
Defeat Wonderland

“If it’s worth fighting for, then fight with all your life…” When Cleo Sky woke up in an unfamiliar world of an otome game, she vowed to herself that she would get out of Wonderland alive, even if it means to crawl herself to the exit. But will she be able to get out if the system is against reality?

Blanczzzzz · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


Cleo walks down the stairs making a small squeak on each step. The walls are made of wood but it was built sturdy, although the oldness is palpable the house brings a comforting feeling. She observed further and saw that aside from the house strong infrastructure, there are also patterns among the walls carved magnificently attracting her interest. The ceiling is also beautifully and carefully made with lanterns above to keep the lights. Everything is organized in a mixture of traditional Asian and western styles. Simple but unique.

'What a beautiful house.' Cleo commented.

As she continued to walk, she could see pictures hanging on the wall. Cleo stared at them one by one and saw the smiling face of Castor with a cheerful woman.

"Having fun with my old photos?" Castor muttered frowning at her while holding a knife.

Cleo flinch from his sudden appearance before she glanced at the blade and gazed at him, "If you don't mind, Sir. Who is the lady beside you in this picture?"

His expression soured—annoyed by her question.

"None of your business, and please don't make the food wait, it's not good manners," Castor responded before leaving her behind.

Without any objection, she followed him to the dining table.

"Have a seat," he announced as he gestured to the vacant chair opposite from where he sat.

"Ah, thanks…"

After she sat, Cleo then looked at the delicious food on the table. Somehow she felt like she should not eat yet.

"You're not from here, I supposed. If you're not with them, then are you with the Crusade?'


"Crusade, the league of skilled travelers, led by Cassandra Rosal?"

"I don't know them," Cleo simply replied without touching anything from the table.

"But you are a traveler, are you not?" Castor questioned.

"…I'm still debating about that—I'm not sure yet," she responded as she lowered her head in confusion.

"Your name is Cleo Sky right?"

She nods like a child but her anxiety grows bigger with the way Castor interrogates her.

"How old are you Miss Cleo Sky?"


"You're young to be a traveler, most of the travelers I know became one at the age of twenty-five. Oh, except for a certain someone," Castor uttered in a loud and domineering voice.


"You heard of Rivers?" Castor asked.

Cleo then looked at him, her emerald eyes met his doubtful stares.

"A little," she answered.

"Rivers became a traveler at the age of sixteen," he remarked.

"Ah," Cleo murmured, uninterested.

"Anyway, you haven't touched your food yet?"

"I… am not hungry," Cleo lied.

"Ah excuses! Just say that you don't trust this old man eh?" he commented, "I don't poison my guest, Miss Sky," he added.

She remained silent.

"If you don't want to eat, then I'll take my leave. You may also leave my house," Castor declared as he stands.

He was a tall man, around five foot and nine, he was chubby but not obese and he always carry his shotgun with him. Castor's wrinkled face and hand are noticeable and his white hair is palpable.

"You're not eating, so I thought I shouldn't… As a guest, I should respect the master of this house, right?" Cleo speaks in a tranquil voice.

Castor's grey iris meets Cleo's emerald eyes.

'He's an egoistic man.' Cleo thought frowning behind the mask.

"Ha!" Castor breathes as he chuckled before he sat back comfortably on his chair, "You're a smart woman."

Cleo was about to take off her mask when the system showed a message instantly.

[Warning: Taking off your mask while people are around stands as a violation against the system.]

'The heck?' she cursed inside her thoughts.

Her lips arch downward even more feeling frustrated. Meanwhile, Castor who was already eating his food stared at her.

"Well?" he muttered while chewing.

"…I can't show my face," Cleo said in a defeating tone.

"Why? Is your face have something on it? Are you like Medusa who turns any men into stone? Am I going to be a stone if I see it?"

"No—I'm not like Medusa but I have to do this…I am obliged to do so—I'm sorry." She responded lowering her head to avoid his intriguing stares.

Castor only looked at her with frowning lips. Of course he understands that travelers are obliged to obey the set of rules the system provided for them and he cannot question that.

"…Fine, I understand, " he responded as he stands, "I'm finished. Enjoy the food, Miss Sky."

Castor Lee walks away from the table but before he could exit, Castor returned his gaze at her, "Oh, and Miss Sky? If you wished to stay, it would only be two hundred gold coins."

Cleo's eyes widen and became agitated.

'Why did Ron forget to mention the most important part—money!' Her inner self exclaimed.

"And…If I have no coins?" she muttered nervously.

"If you don't have, then leave," Castor answered before leaving her dumbfounded.


At the weapon shop, the only thing Castor can hear is the noise of the clock on the wall. He was too focus on cleaning a weapon in his hand, on the contrary, his mind is too busy thinking of something else. Somewhere deep in his thoughts, a bell's noise distracted him from diving deeper in his mind.

