
Deity Witch

A girl who was betrayed and nearly killed by her best friend without knowing the reason, after staying unconscious for days, woke up anew, filled with strength and unknown abilities. keeping her identity hidden and also having in mind that succumbing to evil will bring an end to her existence therefore, she struggled to be on the borderline between good and evil. Vowed to get revenge she discovers the secrets of the World that she lives in where weakness is a sin.

KwinAmmySanctus · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Weak and fragile 2


Soon, they were served drinks by Ursular's hand-maid and their girly chattering began.

Sipping slowly from her tea, her mind drifted off to the last night's meeting with her betrothed. After she had helped Mrs. Marisa Ashwood to serve dinner, even though she wanted the servant to take care of it but Charlotte insisted to help after all she would soon be married in to the Ashwood's family. This pleased Mrs. Ashwood so much that she ended up embracing Charlotte warmly.

" God bless you, child "

She beamed and Charlotte couldn't help her smile too. Soon they settled down around the big dining table with Roland who was sitting opposite her having the full opportunity to flirt with her occasionally.

" Isn't that right Charlotte? ".

Vera asked as others giggled loudly except Charlotte who was lost in her pool of thoughts.

They stopped giggling as they focused fully on the girl daydreaming before them.

" Charlotte, are you okay ?! "

Donna called nudging her vigorously and waking her from her world of fantasy.

" Yes ….yes …yes.

erm….um…I think I'm fine.

So you were saying.."

She drawled sharply feeling so embarrassed and the girls burst into another round of laughter

" oh !.. I get it now.

She was daydreaming about her betrothed ."

Vera teased and Donna giggled.

" I guess you should take it easy, Nobody is dragging Roland with you

You should stop all this show-off.

You're not the only one here who's betrothed to a young handsome Noble, remember. Donna here is betrothed to Charles the son of our town's lord while Vera is betrothed to Robinson the son of Belova who's one of the wealthiest merchants in this town.

Sometimes I don't just get it. Why do you keep rubbing it on my face to get a man? You know, it's not my fault that my betrothed, Damon, died on the battlefield.

Just get lost Charlotte.

Get lost Charlotte Banfield with your useless love life out of my house and out of my life "

Ursula said, fuming with rage all over.

" Ursula stop!

Stop it and grow up for once in your life stop being stupid, stop for crying out loud"

Donna scolded, she's the oldest of them all and she would be married in a week's time. She is a well-mannered girl and just like Roland, she's also the daughter of a Noble Lord too. She's the most gentle and the quietest amongst the four friends. Anyone looking at Donna can tell that she's not as beautiful like the rest of her friends but she's well endowed with black eyes and hair as red as rose. she has tanned skin that gave her a honey-brown complexion that made her skin glow always like the morning sun.

" Oh Please, spare me that sermon, Donna Allow me to talk to this fool here "

Ursula said with an eye roll.

" Ursula, it's okay.

Charlotte I hope you're not feeling bad with all this blabbing from Ursula. you know how she behaves. please don't take it to heart ."

It was Vera talking this time. Everyone knows Vera as a very decent and homely girl. She's from the household of Jacob crane The richest and most famous Alchemist in Greenwood town.

Vera is a very beautiful girl with golden brown eyes and blonde hair, her lips are as brown as honey with a pointy nose that stood proudly on her face.

She's the youngest of the four friends and the cunniest too.

Now, tears had already gathered in Charlotte's eyes as she looked at Ursula speechlessly

She closed her eyes preventing them from falling but all was in vain as the tears fell freely down her cheeks

Donna got up from where she was sitting and embraced her warmly.

" It's okay my dear friend.

Don't take what Ursula said to heart, please "

Donna pleaded, rubbing circles on her back while Ursula stood from her seat not feeling remorseful and rolling her eyes repeatedly.

" Ursula apologize now! "

Vera commanded and Ursula smirked walking closer to where she was seated, staring daggers at Vera with her eyes.

