

The original title: "Innocence of the Ignorant". Genre: R-18 Psychological Synopsis: One action could affect the lives of many, be small or big... If you have what it takes to change, will it be for better or for worse? Hayama Ameguri is just a normal child, no special features and set to live a normal life. However, he starts to change after having a fateful encounter with a certain man. The normal life which he supposed to live has turn into heavy one. A path where there's no future that awaits him, "the path of killing..." In the world where no one can be held responsible for their own actions who is going to take the weights that has been unintentionally passed down on him? No one... No one other than himself... Isn't it on pointless to throw the bag if it's nothing but burden? it's easy to say but one cannot go back to normal after killing.

LapiZapiL · สมจริง
11 Chs


"What pushes an individual to commit crime?"

'The reason?'

'I wanted to know it...'

'So... I chased after it to understand things better...'

'I chased without taking a rest!'

'And chased!'

'And chased!'

'Eventually, I catches up to the things I desire the most...'

'And find out that, it's not worth it...'


'Why I'm laughing? '

'Because it's funny, the truth behind things is so simple. The world is opal sphere in shape, and not perfect circle... However, if corners doesn't exist what I'm doing is only circling around. Tracing the root of cause can only blame the creator.'


'Do you truly exist...?'

'If so... I curse you from the bottom of my heart!'

'At the end of the day, humans are just toys for you to play with.'

"Kukuku, that's why its so funny... I found out the reason behind things and thinks it's childish..."

[Love brings hate, and hate brings death...]

[Life is a curse and blessings at the same time.]

'It's so funny... The cause of everything, the seven deadly sins and human extermination starts with a death of single person.'

"Chain reaction..."

'I couldn't help but laugh...'

[Do you understand what I'm trying to say?]

[If so then do you think it's better to commit crime and exterminate every single one of them?]

[I'm talking to you the one who reading this... Make up your decision... I will be waiting for you... The fate of the world is already written, the destruction is unavoidable... Might as well make it happen faster...]


The sound of book cover hitting it's pages echoes through the library, it broke the silence inside the room and causes a big ruckus on person's mind. Even though it's silent the voices of people inside his head is loud enough for the whole world to hear.

"Do you understand the message he is trying to say?"


I put down the thick old book on table and release a tiresome sigh as if the weights on my body has been lifted.

"Yes... The author is simply trying to say one thing."

"What is it?"

I turn at him with a serious expression on my face. The atmosphere between us suddenly becomes heavier, it gives a suffocating feeling as if the room was filled with carbon dioxide.


I could tell that he is getting nervous so, I casually look away and try to calm myself down.

"It simply means that I'm going to die today..."

At the same time I said it, the door in our silent library explodes.



The fragments of woods scattered all over the place, and numerous people in raid suit enter the place and surrounded them.

"Put your hands on the air or we will shoot!"

'So they finally came, eh?'

Knowing that resistance is futile. I just closes my eyes and smile.

"I'm not going to resist, you can tell them to come inside..."

After informing them I'm willing to surrender, I slowly raises both of my hands and glance at the busted door of library.

"I know you will eventually come to kill me... Reaper."

At the moment there's no one on the other side, so I only stare at the wrecked door and waited for them to enter. After few seconds three people slowly emerges from the door and made an appearance.

'So that's what you look like eh? Doppelganger...'

Along with one arm old man on crane, and mysterious individual who wore a mask, a person wearing a black trench coat along with black pants and gloves head inside. The way he dress is like a detective or secret agent. The most intriguing part is the sinister smirk on his face, it's so attractive yet feels dangerous at the same time.

'Hayama the Reaper... No should I say...'


I stated his name outloud and slightly grin on his face becomes wider. If he keeps grinning it will eventually reaches his ears and make his face scarier.

"Oh it seems like you me and even knows we are coming for you... That makes things easier then..."

"I guess..."

'The reason why he said that it's because I'm well aware of their objective for attack my place. I can only provide them the fragments of information I know, but they seems to know it already.'


He let out a chuckle and look away from me. I just smile as response and focus my gaze at the table.

"I know the reason why you invaded my place its because if information I have and my participation in turning you into mass murderer..."

'To be honest, I just kidnapped kids to get their organs but I never thought someone has taken advantage of that to create a ridiculous monster.'


It wasn't an ordinary sound, it was the sound of scythe being pulled out and swings closer to my ears. I could tell it was missed on purpose but the next one would be cut my head without a doubt.

"All I can say is, it's true... I'm the one responsible for kidnapping kids. However, the person who implanted that persona into you is someone else."