"Good day! How may I help you?" He uttered in a business tone.

A man still wearing his helmet with an all-black-attire and a black leather jacket approached him.

"I'm sorry but you should take off your helmet, boy," Castor began while frowning at the customer.

The man unzipped his jacket and lifts his black shirt revealing his chest with a large tattoo on it.

The instance Castor saw the symbol carved on the man's chest, his mood lifted as he smiled at him.

"Long time no see!…Just in time, boy. I've already fixed your weapon."

Castor moved out of the counter and walks to the shelf.

"Here," he uttered and handed the man his weapon. A katana-styled sword.

"I made sure the blade could cut heavily armored suits, as you said," Castor began as he stared at the man.

"Thanks. How much would it be?"

"About a thousand," he answered, "I also added features on it, with that you can slash even thick metals, or cut a bone if you like," he continued.

"But I did not ask for that…"

"I'm good at handling weapons boy, when I say that I added something to it, I add other skills to it, so just pay me my talent," Castor replied and smiled at him.

He heard the man click his tongue in defeat as he took a card.

"I can't say no to you, can I? Here, swipe." The man instructed Castor.

"As what should be."

Castor took the card with a grin and swipe it to his card reader.

"How have you been, Mister Lee?" He asked not wearing off his helmet.

"Fine as ever, but you should take that off first," Castor responded while pointing at the black helmet.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry," he replied.

"Ah, you're busy as ever," Castor commented and chuckled before handing him back the card.

"Thanks again," the man said as he waved goodbye before he exited the shop.

Castor then looked at the time.

'It will be night soon.' He thought.

Castor's shop is only a wall away from his home, wondering what the woman in a mask was doing he decided to walk back into his house.


His heart almost jumped out of his chest, realizing it was only his guest, he exhaled a breath of relief before he glared at her. The woman steps back with an awkward chuckle regretting her decision on approaching him out of the blue. However, thanks to the distance between them, he managed to study the lady even more. Her height is only leveled on his shoulder, her hair is red and her voice is flat which is unpleasant but somehow Castor presumed that the lady is kind.

"Goodness! Are you trying to kill me?" Castor said in an irritated tone while clenching his chest.

"No, no—I'm sorry. But Sir, I've decided already," Cleo uttered.

"Decided to leave or to pay?"

"I've decided to make myself stay here!"

Upon hearing the lady's absurd announcement, a crease showed on his forehead.

"So you're going to blackmail me?" Castor commented with a dark gaze.


"Say what you want exactly Miss Sky."

"I don't have any means to pay you—yet, but allow me to work in exchange for my stay here for… for a couple of days…."

"Ha! Do I look like a fool to you?"

"Of course not! But Sir…"

"Just pay," Castor insisted.

"I don't have coins—

"Then leave—

"Sir! Please! I will not be a burden, just let me stay until I figure out how to leave this world," Cleo pleaded.

"Ah, so you're a traveler indeed?"

She shifted her gaze away from him, "Perhaps...?"

"I don't trust you, how can you make me believe you're not here to murder me?" Castor began in a tone of suspicion.

"Sir! I will not do that!" She argued.

"Really?" Castor questioned, "And you're expecting me to trust you immediately? Who would let a stranger—not just a stranger but someone who cannot show their face enter their house and let them stay inside? I only helped you because you were dying from the snow."


"Leave!" He holds her left arm and dragged her towards the door.

"Sir I don't have anywhere to go!"

"—Not my problem," he commented in a firm tone.

"Sir! Please!"

"Do you really think I will believe you?"

It's not hard for Castor to drag her despite her struggles against him. With his strength, he could even lift heavy metals to the top of the mountain. But after a minute of commotion, he stopped pulling her when he noticed that she was not struggling anymore.

"I don't know how I'll make you believe. Mister Lee, I really… want to live. Give me a couple of days to prepare myself and I will leave your house. Just for now…In the meantime… please help me."

Her tone created an unknown urge for him to look at her again. As Castor gazed back at her, her head was lowered—gazing the floor, her hands curled into a fist, and she was shaking badly. From looking at her intently, Castor realized, she is only a small and fragile girl—but even so, he shouldn't let his guard down—someone who displays their innocence is not really innocent at all!

"I promise. I am not a bad person… Just please… help me," she said in a trembling voice.

His suspicion did not put at ease but he let go of her thin arm.

Cleo lifted her gaze at him, and somehow he remembered someone from her—making him feel guilty.

'What did she go through to beg like this?' Castor thought in curiosity.

"Do you have any backgrounds on weapons and kinds of stuff?" he asked in deplete of her pleads.

"…No, I don't—But I can clean and cook!"

He sighed.

"Then help me prepare dinner."

"Yes Sir!"