
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Christina remain seated in her room, eyes placed at the window as she stare at Mr Edward, using her hands she move her hair behind her ear and sign out, she couldn't break the gaze placed on him, how he stand firm while speaking to father, how his lips move " milady!" Hearing Josephine voice didn't mean much to me, she knew fully well my feeling towards Mr Edward.

Josephine is my friend after all " terrible news milady " hearing that, I couldn't help but to turn around and watch how to catch her breath.

" What is it "

" It seem that the king is arranging a marriage between this kingdom and the north "

" What do you mean?" Asking her I watch her closely.

" Your father plan to send you three to the north empire milady, for Lord delun to make his pick "

" That's preposterous" looking at how certain she is I remain quiet, this doesn't mean much to me, I know I won't be picked, everyone has always treated me differently after all " leave me "

" Yes milady " Josephine feet fade away and my eyes move back to Edward who is now standing alone, he look worried and sad " how can I calm him " I mumble more to myself then breath out.

A marriage between the north will mean so much to father, the alliance will help strengthen his army. The north empire is known for how strong they are, they is rumor that the lord there does dark magic.

Though that is a rumor I care less for just like how people care less for me, being born into a human word with white long hair and blue eyes is regarded as a witch and because of that, no matter how many Lord approach this palace, none of them seem to pick interest in me except Mr Edward, father's personal advisor.

He is the only one that has tried to know me, that have showed me what love is but still yet the word marriage and reproduction irritates me.

I fully know it shouldn't, I mean a woman is to grow, marry then reproduce....that's what I grow up believing but I still doubt it, if men can do more then why can't I try it.

" Stop thinking Christina" Linda walk into the room, her dark hair tied in a high ponytail while she put on her night dress, being the second eldest she has this sense of responsibility of checking on me before sleeping " it will do you no good "

" Why are you here Linda "

" Christina"

" I wish to be alone "

" You can't keep up this attitude for long "

" Why do you care " I growl not liking her presence one bit " is not like you care about me "

" You know fully well we will be moving to the north empire tomorrow" she mumble " I want to make sure you are okay, I know how much you hate the thought of marriage"

Refusing to meet her gaze I mumble " I wish you and sister rose will leave without me, is not like he will pick me or anything "

" It was father choice to involve you not mine " she finally show half of her real colour " stop pouting and set few clothes for the journey " and with that she step out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Remaining seated I squeeze my hands together, knowing fully well I do not have a choice but to go to the north empire tomorrow.

The sound of my door opening made my irritation increase " I told you to let me be" I growl not bothering with turning around, the silence that followed made me frown.

Turning around I watch Edward standing close to the door, a grin on his face while he fold his hands " Edward? I didn't know....." He nod shutting me off.

I watch him slowly shut the door before he move closer, his brown hair combed neatly, those grey eyes that watch me carefully, it still amaze me how tall he is, probably 6'7ft.

" You seem displease milady " sitting on my bed he smile " what could be bothering you "

"The marriage" I mumble " for some reason am worried "

" That's reasonable, you're a beautiful lady, Lord delun might be interested" he frown at the words he spoke " and am even more worried about that fact "

" Edward?"

" I wish I could take you far. Christina " he look at me with so much sadness in his eyes " I fear if you go you might not return "

" Am sure Lord delun won't choose me, I am after all not as beautiful as my sister's " my words however did not put him at ease " Edward "

" Come with me milady " he stand to his feet and stretch forth his hand for me to place mine in " I wish to spend few hours with you "

" What if father sees "

" Fear not, he is asleep " nodding my head at his words I stand up then place my hands in his, he hold mine gently before taking me outside my chambers to the hallway where we stand and stare at the stars and moon " tell me Christina" his gaze move to meet mine " do you think you will return or I should speak to your father concerning the marriage "

" I will return " smiling I look at the sky " have the stars ever leave the moon alone to shine?"

" No "

His respond made me smile " that's how I will never leave you alone, trust me when I tell you that I will return to you" the rest of the evening was spent the way I liked it, we talked and hug, that's the highest contact we have made.

Hug and nothing else, sometimes I wonder if he really wants me and the moment I fall asleep I dream, dream of him but this time around he was gone after split second, another man appear, someone with dark hair, grinning widely.

" My lady!" Josephine voice wake me up from the dream, sweats could be seen on my forehead " milady I believe it's time to leave, your sisters are waiting along side your father "

" Why didn't you wake me up sooner" standing up I rush into the bathing room, did the necessary, stepping out, Josephine and other maids help in my clothes and makeup which I asked them to over do it.

I want Lord delun to see me as a spoilt brat that knows nothing, having them do as I said I stand to my feet then move to the throne room, my two sisters stare at me, it was clearly obviously they are trying to hide their laughter which means my makeup is perfect.

Sitting next to them I take in their appearance, Linda the oldest is dressed in a long body fitted red dress, her lips coloured with glittering red, little makeup, gloves in her hands and her hair lose down to show case more of her beauty.

Rose on the other hand chose to put on a green simple dress, cleavage on display, her brown hair placed in a bun with beautiful pins, I couldn't help but to smile at them.

They look more tempting than me and that's what I wish to happen " Christina explain yourself" father growl " is this what the maids did for you? You should have mention how lacking they are and I will have them punished "

" No father, I choose to go this way "

" Your makeup is horrible" he growl " I will not have you ruin my family name, go back to your chambers and wash them off "

" But...."

" Now " standing up I bow my head before moving back to my chamber, I took my time in washing them off, clean my face before applying lip gloss, I stare at myself in the mirror, I still look horrible, so it's alright.

Moving back to the throne room, father asked us to behave ourself before sending us away in the carriage, the ride was peaceful until rose open her mouth " why did you have to apply too much makeup?" She sneered at me " do you think we need to make you ugly before he acknowledge us "

" That's not ....."

" Your actions made what rose said right " Linda mumble calmly, her gaze meet mine " they is no way he will pick you, you're the cursed child after all " her words made me frown " get off your fake heels and know your place "