
Declaration of Existance

GoodPanic7170 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Curiosity Kills…

<"To me, it was just another day where I read manhwa all day and starved myself. But to them, it was a revelation.">


--Now, it's not like I don't have food to eat. But it's more along the line of that I'm almost caught up to the most recent chapter of this manhwa I really like, and I know that if I stop now and eat, I probably won't try to start reading again when I'm done eating.--

--And yes, I know this would be considered stupid by everyone who's not able to hear my inner monologue, and that I could just eat and read. But it kind of throws off the vibe when you have to wipe your fingers every time you want to scroll. So keep your mean comments to yourself.--

"You're fucking weird," I say aloud whilst chuckling to myself.

"Let's see what the comments are talking 'bout," I uttered after reading the footnotes from the chapter.

"W..chap..ter…thumbs..up..emoji.." I say in an exaggerated voice with an idiotic grin on my face. "Ain't that right, Sphinx?"

"Meow!" My cat chirps from under the bed.

"Now, even though I don't speak cat, I'll assume you agreed with me. For my sanity and your livelihood," I say to my feline daughter as I decide to lay back on my, ever-so-luxurious, twin-sized bed. --I fucking hate this small ass bed. But I'll, "Be a man", I guess, and tough it out.--

I tap on the button that'll take me to the next chapter and give the screen a slight flick upward to ignore the self-promo of the scan group that, ever-so-graciously, decided to translate it into English for idiots like me.


<It's at roughly the two-minute mark of the usual three it takes me to finish a chapter, when the story, once again, piqued my interest.>


--Now in truth, I do understand that in the mind of an orphan, whose main goal is to get revenge for your dead clan, even if it means that you could die or that you're (dead) clan wants you to live a happy and normal life, you'd do anything it takes to get stronger.--

--Because of the thing the poison clan members and those martial alliance bastards did, you already have hatred deeply ingrained in your soul, so you know that you won't be able to face you're family in the afterlife if you were to die without doing anything.--

--SO WHY DON'T YOU TRAIN INSTEAD OF TRYING TO FIGHT LITERAL SUPREME PEAK MARTIAL ARTISTS AS 2ND-RATE IDIOT AND TRAINING WHEN YOU'RE INJURED AFTER GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU?!?! I also fully understand I'm getting angry at a work of fiction. But I ask you, dear mental-alter-ego existences…--

--"What is it?"-- My inner-God-Complex asks.

--I forgot…--


<After getting sidetracked by my thoughts, I continue back where I left off on the screen. In the story, the mc attempts to unclog one of his meridians. But then, he lost concentration.>

<He messed up.>

<He could fall into qi deviation.>

<What about the promises he made?>

<Will he di-.>


<The mc's eyes snap open.>

"Haa, hoo, haa, hoo."

<The mc takes rapid breaths.>


<The chime of the bell awakens the mc from his rapid breathing.>

"Amitabha." <A blind Taoist in blue robes says as he emerges from the foliage.>

"Who… are you," <The mc asked with slow but sharp gasps.>

"That is not of any relevance, for your life is in danger. Now, take deep breaths and listen."

<The Taoist begins to help the mc get control of his unstable qi and bring balance to his body.>


"While Yin and Yang conflict, they also make use of each other. Yin and Yang depend on one another and keep each other in check simultaneously. As Yin and Yang decline and regenerate repeatedly, they are able to achieve perfect harmony. If you reach the highest level in this stage, Yin will become Yang, and Yang will become Yin. It'll achieve the primordial balance that doesn't distinguish between Yin and Yang."

"Primordial balance…?" I say unconsciously. --What is primordial balance? No. Primordial. Chaos? What is chaos? In some of the manhwa that had gods, Primordial Chaos is a being that's constantly involved. Doesn't Chaos and Gaia always fight? But there's never a case of a true victory between the two. So wouldn't that make it a never-ending battle? Wait, what made them fight? What caused them to have been fighting since the beginning of time? Isn't Gaia a being of nature? What is nature? Is it life? Or is it things that happen without cause? Happen without cause? Isn't it said that chaos has always been around? If that's the case, then Chaos would be natural. Then where did Gaia come from and how did she have the power of Nature? Is she the manifestation of the power of Nature? …--

--Did Gaia come into existence and her power of Nature clashed with Chaos and his power of Chaos and as a result of their powers clashing, create a balance of creation and destruction?--

--In that case, wouldn't it be possible to create a third powerful existence from the two?--


[Your worth has been recognized.]

[Congratulations, you have proven your worth as a {Star Born Genius}.]

[You have been granted permission to ascend to the {Zenith Realm}.]

[I will now analyze your existence.]

[Analyzing…Analyzing…Analyzation complete.]

[I will now start the ascension to the {Zenith Real-..]

"WAIT!!!" I shout to the voice. "I have a few concerns that I wanna address," I say, hoping to be given a chance to ask some questions.

[What are your concerns?]


"Can I bring my cat with me?"


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