
Debut or Die (Translated)

In a remarkable turn of events, a diligent student immersed in the arduous preparations for his fourth year of the Civil Service examination, found himself inexplicably thrust into an unfamiliar body and displaced three years into the past. To compound the mystery, a peculiar status window materialized before his very eyes, bearing an ominous warning that cast a pall of uncertainty upon his existence. [Outbreak!] [Status Abnormality: 'Debut or Death' Inevitable!] Thus unfolds the astounding metamorphosis of our protagonist, an unassuming individual utterly uninitiated in the world of idolhood. Yet, propelled by the specter of imminent demise, he is forced to confront this strange situation head-on, with his very survival hanging in the balance.

little_Peanut · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Isn't it inherent that upon awakening to an unfamiliar ceiling, an indisputable truth unveils itself—that one was transported into an entirely different world?"


A relentless throb pulsed through my skull, as if a relentless force sought to cleave it in two. Clutching my forehead, I struggled to rise from the bed, only to have the musty blanket cascade down to the floor in a disordered heap.

Let me gather my thoughts. After confirming my failure in the civil service examination once again, it seems that I succumbed to an evening of drowning my sorrows in solitude and alcohol.

Could it be that in my intoxicated stupor, I managed to stumble from my one-room apartment into this squalid motel?

"How is that possible..."

A curse escaped my lips as I made my way towards the bathroom, yearning to relieve myself and confront the disheveled remnants of my inebriated state. Even without glancing in the mirror, I knew all too well that I resembled a wretch.

Yet, as I gazed into the mirror, an unsettling revelation awaited me.

"Ugh!... Damn it."

An impulsive expletive tore from my lips as I clenched my teeth in frustration.

Trembling, I raised my hand and brushed it across my face, desperately hoping that the reflection before me wouldn't follow. However, the mirror obstinately presented an unfamiliar countenance—a gaunt yet remarkably alluring visage of youth.

I stifled a gasp, determined not to succumb to panic. A deep longing for the comfort of a cigarette, which I had long abandoned, washed over me.


It was only then that I realized how foreign my own voice sounded.

The urge to bite my tongue swelled within me.

What in the world is happening?

Gathering what little composure I could muster, I cautiously explored the motel room, navigating my unaccustomed body through a meticulous inspection.

That's when I stumbled upon a letter, reminiscent of a farewell note, alongside an empty bottle of medication. It appeared that the previous occupant had sought solace in an overdose of sleeping pills—a desperate attempt to sever ties with this world.

A bitter taste enveloped my being. Even after this transference of bodies, I remained an orphan—a lonely man.

On the dilapidated dresser, I discovered a discarded wallet left behind by the former tenant. Nestled within were a few banknotes and an identification card belonging to this unfamiliar vessel.

[Park Moondae 0X1215 - 3XXXXXX]

"The last digit is 3..."

So young and vulnerable. Disheartened, I examined the photograph adorning the card. Though it depicted a countenance less ravaged than the one reflected earlier, a solemn air still clung to the image.

Despite its gloomy appearance, the face possessed a captivating handsomeness and a youthful charm that defied its age. It was of a man no more than twenty-three-year-old? It seemed to transcend the constraints of time.


No, now is not the time for such thoughts.

I willed myself to think rationally, endeavoring to make sense of this bewildering situation. Perhaps the individual who sought to end their own life had inadvertently inhabited my own body.

Clutching the wallet tightly, I swung open the door of the motel room.

And there I stood, frozen in astonishment.

Before me, delicate snowflakes gently descended from the heavens, cascading beyond the windowpane.

...Merely moments ago, I had succumbed to alcohol's embrace in the midst of a sweltering July.

"What in the world..."

I swallowed hard, hastily retreating into the confines of the motel room. With trembling hands, I lifted the calendar from the table.

[202X December]

...A relic from three years ago.

My vision blurred momentarily.

However, the shock of finding myself transported to the past was soon overshadowed by the sheer incredulity of this body-switching phenomenon.

Perched on the edge of the bed, I drew a deep breath, striving to regain my composure. It was perplexing that amidst this extraordinary turn of events, I failed to recall even a single winning lottery number.

Amidst such bewildering contemplations, I lifted my gaze.

