
Defying Destiny: The Resilient Soul in the Cosmos

In the boundless Void, a soul defies its fate. Amidst the devastating power of Divine essence(Ousia), it perseveres, absorbing the energy that threatens its existence. An enigmatic silver pearl grants it salvation, and the soul vanishes, its fate a mystery. ...............................§...............§.......................... Guys it's sort of 'Quick Transmigration' Novel . -In "(Defying Destiny: The Resilient Soul in the Cosmos)", the protagonist embarks on a journey through different worlds in search of the perfect body to withstand his absorbed Divine essence. Along the way, he encounters numerous characters, faces challenges, and makes enemies. The story promises an exciting adventure to the peak.

Tzevaot · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Tower of Evolution

(3rd person PoV)

["Elric Roark" ]

As the voice resounded it echoed throughout the entirety of the universe and as if to acknowledge, there was a humming sound that send tremor's everywhere. 

And with it at the core of Elric's soul there formed a ethereal golden crystal on which the name Elric Roark was written in an ancient language.

 -><- < p>

In a faraway place, star were so bright they seemed to be within reach, and the Milky Way stretched across the sky like river of light. And under it lay a broken floating Island where in a vast magnificently beautiful castle sat on a throne with closed eyes was a huge giant(A Dragon in human form) who was thousands of meters big.

Imagine a being of immense stature, towering over the landscape like a mountain come to life. Their footsteps shake the earth, and their presence commands attention. Their features are larger than life, with hands that could cradle a house and a voice that rumbles like distant thunder. Their eyes hold the wisdom of ages, and their strength is unmatched. In their shadow, even the mightiest of creatures seem small. This is the giant, a figure of awe and wonder, both fearsome and fascinating.

As the cosmic tremors reached it, it opened its eyes. As it lifted its eyelids, a powerful force swept in all directions and few meteoroids and even planets in close approximate to it turned into cosmic dusts.

A look of excitement and anticipation flash in the giant's eyes when it heard the cosmic tremors and it just said the words {A New Seed, hmm} and as if nothing happened, the giant eyes turned heavy and it closed its eyes.


In the vast cosmos there lay the Globular clusters, these ancient clusters that contain tens of thousands to millions of stars that are tightly packed together, which may look extremely beautiful any other time, but certainly not the most beautiful in present time , the reason for it is something much more mesmerizing and spectacular that is the battle that is taking place here between two mythical characters.

One is a girl of incomparable beauty(A Celestial), She has petite figure with green eyes and long white hair tied into a ponytail. She has large, pointed ears, and wears a striped black and white shirt, a white jacket with gold embellishments, a matching skirt with a black belt, and a short white and gold cape with a high collar. She also wears black tights, brown boots, and a pair of gold and red earrings.

And the other is a demon, as he advanced menacingly, exuding an air of menace. His steps were heavy and determined, as if he had a purpose that could not be denied. His eyes, cold and calculating, glinted in the gloom. His features were shrouded in shadows, but the darkness could not conceal the cruel intent in his gaze.

As the celestial and demon clashed in the midst of the Globular clusters, the stars around them trembled and turned to cosmic dust. It was a sight to behold, a battle of epic proportions unfolding in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

The celestial moved with grace and precision, her movements fluid and elegant as she wielded her powers with finesse. The demon, on the other hand, was a force to be reckoned with, his dark energy swirling around him like a malevolent storm.

As they clashed, the very fabric of space seemed to warp and twist around them, creating a mesmerizing display of light and energy. The stars above shone brightly, casting a surreal glow on the celestial and demon locked in combat.

It was a battle of wills, a clash of powers that reverberated through the cosmos. And as the dust settled and the stars returned to their rightful place, a sense of awe and wonder lingered in the air. The celestial and demon had left their mark on the universe, their power and presence forever etched in the fabric of time and space.

Just as they resumed there battle, a cosmic tremor swept pass them, which caused Celestial to look in its direction as her eyes glinted in strange light and a cold smile graced her lips and she muttered in amused tone {A #%$@#'s Seed, ha haaa , it's going to be interesting, heh}.


"I must say that's a pretty good name." Elric said while facing the vast emptiness. While he was conversing with system, he was moving at an extremely astonishing speed covering multiple galaxies within fraction of seconds. After arriving at a certain galaxy his speed slowed down, indicating that he was nearing the destination.

The galaxy swirled as if it were a steamed hot chocolate stirred by the almighty in joyful whimsical mood. Though it occurred to Elric that this particular galaxy was almost in ruins, everywhere his gaze went he saw dust and debris and destroyed planets, stars, and fractured solar systems. It's as if there was death looming at the every corner of the galaxy, the way it appears after a gruesome war in terms it could be said an intergalactic war has taken place. 

After arriving at the centre of this Galaxy his gaze turned towards a beautiful yet destroyed tower which carries a sence of holiness, it is made up of pristine white material which appears to be fragile yet sturdy, weak yet strong , beautiful yet deadly , it as if the whole tower is contradictory in its every aspect, it's visible yet sometimes it feels like it isn't.

"What the f*ck is this ?"

Elric's mouth was wide agape by the scene infront of him, he could not comprehend the contradictory nature of this tower, it was extremely confusing to him.

[Host, it is the Tower of Evolution , where you have to overcome some trials in order to get a compatible body for your soul, which could sustain its power and could further help you grow in strength.]

"So, this is the Tower of Evolution you say?"

"It certainly is mysterious , as everything around it is in dust yet the tower appears to be slightly damaged."

[Host, don't look how it appears the energy that helped it sustain itself is depleting and it could only help you once before it also gets destroyed , so you have to complete the trials in one attempt.]

"Then what are you waiting for let's go!"

As Elric was going to enter through the huge door that was actually destroyed , his vision turn dark and he lost his consciousness.

[{Huff, what an impatient fellow at least listen to what I was saying , idiot!}].