
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

Authentic_Author · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Crashing The Party

The lightning that struck Ezra was actually transportating him somewhere while he was getting transported pictures more like memories were actually playing as he passed, like being transported in time and space with memories from the past, present and future that was what Ezra was experiencing. Except unlike in time traveling Ezra wasn't shown the past, present and the future.

Ezra saw memories thou he wasn't sure who's memories were they he saw wars from the beginning of human time he saw all of them from the wars by humans and to wars between angels and demons, he even saw the fall of the angel that rebelled against his father. All of these memories were black and white.

But the memory that intrigued him was a memory about the Holy Place being under attack by monsters it seemed, he zoomed it apparently it was just like watching a world series and if you missed a moment you can rewind and replay the whole thing.

Ezra saw a lot of people fighting in this war he saw buildings crumble, people getting massacred of course he didn't realize that this memory was recent he assumed that maybe it's what took place right before his time. So he didn't bother to finish the memory, while he was looking at other memories the one from the Holy Place called the invasion continued to play and Valkyria, Jason, Damian and Sarah and many more were all dead and piled up then the whole place burned into the ground. Someone in blur vision came into the screen and looked right at it as if it was a CCTV footage, then waved their hand and the memories became static interruptions all of them.

Whatever was happening to the memories had a serious effect on the lightning too before it was glitching it kept on strucking in different places from schools, hospitals, towns and cities where ordinary people lived.

It was also disappearing struck by stuck finally just when it was about to disappear completely it struck one place so hard it caused electric shocks all over, when it disappeared. Someone who's skin was black like the cosmic out of space with a touch of white, was kneeling down holding a sword emitting black negative energy. That person was looking down.

The electric shock sent waves everywhere many people were electrocuted and those who weren't they were sent flying.

"Is he with them?" Someone asked.

What was actually taking place wherever that person landed was actually a battle ground, there were people fighting each other others were lying dead on the ground, others were hurt and many were still fighting. One of the demons came after this mysterious cosmic looking person with intent to attack him. This person just sliced that demon in half when his sword came in contact with the demon, it made a sound that lightning makes when it strikes.

"I think it's safe to say he's one of us, at least I hope" Damian relieved.

The cosmic person stood up and lifted his sword off the ground then walked towards demons that were now coming at his direction, he sliced each and every single one of them in a speed of black light that no one else saw him cut them but saw the streaks of black lightning moving one place to another.

"I don't think he's one of with a power like that" Jason said.

"Come on what are you waiting for?! Let's go take that thing out before it takes us out!" Valkyria runs towards the lightning streaks.

The cosmic person kills almost half of the demons that were there, Valkyria and the rest of her team jump in to fight this person.

"Your kind is not welcome here!!!" Valkyria screams as she shoots her arrows.

They don't do any harm not even a scratch her arrows just get evaporated the moment they touch his skin, he doesn't fight back he just keeps dodging everything they throw at him. Sarah shoots multiple times with her bullets but nothing happens, Jason hits multiple puches sure they have an affect only pushing him and Damian drove his fiery flaming sword through the cosmic person and he just blocks it. His hand was sliding in Damian's sword pushing out the red fiery flame until it completely gone and normal.

"What the?" Damian moves out of the way.

The cosmic person looks at all of them then realizes the crowd that formed a circle around him, hundreds of the blessed and angels all saw him as a threat. Who wouldn't.

This to them was a stranger a demon in fact imminent danger because he wasn't like them he wasn't human, every single part of him was black like the cosmic his eyes were pure white and bright, his weapon was releasing it's own dark energy.

He looks at everyone who was there but his main focus was on someone or to someone, he lifts off his sword then throws it straight for the crowd.

"Excuse me" he said like his voice was two people talking.

Then he just kneeled down more like his legs gave up on him and he balanced with his hands, the cosmic skin was burning off under it's skin a human flesh was coming out the last place the cosmic skin disengraded were his hands and head.

"Stand up so we can see you" Solomon came out of the crowd.

That person was now fully naked he stood up and showed his face, to everyone's surprise they weren't expecting to see that person to be the one to show his face.

"Ezra" Valkyria, Jason, Sarah and Damian were all shocked by this revelation.

"Reject?" Layla couldn't believe it too.

Ezra walked to everyone that was left standing.

"Where is she?" He looked over for her.

"Who? Who's he talking about?" Everyone in the crowd asked among themselves.

One of Layla's teammates Gordon just kneeled down and blood came out of his mouth.

"Gor!!!" Layla ran to him.

Something strange happened Gordon died in Layla's arms then he turned into ash and disappeared.

Everyone was freaked out because not only Gordon turned to dust many did.

"Find her she knows" Ezra said.