
Chapter 3

Della screams out loud again for the sixth time again this week at exactly midnight except that the scream stopped too early this time guessing it's not those her usual nightmares with tears in her eyes she can see her dad make a hush sign to her but she could still feel the sharp pain from her parts and the bleeding was definitely not the normal ones she just turned 9 and it definitely can't be the menstrual blood her teachers had talked about. Did she just hallucinate that her dad had just laid with her or it's really a reality she pinch's herself and realized that her dad just asked her to stand up so he can clean her up with the calmness in his voice and her dizziness she feels like she is gonna fall if she stands up but her Dad choose to clean her up and he asked her to come closer to him so he can tell her another story so she can go to bed and it's just one of her nightmares again like being intoxicated

It's the third time but Della knows that this particular time the pain is there to stay

It's just another day of March 19th and Della is having fun being 10 and all her friends are around and then her dad walks up to her and says he is sorry about what happened last night as it was one of those nights that was hard for her again as it has become a regular thing as he keeps touching her in ways that are meant to be like he was touching her mom it's so obvious that's it's no longer a nightmare the pain Della feels every night that was exactly her Dads doing the all perfect Mr Lawrence the one that doesn't give two fucks where she was involved no joking around when it was her case but this man seem to be the one to hurt her in ways that she won't be able to ever share.

She just said it's fine to her father and had fun with her friends and acted like what he had said didn't really matter and it's just one of those days that she got all the sweetness from her dad and that day ended with all the gifts and applauds she got as she came out with the best grades and she got another medal for being the most outspoken and talented student of the year in her school and reasons why other parents choose to come over to her birthday with different gifts and the radiant smile in Della's face is always a beautiful thing to see something as beautiful as a blooming Rose the dark skin like that of the purest chocolate that's to be found on earth with the most seductive eyes that no older lady possessed everyone think she got her beauty cut off from her mother's own just that she got a darker skin and the beauty is incomparable and the way she displays her intelligence amongst her peers is definitely different because she seemed to be the most grown and she is just ten currently known as her father's favorite and well known as his wife because there's no where you found Mr Lawrence and you wouldn't meet Della there mainly called his successor and just two years now since her mother had given birth Josephine and left again this time with half of her fathers wealth and all the money she could get her hands on before she ran away for the third time and just when Della was becoming a young girl that needs to start talking to one of her parents now all she has is this her father that takes every moment he has to touch her and molest her and ask her not to tell anyone.

As Della keeps being the introvert she has always been until there's a quiz competition or her father asks for her childish opinion on his jobs.