I take a deep breath and slowly reaches my hands to the book in front of me.

"Hayama "Chiakai" Ameguri, Isn't it perfect? Your name symbolize color, truth, blood and rain. Kukuku...."

I facepalm myself as I enjoy the amusing scene unfold.

"As you know members of deceased has their own agenda, just like me I was so obsessed with extracting human organs that's why I kidnapped kids... But what they wanted from you is different, you have been used by that person in order to dispose of me and my children. Even though no one can interfere directly in other people affairs, you aren't bound by it and some executives take advantage of that..."

I slowly turn my gaze towards him and the smirk seems on his face disappears.

"You know what I'm talking about right? Kukuku, that's why its interesting..."

"I see..."

After hearing his response, I look back at the book in front of me.

'If you ever get the message then you will be the new Aikon. It means someone cannot be killed, even if I get beheaded a new Aikon will appear one day...'


It was a short yet fast cut, I didn't even feel anything other than the feeling of gravity. I just realized my head already rolling on the ground along with my one and only subordinate.

'Its finally over... For me but for you Hayama everything is always the beginning...'


That was the last sound which put everyonr at silent state. Hayama also known as Chiakai, smash the head of Aikon using his feet. He keep on stomping it until the skull is completely broken.

"Damn... So that's how it is huh..."

I put back the scythe on my scabbard and slowly leave the area. Akami along with Arthur follow me outside.

"What did you find, Chiakai?"

I stop walking and slowly turn around at them to discuss my findings.

"The world is opal sphere in shape, even though it's not a perfect circle without corners we are just circling around."

Akami listen to me and suddenly let out a frustrated expression on his face.

'I can understand his anger... After all those words simply means. I won't be able to catch up the person I'm looking for since what we are doing is circling around just like a dog chasing it's tail. The corners doesn't exist. Thus, we can only keep moving forward inside the infinite loop.'

"So in order to get rid of that person, we must either destroy the entire organization or eradicate you... Both are unrealistic, assume we succeed the first option the possibility of that person being a member of deceased is incredibly low..."

Arthur takes off his mask and also take a deep breath.

"We have no choice but to take things slowly, but even if we succeed in executing that plan, it will result into your mental breakdown... Which likely ended up in dying."

'In order to get rid of me a false personality, we must kill the person responsible for creating me in the first place. But we have been searching for him for so long yet a clue leads on another clue. The more we investigate that person the worse my status become. Not only that it's difficult to predict what's going to happen once Hayama made a contact with that person. On the worse case scenario we could be annihilated, if that happens they that person will have full control over Hayama which turns him into perfect doll.'

"This is difficult... If we miscalculated even a little thing, it could result into worst possible outcome."

I try to calm myself down and give them orders.

"For now let's head back and think things through..."

-Inside the Villa

Few hours after death of Aikon, some deceased members are currently in anonymous meeting.

"So even if we travel the whole world to hunt him down it's impossible to corner him? Is that what you are trying to say reaper?"

"Yes, searching for the person behind things won't benefits us. After investigating it seems like that guy is trying to reduce deceased branch military power, increase his force and eliminate some executives. He is also trying frame someone up while hiding in the shadows leaving no trace behind."

"I see, so every actions we take is connected to him? It seems like we are dancing on the palm of his hands... Doing nothing would be the best choice. I don't know how many rats are hiding in our branch... But I cannot sacrifice our loyal subordinates just to hunt them down. The future of deceased will become dependent on your results. So you need to solve this problem Reaper."

"I understand."

"Anyway, some girls will be coming here to pickup Hayama."

"Girls? Who are they?"

"Huh? Did you forget, it's the three women live along side him. Shina his girlfriend, Diane, and lastly his older sister Asuza."

"Oh them? Well I don't have anything to do with them anyway..."

"What are you talking about? Aren't you the same person..."

"No, not really... I don't exist, but if we are talking about ideal Hayama it would be me..."

its ideal because Hayama wanted to vecome like him.

"That's true... I should increae surveillance around you just in case... What do you think if we add another girl?"

"Girl? You should know that Hayama don't like it when he gets surrounded by girls..."

"Well he is now surrounded by them."

"Whatever do you wanted then... I'm going to take a rest. I won't be able to see you for year or may be years? Who knows when Hayama is going to call me again."

"Alright, be careful on your way out."

I watches him left the meeting place and take a deep breath.

"This is quite irritating, for some reason they know what's happening inside our organization yet no trace of spying can be detected outside... I feel like I missed something basic yet important... The fate of deceased will likely be affected by this but what is it? What am I missing?"

