
Deleted book. Remove from library


Akainu_TheBea5t · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs


I had this idea in my mind for a week and decided to write it. I got it after I lost interest in my story 'Naruto: Root Ninja'.

This is actually my second account. I wanted to write this story there, but decided to write here due to some errors.

I will be posting it there, so if you finish reading till here, you can go to the main one.

I don't know if my story is good or not, as the previous story already had views and collections. That's why I wrote this note.

I wrote this story by modifying another story after I deleted all its chapters and changed the title. I am sorry I did this.

I don't know how to get you guys to my main account, but you can search for the title 'Naruto : Root Ninja'.

Or just search for this story's title 'Death God Of The Multiverse'

Thanks for reading.