" I dare you to make me do that "

She challenged.

" If you keep on with this character you will die a single maiden because no man will agree to be tied down with a shameless and senseless girl like you . Even if you're Noble and paid a commoner a thousand gold coin, he would still not agree to be tied down in marriage with you."

Vera spat without remorse and Ursula gave her a thunderous slap that sent stars to her eyes for a brief moment.

Every movement was stilled by Ursula's action.

" I dare you to say that again whore!.

Say it again and I will tell everyone here your darkest secret.

You don't deserve to be called a friend.

Whore !"

She hissed and walked away leaving everyone in shock.

" I guess I will be going now "

Donna said.

Vera is still in shock as she couldn't utter a word rubbing her cheeks tenderly. Ursula's thunderous slap had already left an imprint of her finger behind on her delicate skin.

" me too "

Charlotte seconded as she rose too and left with Donna leaving Vera still standing with her mouth agape.


Charlotte sat staring into space as she zoomed into her pool of thoughts.

She was thinking about what transpired between her and Ursula moments ago. She couldn't figure out the reason why Ursula hated her betrothed so much and now she was transferring the aggression to her.

She sighed loudly.

Ever since Ursula's love died on the battlefield, she had become the opposite of herself. So hostile and aggressive even towards her own family too

It wasn't her fault but Charlotte couldn't help but reason that Ursula is now taking it too far.

The poor girl just needs to heal.

She sighed loudly again.

" A penny for your thoughts my lady!"

She heard the familiar voice and turned her head sharply to see her beloved standing behind her with his charming smile

She rose quickly from the rock she was sitting on and threw herself at him, embracing him warmly

" How did you find me here ?"

She asked.

" Well, let's say I guessed you might be here after I couldn't find you at Ursula's "

He bragged and she giggled beautifully.

Then she sighed again, inhaling sharply.

Baska's garden had always been her favorite place of relaxing and clearing her mind since childhood. The garden is located beside the town's magic farm that faced the Acarne river which runs across the town also serving as a water supply to the other towns and cities.

The garden is made of different types of beautiful flowers and a pool of lake at the far end of the garden with rocks surrounding the lake.

Over the years, She and Roland had grown to use the garden as the secret hideout whenever they needed privacy and to avoid the prying eyes of the Town's people.

" Don't you feel like talking to me darling?..

Please don't break my heart by keeping silent.

I don't like it whenever you're unhappy "

Roland said and she sighed again

" It's Ursula again "

Charlotte whimpered as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Roland embraced her again, rubbing her back.

" That witch again!

I swear, I will kill her and feed her corpse to the birds and beasts "

He said gritting his teeth in anger.

" No please, don't hurt her.

She's still sad over her betrothed's demise . she will come around soon and once again become the sweet soul that we all know "

Charlotte pleaded feeling touched by his words.

" Alright, I agree with you, my love.

Stop the tears already, will you?"

" Of course, I will "

She beamed with a smile revealing her side dimple.

" you're so beautiful "

" And you're so handsome "

Charlotte added by now they had disengaged from the embrace but they were still in each other's arms staring affectionately at each other.

" I can't wait any longer to make you my woman completely. you have stolen my heart, you this little witch "

He teased pulling her beautiful cheeks lightly and she giggled like a three-year-old girl.

" Me too I can't wait any longer to be yours.

I love you Roland with everything in me "

She confessed sincerely.

" I love you too my Darling "

He said and pulled her face closer to his staring lustfully at her red rosy lips.

" May I ?"

He asked, and she quickly nodded, grabbing what he meant.

Without wasting more time he kissed her passionately pulling her to himself.

She kissed him back almost immediately as her fingers traveled through his soft hair, she pulled him all to herself, kissing him with her body and soul.


"Dear friends, please don't allow peer and societal pressure to lead you into befriending short people.

It won't be funny when you're walking in public and someone thinks you gave birth to him.

It will be worse if you're short too.

No, I am not saying that you're short, but what will people say maybe they will think that you're a kid playing with your friends.

