
Delicious Souls


Dao_of_listless · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

The Start Of An Obsession

Further and further down, the breeze became numbingly cold. I might as well back out and call it a day. I all ready have food and some water given by the system. Just as I was about to leave, from my limited sight I could see an outstretched hand. But it was frozen.

Bringing the fire closer, within the ground I saw a frozen stature. I could only see a partial amount before the soul fire vanished.

I collapsed on the ground and clutched my stomach. My chest seemed to freeze and with a soft touch could it shatter. The ice statue that I previously saw had a fur jacket so I scrambled to the person.

Saying a rushed apology, I ripped off the jacket from him and wrapped it around me. The cold still sinked into my bones but at least I had a shield against the wind.

I dug the ice statue out from the ground and felt his pants. Hurrying to get more warmth, I took the pants from him and put it on myself. It was a bit small but I squished myself in them.

Now I was at least covered considerably. Although without a shirt or undies, I was glad with my adventure. Now it was time to leave.


Or not.

Looking behind me, looked to be a small person. With the dim fire in its hands, it went closer to me. And then I realised that humans wasn't the only humanoid creature in a fantasy world.

From the light of his torch I saw pale green skin, a rusty dagger and rags of cloth.

System? What is that?

[Monster: Goblin (Ice Variant)

Description: An ice goblin is a variant from the normal goblin. Living in freezing temperatures and surviving off almost nothing, they hunt prey using ice magic. They like eating their preys frozen and live in communities]

So this tunnel was a trap!?


And you didn't tell me!?

'This world is all about adventure. And what's adventure without danger!?'

Great, just great...

As the goblin came closer and closer, I shook nervously and tried to conjure another flame. Lighting in my hand, the goblin noticed where I was and started running over.

Breathe in and breathe out...

Breathe in and breathe out...

Now fire!

I threw my flame towards the goblin and was like a gunshot. Invisible to the eye and it killed the goblin instantly.

[Ding! level up!

+ 1 Stat Point

Ding! Soul Fire level up]

I stopped shaking at once. Was that it? Was it just that easy?

'Next time host, I recommend you not to kill it with your soul fire'

Why? Isn't this much better for my survival and much easier to get exp?

'It is, but eating their souls would grant you stat points as well'

Is this one of the fat generals skills? Then how do I do that?

'It is one of the generals skills, one of his most powerful skills. When your enemy dies, a crystal will appear above their head. Grab that and eat it'

Eat it, like...

'Chewing and swallowing'

Simple as that?


I grabbed the goblin's dagger and it torch and looked at the body. It was still, with no movement and no feeling. I couldn't say I loved the feeling, but I couldn't say I wouldn't do it again.

Walking back to the surface, I encountered one more goblin. This one was just like the other, like a small old man but pale green and more ugly.

As I saw me, it swung frantically at me and swished around its dagger. I awkwardly stood back and deflected some stray swings.

Seeing how I could just stab him, I did. Going through all of the goblins defences, if it had any, it pierced through his eyes and straight into its skull. Above it a small crystal shined. It was a blue gem and it looked delicious like something was causing me to feel this way.

'That is your soul. When the generals crystal was absorbed into you, it got absorbed by your crystal. This urge is because of the general's soul, it loves eating souls'

Totally not creepy.

As I drew closer, I snatched the blue crystal and shoved in down my mouth. There was fresh and delicious taste that was sweet and juicy.

[Ding! Gained:

+0.1 Dexterity]

I rubbed my belly in delight. This definitely is better than killing them with my fire.

'I told you'

As I was thinking about the taste and texture, another shriek was heard towards the side and I looked towards the sound. It was another goblin...

I lunged towards it and instantly stabbed it through the head. It's crystal was a blue crystal as well.

[Ding! Gained:

+ 0.1 Dexterity]

I licked my lips and searched for more prey. For once I felt motivated. But it was no surprise, because those souls were delicious!


I might've over done it...

[Nep Rodger lvl 4

Age: 15

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 14.6

Constitution: 16

Magic: 20

Stat Point: 4

Blessing: Golden Phoenix, Ghost Phoenix

Talent: Golden Body lvl 1, Soul Fire lvl 2

Skill: none]