I stand up from my chair and glances at the window, hoping an answer will come but nothing comes out of my mind.

"In the first place why Hayama of all people? I know he is special but the question how did they slip through our radar and even manage to implant something on him remains mystery..."

'We can only be certain of one thing, they wanted to used Hayama and deceased members to dispose of deceased.'

"Just who in the world is our opponent? Something we cannot see and even feel, as if we are battling against gods."

I grit my teeth and click my tongue while expressing my frustrations to the sky hoping god will see me.

"How many hours have passed since we left the house?"

I asked myself as I glare at the car window, we couldn't see what's happening outside due to thick black tint.

"That foolish brother I'm going to smack him for good!"

I clenched my fist in frustrations but my feelings towards him bears no hatred, as a matter of fact I'm only upset because I love him.

"We reached our destination... I'm going to escort you guys so, please stay still for a while and cause any ruckus. This place is like a church for us."

I listen to the driver and I hold back my anger. I don't really care where we are since my only concern is my brother who suddenly leave the house.

After few minutes, the car door on my left side is being open and a sight of beauty villa hits my eyes.

"Welcome to deceased villa..."

A number of maids wearing plain white mask, happily greet us together as if they were sync in perfection.

My brother's girlfriend Amane and his another girl friend (?) Diane hop off the car and tagged along with me. The driver whom also wearing a white mask approaches us and speak formally.

"Our special guest, lady Koasaka, Amane and Ayase. The maids will accompany you inside the villa... Just like what I said earlier, refrain from doing disrespectful things and think of this place as sacred. I'll be taking my leave now..."

He bow down to us and head back into the car. I averted my gaze away from him and glares at the maid standing in front of us. Together at the same time, they speak.

"Please follow us... We will take you to our executives..."

'Executives? What does it mean?'

I don't know the answer but I can only get certain of one thing. Hayama is involved in something troublesome.

The maid surrounded us in box and proceed to walk inside the villa. I want to see my brother as soon as possible, Shina and Diane also feels the same way so we didn't speak and just do as they say.


We walk for a while and take a stop to specific room. One of the maid acting as leader throws a hand gesture as if asking them to leave the place and slowly approaches us.

"Our executive is coming here, please head inside and wait for a while..."

She open the door and sight of clean and bright room caught our eyes. Everything around the room looks so fancy, there seems to be number of expensive paintings.

'There's no one inside?'

I observe the room first outside before taking a seat.

'i don't know what they are planning but if they are harassing my brother then I must track and annihilate them!'

The leader of maids, silently closes the door leaving us with nothing but silence.


Approximately five minutes have passed and the door which closed for a while is now being open.


The creaking sounds caught our attention and at the same time, we glances at the door.

"Ohh, you are Amane Shina right?"

A person wearing a clown mask head inside. His focus was on Shina and act like we didn't exist. His voice sounds creepy as if it was possessed by ghost.

"I don't know who you are but it seems like you are not the executive we are supposed to meet."

I interrupt him from making a move on Shina and he turn his attention towrds me.

"Kosaka Asuza...

He said my full name with tune of disappointment. I didn't pay attention to it and he seems to be displeased on my presence but still continue to speak.

"Well you are right about that... I'm uninvited guest and only came here to deliver a gift..."

'A gift? At this time? What are they planning?'

As we speak, the leader of maids head inside while carrying a big box and put it on the table. After putting in down, she bow her head to us and the mysterious guy before taking her leave.

"Why don't you open that gift? It came from Hayama you know... Exclusively wrapped just for you guys..."

I frowned after hearing the source of gift and glares at the mystery box.

I'm curious what kind of gift it was so I gently unwrapped the gift and notices a container filled with water. There seems to be something inside but I couldn't see it clearly.

I could feel everyone's gaze but I didn't pay attention to it and focus on unwrapping the box.

I only need to remove the top to see it's contents but after opening it I witness something disturbing.

What's inside the box is head of human... It wasn't an ordinary head but rather a head of person I know. The head of my remaining reason to live... It was the head of my brother.

By looking at his neck, I could tell what kind of things he went through before dying. The cut wasn't clean, it's like they pull his head away from the body and cut it through countless number of stabs using ice pick.


I didn't finish what I wanted to say, my eyes which filled with tears and frustrations glares sharply at the person whom deliver the box.

Inside his mask I could tell, he was laughing...

I don't care what happens anymore, I just wanted to kill this man in front of me.

"What's wrong? It's a gift for you show some appreciation..."

"I'm going to kill you!"

