silently " come " this time his voice fill with such command that my heart almost jump from fright, he turn around and walk into a particular room. Completing on going away I shook my head, the voice he use earlier show how serious he is.

Entering the room I look around the place, a small table placed there with just two chairs then sun flowers everywhere " do you like it " delun voice made me turn left to his direction while I slowly nod my head.

" it is beautiful " I respond and watch his lips curve into a smile " am glad, I prepared it for you " his words took me by surprise, why will he do such a thing for me.

He pull a chair out for me and I sit down gingerly " am not happy here " I said staring at the plate placed in front of me " I want to go home, back to...." Before I could call Edward name I remember that delun hates it when I speak of other people but then I don't care if it hurt him " back to Edward"

He sit down then stare at me, his face still calm and collected " eat" he said opening my food, I stare at the crab placed there, it will be hard to break off the outer layer. Grabbing the chop stick I hit the crab with all my might, venting my anger on it.

Delun watch her with surprise in his eyes, her face fill with annoyance while she vent everything on the dead crab, even while angry she still look ravishing and innocent. My gaze move to her right cheek.

Frown creep into my face, standing up I move towards her, turn her face to my direction then touch her both cheek only to gain a gasp of pain from her " who did this to you!" I could feel my blood boiling " who dare touch you like this " her innocent blue eyes fill with fear at my outburst.

" I...I...fell " she stammer pushing my hands from her face " is nothing "

" don't lie to me Christina" I stare at her " your sisters did this to you am I right" no response came from her " linda and rose isn't it" Christina shook her head " consider your sisters dead "

" lord delun, is not my sisters fault" Christina small hands hold mine from moving " i fell down "

Closing my eyes I inhale but my body won't stop trembling, blood need to spill, turning around I stare at Christina before pulling her close to my body to inhale her scent.

Her scent is the kind you get after a heavy drop of rain, the only scent that seem to have the ability of calming me " lord delun " she try struggling from my hold but I won't let her " mine " is this what a love can do to a person, only the thought of her leaving will make me run mad and someone dare to lay a finger on her!

I don't care if she hate me forever, all I know is that she isn't leaving my side, Never.

This is definitely the last night Linda and rose will have, I mean it when I said consider them dead and even if I don't kill her sisters I will hurt them real bad.

" milord " Leonard voice echo in the garden room as jiao successfully jump out of my arms, turning around I glare at him " am sorry milord but there is a problem in the dungeon "

" dungeon?? " ignoring Christina words I nod at Leonard as he bow then walk away " you have a dungeon " I met her eyes fill with curiosity.

" hmm " walking close to her my gaze shift to her plate and notice she haven't eaten anything " eat little white, I want you to earn a little pound "

" Am not hungry "

" I will feed you"

Christina watch him cut a little meat out of her crab with his finger then position them close to her mouth " open " swallowing I open my mouth, my face still fill with anger, he shove his three fingers into my mouth and I didn't miss the opportunity to bite then along with the meat.

" shit" he groan while I smile mischievously, watching him pull his fingers out, he dip those fingers into his mouth, eyes not leaving mine then moan making my face grow red.

This man is shameless " eat and sleep little white" he kiss me in the forehead before leaving me alone, he didn't even say anything about the bite I gave him.

Sitting down I quickly finish up my meal and hurry out of the room, looking around I decided to stroll in the palace before going to bed, my feet took me to a empty hall while I keep moving ahead, screams caught my attention as I keep following the sound to find out what's happening.

" milady" someone hands pull me back right when I was about to take a u turn " what are you doing here " turning around my hands move to my chest relieved as its just Lancelot.

" I was strolling around and..." He shook his head stopping me " come, I will take you to your chamber. You shouldn't be here "

" but I heard screams Lancelot, someone might be in a problem "

" you're too kind milady " Lancelot look at me with pity " in this cruel world no one should be like you " that's all he said before pulling me out of there to my chamber and his words keep repeating in my head.

I couldn't get enough sleep last night because of everything that has been happening to me, Lancelot words, that lycanthrope eyes that open even when he is dead, Edward letter and delun confession.

Today is the day he pick who he wish to get married to, am scared he will pick me? He did say I should be his, what if he pick linda and ask me to be his concubine.

