
Delicious Souls


Dao_of_listless · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Feeling Tired

The teacher guided me out of the dungeon and into a small private guest room. She said.

"Stay here and get some rest"

Those eyes, I feel like I've saw them before. Somewhere...


Yes system?

'Are you ok?'

Maybe, just maybe. I just need time.

Time can heal all wounds after all.


"Knock Knock"

The door opened and I strode myself through. His office is as big as I remembered and maybe even a bit more obnoxious. There might be a few more fake trophies on the wall if I recall.

Never mind that but that boy, he needs help. I want him in my class. I don't know but there's something about him that's special. As I entered his office, I also saw on of my students.

"President, Ani"

Both the president and my student Ani turned my way. She looked ever so dead inside and he still looked ever so alive. A pity.

"What brings Class-1B's Miss Delilah here? A date perhaps?"

I scoffed loudly and didn't even hide my disgust.

"No, it's about that boy. The one we encountered on our field trip"

"Yes, what about that boy?"

"I want him in my class!"

President rose an eyebrow as well as Ani who had a hint of amusement.

"And why is that?"



"Yes Ani?"

"I would like to invite that boy into our class as well"

Looking at President his face became frozen. He became tongue tied and didn't know what to say. Ani Orsi, the third daughter of the wealthiest family in the world. Her family has sponsored this academy for many years, if they stop. We might never recover or survive. President can't refute a word she says.

"Ani, I will agree only if this boy can pass the entrance exam like everyone else. He had just missed the exam by a few months but so did many others"

"But, but, but. That's next year! I'll be in a different grade than him!"

"I'm sorry but those are school rules. You can still visit him, plus how would your peers feel. If a random kid had joined their class without requirements whilst they had to go through so much"

Ani looked down in disappointment but nevertheless agreed to the terms.

"Plus, because of William's work we figured out he is only 15 years old. A bit too young for this school"

Me and Ani both were shocked at the news but left his office with acceptance. But there was one thing we could count on, this boy would go to this school...


The bed felt bumpy and coarse, I kept shuffling in the sheets before I couldn't no longer. I got out of bed and on to the couch. I grabbed the remote of the T.V and binged the channels. Surprisingly, this world is very much similar to mine. Except without all the celebrities I know and cartoons that I grew up with. Mostly news and very few marketing channels.

Some news were about outbreaks in the western cities and others were talking about some sort of new species of monsters. Like my old life, I hated watching the news. It just seemed so boring and tiring. Listening to all of the bad news happening around the world, who wants to know that daily?


Thinking about everything, I turned off the T.V and mindlessly stared at the blank screen thinking of nothing. System?

'Yes host?'

Can I do something to train myself whilst doing nothing? I'm too unmotivated to do anything because she said to stay here.

'You can train your mana presence'

What's that?

'A basic skill that almost everyone has. You use it to detect the mana around you and where certain elements are!

Ok then, where do I start?

'Cross your legs in a sitting manner and close your eyes'

I did what it said and sat down on the couch with my eyes closed.

'Now try and find where your energy is from within your body, it can be anywhere. When you do find this energy, concentrate and try to control it'

Energy, energy... My stomach? The fat general's crystal got absorbed from my stomach so maybe that's where my energy is! Focusing on my stomach, I tried to feel anything. There was a small delicate feeling. Like trying to lift water with a broken cup, it would fall out of my grasp the instant it would leave it's area of comfort.

Trying again and again, I had finally managed to slightly control and guide the energy. What now system?

'Now that you can somewhat control your energy, try and push it out of your body like a radar'

Grasping all the energy that I could control, I tried ejecting it out of my body like a wave. First time, I focus too much on the front and the balance destroyed itself. Second time I didn't put enough energy into it and it collapsed by itself. Third time I tried using my hands to guide it put it didn't work and I looked stupid. Fourth time I had finally done it but I couldn't maintain it so the effects diminished before I got any results.

Time and time again, I perfected my mana presence until I got the screen.

[Ding! gained:

Skill: Mana Presence lvl 1

Description: Like a radar, some use it to find and see traces of mana all around them. A perfect scouting tool and very versatile. With this you can see the truths of the universe since everything is mana]

I sighed and groaned in delight. My body ached being in one place for so long so I laid on the couch to sleep. It was much more comfortable and made of leather instead of the hard and rough bed.

My eyelids grew heavy once more and darkness covered my vision. But in the final moments of being conscious, I heard a soft knock on the door before the sound of it opening.

"Nep? You awake?"

I couldn't say much except

"No, I'm feeling a bit tired..."