
Chapter 1: The Ensnared Bride

Tammy sat at the vanity, her slender figure draped in an exquisite white wedding gown. The delicate makeup on her pale complexion enhanced her elegance, like a budding white lily. Yet, unease flickered in her almond-shaped eyes, hidden beneath a veil of composure.

Only twenty minutes remained until the ceremony, and Tammy anxiously swiped her fingers across her phone screen, desperately awaiting a text message. She had kept her relationship with Todd, her boyfriend, a secret. Unfortunately, he happened to be Peter's nephew, making the situation more complicated.

Tammy had sent Todd a message the night before, hoping they could escape Avondale together and elope. She stayed up all night, waiting for a reply that never came.

Unable to wait any longer, Tammy rose from her seat, clutching her phone tightly. She concocted an excuse to leave the room, longing for a respite from the suffocating atmosphere. As she hurried down the corridor, she froze upon hearing faint giggles emanating from a nearby room.

Curiosity propelled her forward, and she stealthily approached the room, its door slightly ajar. Through the crack, she witnessed a scene that shattered her fragile heart. Lee, her stepsister, laughed delightedly in the embrace of Todd.

"I bet my naive sister is still waiting for you, Todd," Lee taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "Perhaps you should go and sweet-talk her a bit more. What if she decides to back out of the wedding?"

"Do you honestly believe she has a choice now?" Todd replied, holding Lee tightly. "Even if she tries to escape, they'll drag her down the aisle, kicking and screaming!"

Lee's wicked snicker reverberated through Tammy's core, and her eyes welled up with tears. It was an unbearable truth—her father's illness had left her vulnerable, and her stepmother, Wanda Parker, saw an opportunity to exploit her. The forced marriage to Peter was nothing more than a ploy to rid themselves of Tammy.

And Todd, the one who professed love to her, had joined the betrayal. His promises of a future together were all a charade.

Every hope, every dream she cherished, crumbled around her, suffocating her very breath. But Tammy refused to be a pawn any longer. Anguish turned her eyes cold, and her fists clenched with determination.

For years, she had endured the torment inflicted by her stepmother and stepsister, sacrificing her own happiness for the sake of family. But no more. Tammy had shed her naivety, and now, she would reclaim her life.

The wedding ceremony commenced, and Tammy walked down the aisle, her wedding gown flowing with grace, clutching a bouquet of flowers. Soft, romantic melodies filled the air, but the puzzled gazes of the crowd went unnoticed. Tammy spoke her own vows and slipped the ring onto her own finger—a defiant act that set her apart.

She had become Mrs. Parker, a name that bestowed upon her an impenetrable shield. Little did Peter know that his time was running short.


That night, Tammy was escorted to Peter's opulent mansion, nestled in the heart of the affluent district. As Mrs. Parker, she was expected to fulfill her duties, but before she could acquaint herself with the sprawling estate, Mrs. Kensington, the housekeeper, whisked her away to the master bedroom.

Her gaze fell upon Peter, lying still on the large bed. His distinguished features reflected nobility, despite the paleness that accompanied his prolonged seclusion. In a cruel twist of fate, she had become his wife, tethered to him in sickness and in health.

Before his coma, induced by a tragic accident, Peter had been a formidable presence in the political realm. The Stevens Corporation, his powerful empire, wielded immense influence over the nation. Tales of his ruthlessness and clandestine dealings swirled, ensuring anyone who dared to cross him paid a hefty price.

Tammy never imagined herself marrying a man like Peter.

As her thoughts consumed her, the bedroom door creaked open, revealing Todd's presence.

"I apologize, Tammy. I was occupied earlier and only now managed to come to see you," Todd said, his face attempting to conceal his deceit.

"I just married your uncle," Tammy retorted, her voice icy. "Surely you know how to address me correctly."

Todd's voice trembled as he approached Tammy, feigning sincerity. "I understand your anger. I didn't want you to endure a difficult life. Peter's time is limited, and you won't have to lift a finger while married to him. Once he passes, I'll ensure you inherit his entire estate with the help of a skilled lawyer."

Eagerly seizing Tammy's hands, Todd continued, "When that day arrives, everything he possesses will be ours."

The memory of Todd's earlier encounter with Lee surged within Tammy, fueling her disgust. "Release me!" she yelled, forcefully wrenching her hands away.

Caught off guard by Tammy's outburst, Todd's eyes widened in disbelief. Was this the same gentle Tammy he once knew? Guilt tugged at him, urging him to explain, but his attention shifted to something behind her. Peter, seemingly lifeless, began to stir.

"He... He's waking up," Todd stammered, his voice laced with shock.

Tammy turned, her heart pounding, to witness Peter's eyes slowly opening.