Will he do such things?? No right, he won't pick me, he has to be joking when he said all those words. Please he should be joking, clenching my hands on my pillow I hug it to my body while my sisters look eager to meet the king.

" I think he will pick you linda, he barely talk to me" rose mumble making linda look happy and excited " don't worry sister, when I become the queen I will have suitable man for your marriage " they hug each other and throw glares my way.

Standing up I drag my feet to get ready, pick a dull yellow mix with green colour dress then tie my hair in a low ponytail didn't even bother with make up or a lip gloss.

Looking at my reflection I look helpless and sad, this is the way I will be looking if I get married to this king, sad and lonely " Christina hurry up, make sure you pick up your bags " linda yell and I roll my eyes.

" make sure to pick up your bag" repeating her words I chuckle as a tear drop from my eyes, little do they know that am not leaving this cage the king has thrown me into.

Cleaning my tears I inhale and exhale before walking out of the room and for the first time I saw servants standing and looking through the doors of the dining room.

" the king will pick a queen today " one of them mumble.

" nonsense, the king will rather turn them to maids. Don't you remember what happened to feng "

" this might be different be...." They stop talking when their gaze met mine then quickly bow their heads, smiling I walk pass them into the dining room but the king is yet to appear.

Pulling a chair out I sit down gingerly " where are your bags??" Linda look at me and for the first time in my life I furrow a brow at her " shut up linda " I could see shock in her eyes but she have no idea what am going through right now.

Linda stood up so did I " what did you just say to me "

" I said shut it " by the end of my sentence I receive a slap to my cheek and this time I didn't hesitate before slapping her back with force and anger.

" Christina!" Rose groan looking shock " how could you lay hands on her "

" how could I??" I step forward " I have been enduring you for a long time and am tired of doing that, maybe my mother couldn't stand up for herself when your mother burn her alive" a tear threaten to drop " am not my mother and I won't let anyone step on me anymore "

" you!!" Before rose hands could touch my cheek I caught them mid way and push her back " you're just jealous the king will pick linda, how foolish "

" am actually hoping he picks hers" turning around the door open and the three of us bow our head to show respect, my cheek must have turn red again " your Highness " lifting our heads delun stood there not smiling nor frowning.

His face expressionless, his short dark hair neatly comb and if am right I could see anger in his eyes but just for a few seconds " I have to say, meeting you girls was fun, right Leonard"

" yes milord "Leonard replied

he step forward, I look at linda and watch her smile because he happen to be walking to her direction, will he pick her?? Oh please he should pick her " linda" he push her hair behind her ear " just has they say, you are indeed beautiful "

" am flattered milord " she bow her head then rise it back up " but am afraid you did not pick my interest linda" I watch linda face turn to that of a ghost, a confused one.

" but your Highness I...." Delun lift his hands up shutting her " did I ask you to speak " linda step back then shook her head " rose, what can I say. You are ugly and unworthy of my touch "

My two sisters look shock and confused, delun gaze met mine and I shudder from just the intensity of his gaze " little white" he walk closer to me, place his hands on my waist and kiss my neck gently, a gasp came out of everybody mouth including mine.

I stood shocked not moving, everybody knows that a kiss on the neck shows possession and intimacy between the two, I could feel him swirl his tongue as if trying to taste me before withdrawing, my hands unconsciously move there, covering where he just kissed" lord delun "

I step back, his lips curve in a smile " your Highness how could you pick a bastard daughter over me, what do this thing have that I don't " linda groan looking angry and upset " it should he me not her "

" hmm" delun move close to her and hold her chin making their eyes remain on each other "what should I do with someone that hurt my heart linda"

" punish the person " she answered making me smile " what kind of punishment should I give to this certain person " letting go of her chin she look at me confused as to why am asking such questions.

" I don't know milord "

" let me show you " before she could blink her eyes I slap her across the face, blood gush out of her mouth as she fall to the floor, I might have broken some of her facial bones " you see, slapping little white is like slapping my heart linda, you should be thankful you're still alive only because Christina will be upset if I kill you"

Tears drop from linda eyes " she is a bastard daughter, a dirty woman daughter and you prefer her "

" it seem am too friendly with you " before I could take another step towards her, little white small hands holding mine stop me from what I plan on doing " what is it my love "

" My love!!!" The servants voice made me frown towards their direction as they run away, looking back at little white, her whole face already red down to her neck.