
killing my old man

Blood seeped from all of his openings, it rolled off the leather couch, forming a puddle; I always said red was my favorite colour, it was funny, ironic even, seeing him like this after he had promised to do the same to me, the scissors was sticking out of his neck, his eyes had bulged, he looked like a fish that had been pulled from water, I caressed his cheeks then smiled

"It's all gonna be okay" I whisper, I scamper into the kitchen and rinse my hands, I hum a nursery rhyme as I rinse the blood of my hands, I dry my hand with the rag and walk over to the fridge, empty...

"Stupid old man" I mutter as my stomach growls

He never did anything right, I walk back to the parlour with a pout, disgusted as I step over liquor bottles, again I stare at him then sigh, I pull the scissors from his neck and dumped it on the table, then trudge back to him, his lifeless eyes watched my every move, I push him from the couch down unto the floor then grit my teeth when I realize he'll leave some stains, I grab his hands and pull, I never really liked hard work.

A trail of blood is left behind, I wrinkle my nose when I step into the basement, it reeks, like something died in here. I drop his hands without a care in the world when a knock on the door startles me


I hurriedly throw off my bloodied shirt then rush to the porch, the Emerson's stand there, annoying as always

"Mrs Emerson, Mr Emerson how can I help you?" a bead of sweat rolled down my face

"it's okay, we just wanted to check up on you" Mrs Emerson smiled

"see if you're doing okay" Mr Emerson eyed me

"I'm okay Mrs and Mr Emerson, thanks anyway" I try to smile

"where's your father?" Mr Emerson narrows his eyes

"He left" I simply said

"He just up and left?" he stares at me

"I-i woke up this morning and i-i was going to make breakfast... Hiccup... An-and he was gone" I break down and crumple to the floor

"Oh Reynold" Mrs Emerson kneels beside me and wraps her hands around me after glaring at her husband

"What is wrong with you!" she grit her teeth

At that moment time slowed, I could imagine how I looked, down on the floor weeping like a girl, I didn't know if I was crying because I was finally free or if it was the realization of what I had just done

"It's okay Reynold, you can come stay with us" she patted my back

" I-i couldn't" I sniff

"It's okay, right Daniel?" she says

"you cant be serious?!" her husband growls

"I... Maybe he'll come back, i-i should wait for him, he would want me to" I rub my eyes, the tears finally drying up

"Well you're welcome at my place, if you need anything just ask"

"th-thank you"

"You're welcome" Mrs Emerson helps me to my feet


"No problem"

Mr Emerson rolls his eyes and starts off across the lawns while his wife stays to ask a few more questions, after which she hurries off. I rub at my eyes then sigh, I really need to clean up the place. I walk back into the house and start cleaning, after about 4 hours,p I'm done. I strut back to the basement to make sure I locked the door. Next a shower then bed time.

It's different everyday

"Get up you arsehole, breakfast's not gonna make itself"

"Out of bed you lazy bum"

"When you get your own house then you can sleep in"

He yelled a few times, kicked and screamed, watching me writhe in agony was enough for him, I hated it, I would roll into a ball till he was tired, today would be different, how do i know ? its because the old man is done for

sunlight flooded the room as i threw open the windows, i yawned lazily and inhaled a lung full of air, smiling i made my way to the bathroom