
Encountering a Mysterious Stranger

Lia walked fast through the greenery of the forest with steps that made loud crunches, not bothering to see where she was going or where she would end up due to the overwhelming irritation that was radiating off her right now. Her and her step-father never got along well he wasn't cruel and it didn't seem like he hated her and honestly she didn't hate him ethier, he was one of the better Titans that she knew of other then Rion, he's also the only father she's ever known due to not really remembering her biological father having lost him at a young age but sometimes he could be too controlling over her which clashed with her free and easy going personality. She wasn't a easy child growing up but wasn't a delinquent but still drove both of her step-father and mother crazy.

She remembered one time when she was 10 when she climbed out the 3 window of their mansion and trailed the side of their home trying to get a better look at the forest who the city walls looked over. She could remember hearing panic voices of the neighbors and the human workers of their hime Her mother almost had a heart attack, her step-father was hollering for her to get while her then 3 year old brother looked up at her in awe as their mother held him. Everyone looked up at her in fear for her safety while she was the only one who wasn't afraid the quite opposite, she was filled with excitement as she looked towards outside the wall where the vegetation grew, she eventually lost her footing from leaning to much and fell but Kaleo caught her much to her mother's relief who almost fainted from seeing her fall.

Kaleo who was mostly a cold and quiet Titan but that day she saw express fear, anger, exasperation, and then relief. She had always managed to spur a mixture of emotions with in him while she was growing up and in her as well. It was that day that she decided that someday she would go to the forest and step-father was against that idea form the beginning her job was the basic of most of their arguments along with her about about her getting married and it seemed like he kept pressuring her more every year. She then stopped walking around endless no longer being trapped in her thoughts.

"Ahhhhh!!!" She yelled out in frustration, no longer able to keep her inner feeling in as she ran her hands through her hair.

"What's got you panties in twist?" a voice said surprising her.

She quickly grabbed her rifle and was ready to aim in the direction in where the voice was coming from only to relax her rifle and rub her eyes in irritation and then brought her gaze to stare sternly at a young woman who sitting on a tree branch above her.

"Violet! How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that! I'm on patrol most the time and I have a gun!" she yelled at the young woman as she swung the rifle back over her shoulder.

The girl Violet laughed hard like it was a big joke as she sat in the tree with legs spread with her arms supporting her as she leaned back.

"Oh com'on Lia I know you set that thing to kill and besides it fun" she said as she chuckled.

She then grabbed a vine and jumped down from the tree onto the ground with ease with a smirk and then started to walk over to her as sun began to reveal unique her appearance. Violet had dark skin with light purple short puffy frizzy hair with with almost golden eyes, she wore a lose black shirt that didn't cover her stomach with brown pants and had a red sash tied around her waist and she was barefoot. While her hair and eyes did make her quiet different indeed it was the small vines that looked like it was glued to her the right side of her check and trailed down her neck and rapped around her arm that sealed her identity.

Lia sighed deeply.

"There's other sections with other boarder guards with guns Violet...and most don't like Terrans sneaking up on them speacily Titans..." she said plainly.

Violet rolled her eyes and scoffed at mention of them an

"Those stupid drones would shoot us for just being abominations" Violet said seriously as she put her hands on her hips.

Lia wasn't really surprised of what Violet was accusing their rulers of, after the Titans went through their change they made a pact with the humans which where they couldlive together peacefully and with the Terrans allowing them to live in the forests because the cities made them be ill if they stayed there more then 6 hours but Lia honestly thought is was because they more then happy get them out of the cities. While humans did deal with predijuce and where treated like second class citizens Terrans where treated no better then dirt, The titans saw there mutation as abomination and basically treated them like how humans infected HIV when it first diagnoised in the past long ago. Titans didn't like to touch them or be around them and some humans as well.

"I'm surprised you not working today Violet?" she asked her as the Terran came over to hug her which she returned.

Violet pulled away to smile at her and they both started to walk deeper in the forest together.

"No too many injuries in the copper mines today and not to mention I got into a fight with one of the... The drones..."the young Terran said with a distaste in her mouth While playing around with a stick she had picked up.

Most Terrans and some poor humans worked in factories or mines away from the cities, it was the only income they could get besides being delivery drivers and they wages wasn't even decent.

"About what?..." she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"About me trying to give some healing herbs to a human who got a nasty cut from the rocky wall in the mine and the the drone went crazy with me!" she said angrily as she threw the stick."They didn't have enough medience from the city and I knew my herbs would help him just as well as the other ones but did he listen!No!" she continued to yell out her anger.

Violet was a excellent botanist and herbalist, the best in the village she lived in. She could cure a poison or a sickness that had no cure all she had to do put together a few herbs and just like that they where cured even if the poison or sickness had come from the cities. Lia was example of it she once got a shot from poison dart by a terrorist that had no cure and would killed her in 10 minutes, she laid on the on dirt paralysed but feeling every inch of pain that coursing though her body during that time,all she could do was state up the blue sky and wait for her impending death until Violet found her, it was also how she first met her.

"Anyways! enough about me how was you day Lia?" she asked the other girl.

" My Step-Father wants me to marry she" she said with exasperation and then something caught her eye which made her stop her tracks and made her eyes grow wide.

"Haha really? He's still pestering-

"Violet look" Lia said seriously which made the Tarren girl look in the direction of what she was staring at to see a tree.

But what else she saw made her understand the human girl's shock, it was a man that look like he was infused in the tree.

"Oh my God...." she said quietly.