
Deliverance Death March

-KILL THE HONKAI- -THIS IS YOUR DUTY- No matter what, the Honkai has to fall. Even at the cost of innocents... And even if you're not anymore in your world.

Albusmanc · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Demon Problems

A strong light made him close his eyes, but he continued to walk until new sounds emerged from all around him...

People were screaming, and a strong smell of blood entered his nostrils.

In front of him, a girl of about seventeen years was kneeling, completely exhausted. In the distance, he could see people coming towards him...


The girl was almost going to pass out, but she refused to do so, and she started to talk to her. The only problem was that she was using a language he didn't know. And it was surprising because, in all of his years, he learned how to talk in all the major continental languages...

The girl was at her wit's ends, but she got up and walked towards him, presenting a pale green ring, engraved with a few symbols.

He took it and put it on her right index finger. The moment he did so, a strange clarity pervaded his mind, and the words he didn't know before acquired a meaning.

"-Please help us!"


Yuriko Lumork POV

Eight times, this is the time I performed this ritual. Thanks to my unique skill, I can summon people from other worlds.

But, not everything reflects one's desire. The Saga Empire perform another summoning ritual to call Heroes from different worlds, and they work well. Everyone who came gets at least the title of <Hero> and came at level 50, with a few unique skills given to them by the Goddess Parion, and different extra skills like [Self-Status] and [Status Check], or even [Item Box]

But mine's different. Seven times I hoped to summon someone at least with great potential to help my kingdom, and I failed every time. The first and the second got executed during their arrival, as they didn't talk our language and the knights killed them because they were screaming and running towards my brother the king. One got eaten by a monster the night he was summoned, and another one hung herself after discovering that she couldn't return to her world.

My only successful attempts were the two kids that are now with my niece behind me, but they didn't possess anything outstanding.

I promised myself that I wouldn't try anymore as even the only people I summoned, I kidnapped from their peaceful world with their comfort and brought them to our war-filled one. They don't know the customs, they can't chase their dreams, and even their looks that were regarded as beautiful in their respective words were now scorned as ugly.

I promised that I wouldn't use it anymore... but the oracle came.

The gods warned us of the incoming disaster and that no matter what, we couldn't do anything else...

I am now forty and don't have kids, but my brother gave the order for her children to move to another territory... and he made also a request. I was going to reject it, summoning someone else only for him to be killed was cruel... but I accepted it...

Even if it will not save us, the demons will be attracted to me and the kids will have a greater chance to escape the capital...

And as the person I summoned came into sight and walked towards me, a flame rose in my heart, a flame of hope. The way he walked and the air he possessed made me think that I could have summoned someone strong... someone that could save us... that's why I called for help, that's why I hurriedly gave him the ring...

Hope that got crushed when I used [Status Check] and noticed his level 1...

But at least... I will tell why he would die... at least he will talk to someone before-


Incredibly cold, I didn't even touch him, but his cold was so strong that made me shiver...

"Who... who are you?"

As the knights helped me sit down for a bit, my gaze didn't move from him... I didn't even check his name... and at that exact time, a figure was crushed in the garden away from us.

"Kekeke, here you are, Princess!"

A demon with two wings, about four meters tall, and with a figure of a humanoid with the head of a bear with three great tusks. His yellow body emanates power in waves around him...

A greater demon...

My eyes lost their light... a greater demon is a calamity unkillable without the help of a hero...

But while everyone was ready to give up to despair, a figure walked with a calm unsettling for the situation...

The otherworlder was standing in front of it, and his face bore no emotion...

"Ohoh~ what we have here... our first meal~. Don't worry, you won't suffer much, after all, I have only a little bit of time to play before catching that princess~"

"...You talk too much"

With those few words, the atmosphere froze, and the demon lost his grin.

"Huh, and I was only going to play around for a bit. You caused this yourself, human"

The demon started to chant, a spell from the Fire branch from the red circle.

The otherworlder stood still, like the incoming attack was of little importance before him, with his deep eyes that watching the demon and waiting for the attack, while the atmosphere around him almost frozen-

'Huh, my breath-NO! It isn't the situation, It's really cold now!'

"-◼️◼️◼️-Take this! [Flame Spear]"

The fire magic manifested from the circle, and the spear made its way with astonishing speed, while the man was not moving and in front of him, something sprouted.

'A flower?'

A black flower rose from his feet, and when it collided with the spear, a wave of dust rose.

The demon was smiling, perfectly convinced about his victory.

"Well~, now that the nuisance is gone, It's time for our little princess to come, right~"

His gaze moved towards me, and all the knights took formation, sweat coming down them, all knowing that there was no hope.


Everyone froze, and apart from the fire, only the sound of those footsteps reverberated.


From the cloud of dust, the man came, the same as before, without even a scratch.


He stopped and his deep gaze seemed to unnerve the demon.

"...Have you finished? Now, it's my turn"

With those words, the demon got ready, while the same 'flowers' as before sprouted all around the garden, and the temperature fell even more, and as the 'flowers' grew, I finally uncovered what they truly were.

Ice... Ice was so black that didn't reflect any light and as they grew, I could see the panic forming on the demon.

It started to howl, and recalled to him, the five demons moved towards him...

"You... who the hell are you!? There's no way you are a simple human!!!"

Maybe because of the pressure he felt, his mouth started to spit and he commanded the lower demons to attack.

The first moved in front of the otherworlder, but before punching, in less time than I got to blink, he got encased in the black ice.

The second and third went around him to find a blind spot, but the white-haired man seemed to be perfectly aware of his surroundings, as without even turning his head, they got their lower parts entrapped in ice.

The greater demon completed a spell, a [Wind Blade], a spell that could cut through even trees, but a pillar of ice shielded the man. Not even a scratch.

He growled and started to chant, while the man made a few ice bullets in the air before launching them towards all the demons, killing the two that were entrapped, and hitting an eye and a leg of the other two, while the greater one escaped it.

A few spells were thrown, but all were meaningless in front of him. With a dash, he went and froze over the one slowed down, and launched it towards the last one. In the time he deflected his frozen ally, the man moved his hands and grabbed its face before tearing down and splitting it up in the middle.

Maybe it possessed a regenerative power and the two halves started to squirm, but he covered them in ice for good measure. When no movements were made, he looked towards the greater demon that lost his composure. It started to flap its wings and fly.

"Kuh, you have won the battle, but next time-"

"There won't be a next time"

In a bout of surprise, everyone saw the man flying up and catching the demon on his feet, before throwing it towards a patch of ground free of anyone.


Another cloud of dust got up, but with a movement of his hands, it dispersed, revealing the demon bleeding and with his wings almost cut off. Maybe he possessed great magical skills, but his regenerative power wasn't much, and while he was recovering, he didn't have time to escape or chant something.


The man talked while encasing the demon in ice, causing him to look at him.

"Kevin Kaslana, if there's an afterlife for creatures like you, remember. This is the name of the one that killed you"

The demon's gaze was full of wrath and scorn.


His words were cut off before he could finish them, and the man-Kevin, froze him completely before shattering him into thousands of pieces.

And now, with every demon killed off, Kevin closed his eyes and fell.


Everyone went to inspect him, but there was no visible wound, and there was no more tension in the air.

Because this is how the assault on the capital of the Lumork Kingdom ended.