
Pity She Had An Agenda

Aurelie walked into the French Red building with her agent Sharon. She was a little flushed as she remembered that Nicolas Leroux had seen her at the club. He had not stayed for long after acknowledging her. When she had stolen a glance in his direction, he had been leaving. She feared she had played too hard to get. But that was okay. She was here. She would have more opportunities to draw him to her. He and his group had walked out and she had taken a breath of relief. How could she celebrate with him there? It had been funny how Rachel had not noticed him at all. Auri had decided to feign a migraine and had gone home to her apartment.

"You should keep on your normal schedule," Sharon was saying, "But we need to get your timetable with French Red for adjustments."

Auri nodded to show that she was listening. She was more focused on how each one of her steps felt firm on the marble flooring. How her heeled slippers clicked with each step and how the light made her skin look pale. She was aware of how the top of her dress was snug against her torso and how the skirt flared and its hem caressed her thighs every time she moved her legs.

She looked over at Sharon and smiled at how professional she looked in her powder blue suit over a puffy white shirt with a lot of ruffles at the neck. Her white heels also clicked with each sure step. Her purse swung on her elbow and caught the light with each step she took.

They got to the reception desk where the blue-haired receptionist from last time met them. His eyes lit up with recognition.

"Hello," Sharon said with a smile and his gaze turned to her, "We're here for Greg Little."

"Good morning," he was almost singing out the words, "Let me ring his office and see if he's available."

"Thank you," Sharon responded and watched as he dialled a number on the telephone on his desk.

Auri looked around the reception as he put the phone to his ear. She watched as people with ID cards rushed to elevators. She was admiring the cream and gold walls and marble ivory floors when she saw Nicolas Leroux walk in through the doors. Greg Little was behind him and moving fast to keep up with his boss's long strides.

Nicolas turned his head and saw her even as the receptionist said,

"Never mind, I see him."

Sharon turned with an "Oh?"

"Do you want me to page him?" the receptionist asked behind them.

"No," Sharon said over her shoulder as she began marching towards Mr Little and Nicolas Leroux.

"Thank you," Auri said to the receptionist and began following her agent.

"Good morning," Sharon called out as she reached Mr Leroux and his assistant.

Nicolas turned his head, saw them, and smiled in recognition. Auri's breath caught at that smile. It was beautiful. She wasn't the only one. There was a collective sigh from the females and possibly some men who saw that smile. Of course excluding Sharon. Sharon never let those kinds of things deter her from her professional persona.

"Good morning," he said as he stopped and waited for the women to catch up to him.

His assistant halted behind him. He looked clean in a grey suit and his black hair was slicked back and shiny. Aurelie thought he had the stance of a butler in the movies. Just without the gloves.

Nicolas was dressed in faded blue jeans and a dress shirt. Despite this, he looked the part of a CEO with his dark hair falling over his brow.

"Ms Wilde," he extended his hand to Sharon and she shook it firmly and let go.

His gaze flickered towards Auri and she felt a thrill run down her spine. She wanted to blush, cover her mouth with a lace fan, and titter. In her head, she was doing that. Then the guilt and shame followed. She fought it all down. Mara would understand. So on the outside, she maintained what she thought was a neutral and polite smile. He extended his hand towards her and she put her palm against his. She could feel how warm and firm his grasp was. He ran his thumb against her skin once and he let go. She felt a triumphant joy flutter in her chest. He was interested in her. He had to be. He was interested in everything born with a vagina.

"Ready to start with us?" he asked her his tone gentle.

"Yes," Auri replied her chest puffing up and back going straight with pride.

Inwardly, she was jumping around the room with unrestrained excitement. She was more than ready. She would do him proud to have hired her. She would make him admire her more than any model he knew or any woman to grace his bed. Then she would make him bleed.

"Good," Nicolas said and glanced at his phone before saying, "Come on, let's get you settled in."

His assistant opened his mouth to protest. He seemed to think better of it and quickly snapped it shut. Nicolas began walking towards the elevator. Aurie, Sharon and Greg Little followed him. He seemed to have all his attention on Auri.

"When is her next show?" Sharon asked as she lifted her phone.

Her thumbs were ready to make a quick note.

"The next runway show is in two weeks," Nicolas said, "But we have a commercial shoot and a photo shot next week."

Sharon's fingers did not move. She looked at Nicolas and asked, "Do you have the specific dates?"

"Little will give them to you," Nicolas said as he stopped in front of the elevator.

Little rushed forward, pressed the call button and took a step back. Auri noticed that although it seemed like the other employees were going about their business. They seemed to walk slower when they walked past her group. They glanced in Nicolas' a lot more than where they were going.

My goodness, she thought, how does anything get done here?

She realised that Little was rattling off the dates of her schedule. She had not been paying attention. She would have to ask for the schedule from Sharon.

"I will email you the whole chart," he said and Auri wondered why he had not started with that.

"That will be lovely," Sharon said sarcastically, "Thank you."

She had been unnecessarily and painstakingly typing what he had been saying when she could have received a schedule.

"No thanks needed," Little said, either missing or ignoring the sarcasm.

"It's my job."

The elevator dinged and the door slid open. It was empty. Nicolas stepped in and Auri, Sharon and Little walked in after him. Auri made sure she was next to Nicolas. They were at the back and Sharon and Greg were on either of their sides. She looked at him from under her lashes as he stepped forward and pressed a button.

I'm in an elevator with Nicolas Leroux, she realised and felt her skin tighten.

"Right now," his voice was smooth, "I am showing you around the area you need for now."

"And what are those?" Sharon asked around Auri.

"She has an apartment on the top floor should she need it," Nicolas said, "There's a gym, the main and practice runways, then the main design room."

Auri realised that it had not completely sunk in yet that she was working with French Red. She was really here. She wiped her hands on the skirt of her dress. On the inside, she was on her back, legs in the air, and excitedly pedalling. She wished she could do that in real life. She would have more access to him. More chances to bump into him every now and again.

"Does she need an apartment here?" Sharon seemed composed.

"It's hers whether she uses it or not," Nicolas' voice was firm and broached no arguments

Auri sneaked another look at him and found him looking at her. She blushed and quickly looked down at her feet. Smiling.

"Are there any models practising on the catwalks?" Sharon asked.

"We do have practice for the next show happening right now," Little replied when Nicolas looked at him for answers.

"Right now?" Sharon asked.

"Aurelie will join them tomorrow," Nicolas said as the elevator's bell chimed and the doors began to slide open.

Auri took a step forward but Nicolas grabbed her arm and drew her back. Auri felt the warmth of his hand on her skin and goosebumps erupted. She suppressed a shiver and took in a large amount of air to expand her lungs to their full capacity before letting the air out again. She looked up at him questioningly.

"Not our floor," he explained when her eyes locked with his.

She flushed and looked forward. Nicolas let go of her arm and she immediately felt the loss. There was a coldness where his palm had touched her skin. She watched as two men mumbled their greetings as they stepped onto the elevator. Nicolas just nodded at them. The men pressed a button as the elevator door began to close.

The elevator continued its ascension and the people inside were silent. Auri felt Sharon looking at her and she turned her head to glance at her. Sharon smiled at her a hint of excitement in her eyes. Auri smiled back knowing her eyes held that excitement if not more. She felt a thrill tickle all her muscles. She was entering the next part of her life. A very exciting part that few people would ever get to experience.

It was a pity she had an agenda.

Psst! Hey! Hey you! Yes you!

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( ̄﹃ ̄)

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