...Truly, perhaps this was not merely a journey into the past, but rather an entirely divergent world.

Despite the irrationality of this notion, it gained a convincing foothold in my overwhelmed psyche. It reminded me of the recurring themes found within the speculative fiction and cyberpunk novels I occasionally perused—a genre often intertwined with advanced technology and alternate realities.

A faint, self-mocking chuckle escaped my lips as I whispered these whimsical words. Though they resonated with some semblance of truth, they failed to quell the nagging sensation that something more profound lay beneath the surface.

"Status window...?"

To no avail, it refused to materialize, leaving me in a state of frustration.


Shame washed over me, compelling me to strike the bed with my hand.

Naturally, it remained absent. You idiot...

[Name: Park Moondae (Ryu Gunwoo)]

Level: 0

Title: None

Vocal: C

Dance: -

Visual: C

Charm: -

Attribute: Limitless potential

It appeared?

I rolled and tumbled off the bed.


Even as a groan escaped my lips due to the sudden ake that assaulted back, my thoughts raced.

The contents of the status window... they defied my expectations?



With the manifestation of the status window, a sense of calm washed over me.

This peculiar situation, disregarding the fundamental laws of physics, left no room for doubt—it was not a mere joke.

Leaving the motel behind, I ventured to a nearby internet cafe, my curiosity piqued by the possibility of other changes in this world beyond the temporal shift.

Out of curiosity, I implored the attendant to dial my original phone number, only to be met with an automated message declaring it as unreachable.

Access to my college account was denied, and the SNS account I had established for coursework had vanished into thin air.

In essence, it seemed that in this world, the original 'Me' did not exist.

Not that I harbored any profound regret over it.

My parents met their demise in an accident during my middle school years, and I severed all ties with my relatives upon entering college.

I had no close connections either, immersing myself in the relentless pursuit of the civil service exam.

As I reminisced about the wasted years spent in preparation for the exam, it was not uncommon for me to forsake human relationships.

"Your ham ramyun is ready."

"Ah, thank you."

Concluding my somber evaluation of my life, I accepted the tray. Slurping the noodles into my mouth, I redirected my attention to the search engine.

Ah, three years ago, I had devoted myself to the realm of "serious studying."

During that time, I terminated my smartphone plan and severed the connection to the net, rendering these webpages unfamiliar to me.

However, they failed to evoke a sense of alienation.

It felt as though I had returned to the past, where the trends of that era were vividly etched in my mind. Games, movies, songs... idols.

Ah, idols.


I placed the chopsticks on the emptied ramyun bowl and crossed my arms.

The contents of the status window, regardless of my analysis, unmistakably hinted at the attributes of an idol.

The reason for my inhabiting this body eluded me, but could the content of the status window provide a clue?

Did the previous owner of this body, 'Park Moondae,' aspire to become an idol?

...Or was it somehow linked to my actions during my college days?

Hmm, I do not know. Nevertheless, I should make use of the tools at my disposal.

"Status window."

Whispering softly, barely louder than a breath, the semi-transparent status window materialized once again within my field of vision.

Vocal: C rank, Visual: C rank. The other categories remained uncharted.

Perhaps they had yet to be explored?

Though the notion arose abruptly in my mind, I chose to set it aside for now. Venturing into the domains of Dance and Charm in this current situation would be imprudent.

I should delve deeper into the other facets of the status window.

Recollections of a karaoke signboard I had glimpsed upon entering the internet cafe resurfaced in my mind.



After perusing my results, it became apparent that a C rank did not denote mediocrity.

My vocal abilities proved to be quite commendable. My vocal timbre possessed an appealing quality, and my volume achieved a satisfactory level. Articulation flowed with clarity, demonstrating a solid foundation. It could be surmised that a certain level of talent resided within me.

However, an even more surprising development unfolded—the appearance of yet another window.

[Accomplishment achieved! <The first attempt>]

Level 0 -> 1

You have received 1 point!

"An accomplishment?" I murmured to myself, only to find yet another window materializing before my eyes.

[Ongoing accomplishments]

10 attempts (0/10)

100 attempts (0/100)

First experience (0/1)

10 experiences (0/10)

... ...

