
school is too boring


the school bell rang and the students rushed towards their classes, i shuffled towards my homeroom when i heard footsteps behind me, i turned and yelped as i was slammed into the locker

"W-what is t-th..."

a tall British guy leaned over me

"You wanna say something, twerp?" he glowers and his lackeys burst into laughter

"I was saying..." i'm interrupted by a punch that left me breathless

"heh" the bully smirked

"Wesley, the principal is coming" someone says from around the hallway

"Tch" he grabs me by the collar and heaves, making us the same eye level

"This isn't over you hear!!!" he lets me drop to the floor and walks away with his friends

its always the same, i get up and dust myself, brushing away imaginary dirt when the principal walks round the corner

"Mr. byres why aren't you in class?"

principal xu arches her eyebrows

"I was just going" i say

"Well don't let me keep you waiting"

"Yeah" i sigh and start towards the classroom when i hear my name

"Huh?" i turn and stare

"You dropped something" she hands me a piece of paper

"Thanks" i murmur then head to class

An inch away from the door i looked down at the piece of paper and see a stickman figure hanging from a tree

"..." i squeezed it and tucked into my pocket then walked into class

Mr. prost, the homeroom teacher stared at me for a while before speaking

"You've finally decided to join us, Mr. byres?"

there are a few chuckles from the class

... usually at this point i'd start rambling some weird excuse but i just wasn't in the mood

"I'm here, aren't i?" i yawn

"Take your seat Mr. byres" Mr. prost eyes me

i shuffle over to my seat trying to ignore the whispers

"whoa, what happened to byres?"

"what a weird kid"

"he looks different..."

"not nerdy"

"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

Thump... Mr. prost slams his hand on his desk

"quiet all of you!!!"

i rest my head on the desk and fell asleep, i was on a meadow... dad and mom were having a drink laughing at jokes they told each other, i was chasing a butterfly, smiling happily when i heard them raising their voices, i turned and ran to them


"what are you even saying?!!"

"you're not listening..."

"i'm not listening, listening to this rubbish, you're just going to up and leave!!!"


"this isn't my fault!!! its yours!!!"


my dad raises his hand and twack, he backhands my mother and everything goes quiet, i drop to the floor and the scene changes, i'm sitting in my room, hugging my knees, dad is yelling in the parlour at his girlfriend, they're screaming at each other and i know its going to happen before it does


i run to the parlour, daisy is on the floor crying, daddy stands over her with a belt, he looks up at me

"go to your room reynold"

i'm frozen to the spot

"reynold to your room!!!"


"byres..." huh, i jerk awake, Mr. prost narrows his eyes at me

"sleeping in class, are we?"

"not my fault school is too boring..." i groan