

"What fresh hell is this?" Simons's unique green speckled blue eyes were as wide as saucers as they took in the scene unfolding before her. She rubbed her eyes thoroughly double checking that she her tired mind wasn't playing cruel jokes on her and unfortunately, it wasn't. Her stomach twisted and her vision turned blurry as the steely scent of blood wafted to her small button nose that scrunched up in distaste. Her bare feet remained rooted to the ground in utter shock as she watched the crowd dissipate from the body of a young man that lay on the ground motionless with the thick red liquid pooled around his body. Her body quaked for the first time in along one with fear as she watched the Jessica, the school queen bee of the squatted beside the boy's corpse and dragged her long index finger elegantly in the scarlet fluid and lifted the finger to her red full lips. Simons's mind went hazy as her previously uncompliant body finally obeyed her mind that had been screaming at her to run. Her feet fumbled in an attempt to go back up the torch lit staircase causing her to fall backwards. She swore under her breath and closed her eyes anticipating the pain that was to come but none came. Her eyelashes fluttered open to meet a pair of blood red orbs looking down at her. She was captivated by the danger that swirled in them that seemed to invite her in deeper. His strong sturdy arms were wrapped around her slim waist as she looked at him with surprise painted on her delicate face. Simone broke out of the stranger's spell and realised their awkward position. She was about to shout and push away from him when his hand flew to her parted lips in prediction of her next move. He pulled her behind a pillar adorned with lit fire torches and tightened his hold on her. Simone became alarmed and started to fight to get free but the boy's didn't budge. The auburn haired boy was getting irritated by the girl in his arms who wouldn't keep still."Unless you want to end up like the guy lying on the ground, stop your fidgeting and corporate "He whispered in her ear. Simone stopped moving to his pleasure. She didn't like being told what to do but now she had no choice but to do so as she didn't want to end up like that unfortunate boy whose murder she had witnessed. The boy lifted the girl's small physique like she was paper and ran up the torch lit staircase. The passage which Simone had come through was now closed and its way was a wall with a single fire torch. The boy knowledgeably pulled it down and the wall opened into Simons's room just like before. Simone's hands were tightly clasped around his neck with her head buried in his chest.

TorKF · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Chapter Two:Just Friends

In Elite Tech Base

Simone entered the garage on Alexis and parked in her spot. Simone got off Alexis and removed her stripped red and black helmet. She combed through her soft dark curly hair back with her fingers and put Alexis into charging mode.

She turned toward the back entrance of the facility but was surprised to see her friends aka her workmates standing right in front of the door. She walked up to them a big smile plastered on her face with her helmet clamped on her waist by her right arm.

"What's up guys?Why are you all out here?" She asked innocently.

The red head girl before Simone was taking none of it."How can you ask us that Simone? You had us worried sick. Your holocom's signal went offline and we thought you had been caught!" Simone was smiling throughout the flame head's rambling. She found it sweet that they worried about her but she was also insulted that they doubted her skill.

"Hey, hey, hey...." Simone reached for Arymone's shoulders, "I'm here, I wasn't captured so you should relax." Arymone wiped at the tears that were brimming in her dark blue eyes raising her bowed head to look at her best friend.

"You know your stupid, right?"Arymone sniffled with a smile playing on her thin pink lip glossed lips." Yeah,I know. But so are the rest if you. How dare you even think I was captured? I'm practically a ninja," Simone joked pouting her shimmering lips and turning her back to Arymone.

"Alright you two drama queens, stop now. It's very late and we need to get home" It was Xavier that spoke up and the other two boys nodded in agreement. Simone snapped back to reality as she saw the time on her smart watch. "Oh no, mom and dad must be pacing up and down the living room right now, Xavier, come on let's go"

Simone grabbed Xavier hands which were as soft as silk and she had always wondered what lotion her used. "Hold your horses princess,"Xavier said pulling back Simone who was leading him to his car. Simone turned to face him with a well groomed eyebrows scrunched up in confusion " What's the problem now Xavier? "she asked in an exasperated tone.

" Are you going home in that?"Xavier answered with his own question pointing out that Simone was still in her all black outfit. Simone's ears burned red from embarrassment. His could she forget to change her into her normal clothes. Her parents would probably smell that something fishy was going in.

She smiled awkwardly at the coffee brown haired boy,Xavier and brushed past him heading to the huge three foot thick door. She swiped her access card across the scanner and the heavy door unlocked.

She was about to go in when she heard someone clear his throat. She turned head to see who it was and there she saw Xavier holding her backpack. The backpack contained her clothes, shoes and laptop so she needed it.

She went back and retrieved it then disappeared behind the door. After a few minutes,she immerged in her white strapless top ,dark blue culottes and a three inch pair if high heels. She had pulled her hair back in a ponytail and her backpack slung over her right shoulder.

The others were already in their cars as they had been waiting for Simone. Simone jogged up to Xavier's black as night car and he pushed open the passenger seat door for her from the driver's seat. 'Such a gentleman' she said sarcastically in her head.

The luxury cars cruised out of the garage in a single file, Xavier and Simone's being the last in line. The atmosphere in the car was calm. Xavier's eyes were trained in the road and Simone's on him. Xavier noticed he was the subject on her mind a and decided to make jest of it.

"Am I really that handsome that you can't look away" He had now refocused his gaze on her. He was looking straight in her unique green speckled blue eyes that mesmerized him every time he looked at them. "No, I was just thinking.." She leaned across to him and landed a hard blow on his toned abdomen. Xavier was caught off guard by Simone's sudden attack.

The lone car swerved on the clear road before Xavier regained control of the it. He looked at Simone with questions splattered across his face."No one calls me 'princess' ever or touches my belongings without my knowledge."She explained calmly diverting her attention to the road. Xavier shook his head with an amused smile spreading across his handsome face. He wasn't surprised at her reasoning. This was Simone; she was cheerful but tough bad ass girl.

This was why he had agreed when she asked him to be her fake boyfriend to keep her parents off her back. She wasn't like the other girls who just threw themselves on him but instead, she drew a boundary which no one would dare cross. He liked her but sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual. But he told himself he would wait.

"Oh and the answer to you previous question, we're just friends Xavier. I know you know that." Simone told him in her normal voice whilst texting Arymone on the phone. She didn't notice the smile on Xavier's face disappear with her reply to his teaser from before.

Driving at a hundred kilometers per hour, it didn't take long before they were going through the marble gates of that Lavinge Mansion. The car drove up the straight paved path and parked by the water fountain that was the center piece of the vast front yard of the Lavinge Mansion. The moon's silvery light reflected in the water creating a breath taking portrait.

Simone removed her black leather jacket which was worn by the seat and slide into it swiftly before stepping out of the car. Xavier did the same and the pair walked up to the double doors that led into the house. It had stopped snowing but it didn't change the level of coldness.

Simone rang the doorbell and a second later, a middle aged man of average height opened the beautiful doors. He wore a black suite with a white neatly into a triangle peeking out from his coat's pocket. He stood aside to leave way for the two."Welcome back, young miss and young master Xavier."

Simone smiled warmly at the old but kind butler,"Thank you Alonzo ". Simone walked in first with Xavier following and Alonzo closed the doors behind them.