I know what I saw yesterday."


Hansa the Pill seller announced loudly as people around him laughed. That's his usual way of garnering customers in the market. He's a loquacious fellow and his thin tall frame gave him the name 'Hansa' which means 'Iroko' ( Tall tree) in their ancient tongue. His stall is located at the front row of the market making it almost impossible for people to ignore the comedic display of his wares.

As Charlotte arrived there with Roland, her betrothed, she saw and heard something that she wished not to hear. Her attention was soon captured by Hansa's comedic display. Once someone enters they were greeted and submerged by the incessant

advertising chants like art.

"If your wife calls you a one-minute man, no I mean a one-second man or the fastest man alive, come get your True boner pills in our stall and show her who's the boss. However, if you can't get it up then you need the Ultimate true Boner pill"

Everyone that gathered there laughed loudly except Charlotte, she was so embarrassed but Roland was grinning widely like a lost sheep.

"My lady, oh! God of light what is this on your face? Don't worry I have the remedy here, Beauty cream. If you want to buy holy oil, holy powder, and tools, come check out in our stall, the price is negotiable."

Hansa said as he walked towards her and trying to touch but Roland shoved him away and walked further into the market, holding Charlotte securely like a little girl.

Indeed, Roland Ashwood is a very jealous man.

"I have fresh fruit, meat, and others. Not only the meats are fresh, but it's also very cheap."

Said another voice and Charlotte couldn't help but chuckle loudly.

" I hate the Market"

Roland sighed in frustration and Charlotte smiled again.

" I know you hate noisy place and the market couldn't be less quiet either "

She said as they walked deeper into the market.

"If your training speed is too slow, be it sword, axe, etc, I can recommend you to a master's in that school of study."

Said another seller dressed like a soldier but they ignored him walking more farther into the market.

" Over here, my lady "

Vetta the Seamstress called out loudly and Charlotte smiled delightfully as she and Roland walked towards her stall.

" Good day, my Lady. come in and test the dress. Tell me if you don't like it and I will get another one for you "

Vetta gushed happily and Roland ended up rolling his eyes.

" Have a seat Sir "

Vetta offered as she followed Charlotte deeper into her stall.

Vetta's stall is one of the largest stalls in the market, stocked to the brim with the finest fabrics, furs, satins, Silk and different cloth materials of all kinds.

She's a seamstress to Nobles, wealthy merchants, the Rich, and the Royal families too. She's popular all over the town and cities beyond because of her amazing talent in dressmaking.

" How do I look?"

Charlotte's angelic voice nearly made Roland's heart skip a bit.

" By the heavens !..

You look so gorgeous, darling.

Don't take off this dress, I love it on you "

Roland commented looking so satisfied and impressed with the image before him.

" Thank you, my love "

She beamed.

" I told you he would love it, come and test the second one, I bet he won't take his eyes off you once he sees the dress on you"

Vetta smirked as she dragged her again.

Roland sighed feeling so bored, he doesn't like the market, it's so noisy and sometimes it makes him sick.

He only came here to please his mother and his betrothed.

He looked up again to see his beloved smiling at him. His heart melted and all his anger and frustration faded away with her smile.

" What of this one, my Love?

Do you like it ?"

She asked turning around to make him have a clearer view of her.

" You always look beautiful in anything you wear Darling but I prefer the first dress. This dress is perfect for only you, my love"

He praised her and stood on his feet kissing her cheeks lightly.

" Go and change, let me take you home.

My lunchtime is over and I have to go back to the Academy in half an hour "

He said but Charlotte frowned immediately.

" Now, don't do that my love. I promise to spend the evening with you. Please let me go back to the Academy. "

Roland pleaded desperately.

" Alright "

She grumbled as she went in to change her dress. This made Roland chuckle loudly. He's so in love with Charlotte even though he's flirting with other women. He thanked his stars over and over again for such a beautiful lady as his betrothed. He's truly favored and blessed by God.