The scroll bar seemed infinite, presenting an extensive catalog of repetitive tasks. Moreover, as I scrolled down, the required number of attempts skyrocketed to ludicrous heights. Some even remained indeterminate, represented by empty spaces.

Rather unimpressed, I opted to close the window.

However, since I had received a point, it seemed prudent to utilize it, akin to the allocation of a skill point in a game.

I reopened the status window.

At the bottom, a new display materialized, indicating: "Points remaining: 1."

"Allocate 1 point to Vocal," I implored.

And thus, the contents of the status window underwent a transformation.

[Name: Park Moondae (Ryu Gunwoo)]

Level: 1

Title: None

Vocal: C+

Dance: -

Visual: C

Charm: -

Attribute: Limitless potential

My vocal prowess had ascended to C+.

Would this enhancement truly manifest in reality?

Without hesitation, I selected the same song I had previously performed and delivered it in a similar manner.

"...I was rather remarkable?"

Undoubtedly, there existed a discernible difference. The performance had become more captivating, exuding an air of refinement. It felt as though my vocal abilities had seamlessly assimilated the technique required to produce such melodious brilliance.

And then, there was the 'Attribute' that materialized within the status window.

"It denotes 'limitless potential.'"

Ordinarily, innate talent exerted a greater influence on one's achievements compared to sheer effort. After all, there were limits to the heights one could reach—the boundaries set by their potential.

However, this status window indicated that my endeavors proved astonishingly efficient, surpassing astronomical thresholds, and that my potential knew no bounds.

When put to the test, my growth became undeniable.

Lost in contemplation, I stroked my chin.


Did this mean I should tread the path dictated by this newfound body?

And in that precise moment, a pop-up abruptly manifested above the status window.



Status effect: 'Debut or die' activated!

Beneath the text, a crimson red message followed suit.

['Debut or die']


"If you fail to debut as an Idol within the allocated time, you will meet your demise.

Remaining time: D-365."

"What in the world?"

A surge of disbelief coursed through me, accompanied by an unsettling premonition.

Ever since I found myself trapped in this unfamiliar body, the situation had spiraled into a maelstrom of madness. There was no assurance that further inexplicable events wouldn't unfold.

Having assimilated every detail, the peculiar pop-up dissipated into nothingness.

In keeping with its unconventional nature, the status window bore a perplexing addition.

[Name: Park Moondae (Ryu Gunwoo)]

Level: 1

Title: None

Vocal: C+

Dance: -

Visual: C

Wittiness: -

Attribute: Infinite potential

!Status effect: Debut or die

Could this truly be real?

"Damn it..."

An expletive slipped from my lips involuntarily, and I wiped my forehead, cold beads of sweat trickling down my face.

The authenticity of the status window had been confirmed, leaving no room to ignore the harrowing possibility that this detestable statement might manifest as a grim reality.

Why had such a phenomenon emerged? Was it a consequence of my contemplation of idols?

Amidst the inconceivability of the situation, a thought flickered in my mind.

"...Could this be retribution for exploiting idols' data (pictures and videos) throughout my life?"

Yes, idols.

To be candid, due to my personal experience, the world of stardom had become a familiar area of expertise.

During my college years, I eked out a living as a surrogate, capturing images and recording videos of idols. In the process, I partook in materialistic pursuits.

I bore witness to everything and absorbed a myriad of rumors.

It is said that one's environment molds them. As I immersed myself in photographing idols, I became excessively consumed by this field.

During that period, I willingly delved into its intricacies, amassing a wealth of knowledge. It had become a domain where I held substantial knowledge.

I rubbed my face, eradicating the remnants of perspiration, and crossed my arms, fixing my gaze upon the status window.

The demarcation between reality and fiction had dissolved into an unrecognizable haze. This situation was both preposterous and infuriating.

Yet, I harbored no intention of capitulating to death.

Therefore, I needed to confront this predicament with a calm demeanor.

Indeed, my past had been defined by futility, and now, I was presented with an opportunity to embark on a fresh path. The terms of this arrangement were remarkably advantageous.

Furthermore, to unravel the enigma behind my transmigration into this body, I must exploit the capabilities of this implausible status window and unveil its inner workings.


Having rationalized my circumstances, a manic grin adorned my face.

Had not an idol survival program garnered significant acclaim around this time?