After cursing him, I uses the table as ramp and kick the ground to initialize a drop kick.

My foot is about to hit his face but someone grab my ankle and twisted it on the air.


I was surprised since my attack was blocked and even throws a counter but it didn't stop me from attacking again. So I raised my fist and rushes into him...

However, before my fist makes a contact the who stops my attack earlier speaks.

"Calm down... Lady kosaka it's only a doll..."

As his words penetrate my ears, I stop my fist before it hit his face.

"A doll...? What do you mean?"

He lightly brushes my arm away and starts to explain himself.

"Just like what it sounds like... The head over there is only a doll and not real. A replica of the real person."

As he speak, he grab the fallen crane on the ground and head inside to take a seat.

"Anyway, should we discuss something important? Like Hayama's whereabouts..."

Knowing the head was doll doesn't actually made me calm in the slightest. But after hearing information about my brother, I manage to take a deep breath.

"Please, tell me about it."

The one arm old man just smile to me casually and turn his gaze to Amane.

"Before we starts I think you should take a seat first. After all this is going to be long..."

I follow the one arm old man request and went back to my previous seat. However, I didn't take my eyes away from the person wearing a clown mask. I'm not done with him yet...

Despite my murderous gaze aiming at him, he seems to take it lightly and even dare to pick up the doll head on the table.

"Bah! I was hoping I could get some fun reaction but you ruin my plan... Kill joy as always aren't you?"

He pick up the mask and starts to throw some trantum, he is probably trying to provoke the one arm old man. Being old man is only an appearance but his strength and techniques are top tier considering he successfully stops my attack with only a single arm.

"Heeh! Do you think they will laugh at your cringe joke, clown?"

He just responded to him with a chuckle and criticize his humor.

'So his name is clown huh?'

Clown shrug his shoulder and stare at him with mockery.

"Well someone who doesn't have a humor don't have any rights to call my joke, cringe... Just take a good look at them..."

He takes a momentary of pause and extended his arms towards us.

"They have lots of fun in my prank... And I can even prove it... Everybody sing! If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!"

"Clap! Clap!"

He starts to sing but when he reaches the part where he was supposed to clap his hands, clown averted his gaze to kami and clap with emphasize. As if insulting him for being handicapped.

After that he jump from his seat and roam around joyfully.

"Now repeat after me! If you are happy and you know it clap your hands!"

"Clap, clap!"

"If you are happy and you know it clap yout hands!"

"Clap, clap!"

"if you have any! Kakakaka!"

Clutching his stomach, he smack the thin air and laugh at his own joke like there is no tomorrow.

The four of us including kami only stare at him hopelessly, he is trying so hard but its hopeless. Despite that fac, clown doesn't seem to pay attention to our reaction and think it's already done.

Kami remain silent the whole time and only stare at him blankly and Clown just continue with his so called joke.

"By the way Kami, I have a question for you..."

The tone of his voice suddenly turn into serious and the atmosphere between them becomes heavy.

"Kami, why are you always going on left?"

He takes a momentary of pause and answer his own question.

"Oy oy oy, don't answer! I know why... It's because you have no right! Get me? No right! kakakakaka! That was hilarious!"

It's kind of ironic, his dark humor is actually dark humor.

T/N: his joke isn't funny so he is the only one laughing and appreciate it. (Joker)

Again clow hold his stomach and roll around the floor while laughing. We stopped paying attention to him and focus our gaze to Kami.

"Can you tell me where is my brother?"

I couldn't waste any more time so I get straight to the point and asked for his whereabouts.

Kami just smile bitterly and look at us with a serious expression on his face.

"Before I tell you that, the brother(Asuza) boyfriend (Shina), and boy friend (Diane)... Are you talking about Hayama or someone else?"

The atmosphere suddenly feels heavy as if he is hinting us that wrong answer could lead into Hayama's death or us dying.

'I don't know what he is talking about but I couldn't help myself but ask...'

"Someone else? What are you talking about...?"

"As you know Hayama is a kind, stupid, gentle person... That was your ideal Hayama but that Hayama has another personality which hidden underneath the abyss..."

He purposely cut his own words in order for us to catch up. I wanted to ask another follow up question but I have a feeling that I shouldn't do it since I'm going to know it sooner.

"They said every person has a secret they wanted to keep and doesn't want everyone to know but I'm telling you this for your own sake... Hayama is a ruthless murderer who killed tens of thousands of children..."

The words that comes from his mouth shocked us to the fullest, we wanted to believe it was all a lie but it hits so hard that I feel like it's somehow true.

'My brother killed over ten thousand children!?'