

Dear reader,

Decoupled is a book that I have been writing in bits and parts for quite some time, and now it has taken shape to be put out here.

The characters are complex and deep with many layers, and they will make a lot of mistakes and also do certain things which might not align well with everyone's definition of morality. They might annoy you many times, yet please refrain from posting harsh comments or name-calling the characters because there's a little bit of me in every character in this book.

I hope you would respect the characters and their choices and not judge them for what they say and do.

The work is purely based on my imagination, and a little bit of inspiration taken from real-life events and emotions as well. Any similarities to people living/dead or real life events are all purely coincidental.


Some scenes and dialogs are heavily based on a favorite movie, and a very old k-drama that has my whole heart. The entire book has grown from a one-shot that I randomly wrote one day, and decided that the emotions cannot be contained within a one-shot or two-shot.

Do not plagiarize my work.

Pictures and gifs courtesy : The Internet.

Decoupled will be an emotional ride, with some heavy themes, and I hope you enjoy the ride with Raphael and the other characters who you would discover as the story progresses.


Happy reading!!





Some wise man once said that high school reunions can be dangerous—well, he was so right in every aspect. It does trigger risky emotions that makes the heart want to re-live the happy days and maybe even push the limits, irrespective of where we are in life at the moment.

And the freedom that adulthood gives us, plus the capability of effortlessly holding numerous secrets within makes this all very tempting, irresistible, and definitely dangerous.

- Raphael Diego.



No part of this book may be recreated, translated or reused in any form without the proper written consent of the author.