

As I was driving there was a bus that was overlapping and after it passed me, it stopped abruptly to collect some passengers and the driver did not indicate that he was stopping. I tried to hit the break but it failed and the next thing that happened was i rammed into the bus causing a crash that sent everyone on panic mode including myself. If there was anything left of Lenny it gas to be just his body. I thought as i watched walk towards my car. I could not move because of my wounded leg but as a result of the crash, the people who were seated at the back of the bus were badly injured with one woman dying on the spot. I felt cold chills when some of the guys at the scene who were helping remove the guys who had been hurt from the back announce the woman's death and when it hit me that I had really killed someone, I broke down in tears..I had personally hit my head on the steering wheel but that was not important anymore, not after learning that Lenny was still alive though barely. He groaned in pain and tried to reach for my hand. I took his hand and asked if he was okay but he did not respond.

The rowdy People came to me ready to go mob justice as it was a norm in such cases but when they realized i too had been bleeding from the leg, they decided to help me and Lenny get out of the damaged vehicle and when they saw Lenny's condition, the case could wait because not even an ambulance could get here on time to save his life. One of the guys who were driving behind me offered to take both me and Lenny to the nearest hospital and some few guys helped carry him as another one carried me to the car since I could not walk.

A few minutes later we got to the hospital and Lenny was put on the stretcher as one of the nurses pushed me in on a wheel chair. Lenny was rushed into the ER, I wanted to go with him but I couldn't be allowed in. the doctor said I needed immediate medical attention and so I was taken to a different room. Lenny had no choice but to fight for his life and fight for us because there was no way he was going to die and leave me in this misery.

I had asked the nurse to call my dad and tell him to come to the hospital that was a few hours before I was treated, sedated and left to rest. The doctor assured me that Lenny was in good hands and I had nothing to worry about as he was going to be okay, I had hope in the doctor's words. I don't know what I was injected with but soon after I fell into this deep sleep and my mind switched to where it all began before we ended up here...

Before I met and fell madly in love with Lenny , there was Jack in my life. I had actually believed that he was the love of my life because we had been through a lot together and in all the ups and downs we were there for each other. See Jack was not an ordinary campus student, he was a gang leader who led goons in selling drugs, stealing people's cars and selling them in black market then, he would start unnecessary fights. He had recruited some guys in his gang and they followed him religiously.

One day I was walking to my class when I reached a corridor just a few minutes away and I heard a group of guys talking of some girl who had died in our campus. The girl had been caught up in the campus crossfire and she was shot dead outside campus. I heard Jack was the mastermind and by then I was clueless of who he really was.

I had leaned against the wall peeping to get a glimpse of who this Jack guy was when suddenly Leila joined me in the peeping. When I turned she had this serious look on her face.

Leila: who are we spying on?

Me: there is no we and am not spying, I was just wondering when those guys would leave so that I can pass. I don't want them talking about my behind.

She laughed then grabbed my arm and we started walking towards the guys. When we got closer, a guy cleared his throat then spoke.

Jack: Hi beautiful?

Leila forced me to stop and we turned to face him.

Leila: Hi

Jack: Not you, I meant her

Me: oh, hi

Jack: My name is Jack, you are one of the prettiest babes I have seen on campus, you mind if we go out for coffee sometime?

I was silent for a while, staring at him and the guys whose company he was in and I was tempted to run but Leila made sure I stayed rooted to the ground.

Jack: you don't like the idea?

Me: no, coffee is good. I would definitely enjoy the company of a handsome man like you are.

Jack: Then give me a date,

Me: Later in the evening?

Jack: Cool, can I have your number?

Me: Sure. I gave him my number then we left. Leila had not seen me talk to guys in a long time and she was actually surprised that I finished that conversation without throwing an insult at him.

I am not outgoing at all and coffee wasn't my thing either but I wanted to get to know this hot guy who couldn't walk without female heads turning. Later that evening, I got to town and parked right in front of the coffee shop. I walked in towards Jack; he was hard to miss in a crowd because he was light skinned and had an amazing dental formula.

When he saw me, he smiled then got up and hugged me.

I wasn't comfortable with the hug since we are not bffs or bed buddies but I guess that was him being a gentleman. He pulled me a seat and I made myself comfortable. A waitress came almost immediately and since I didn't want to give her a hard time of waiting for me to catch my breath then call her back to take my order I decided to do cappuccino. All these time Jack was staring at me and I could tell that he had already undressed me in his mind.

Me: You know it's rude to stare right? I flashed a smile that got him away from his fantasies and back to reality.

Jack: Yeah, but I can't keep myself from marveling at how beautiful you are.

Me: thank you. (Blushing a little bit)

Minutes later the waitress brought our orders and the date was on. We did a bit of catching up on school work. He was studying architecture while I was doing design. all these time as we were talking I kept creating scenes in my head of how he or they went about killing innocent people and stealing from them, I mean he was too handsome to have done half the things guys on campus claimed he did maybe I was wrong and am now in a state of confusion. I couldn't match his face to his deeds.

Jack: so are you seeing someone?

Me: at the moment no.

Jack: with all these beauty, you mean no one wakes up beside you every morning?

I smiled again taking a sip of my cappuccino.

Me: Not at all, I'm not in a hurry and besides that, if I were seeing someone I wouldn't be here.

Jack: you are right, am sorry

Me: No need to apologize, you didn't say anything wrong.

We talked and laughed like people who had known each other forever. When I looked into his eyes I didn't see what everyone else saw, I saw an innocent, funny and good man.

I looked at my phone and it was late.

It was time for me to go back home. The date wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He cleared the bills then we left.

When we got out, he walked me to my car and I leaned on it as we wrapped up the date.

He asked if he could see me again but even though it was too tempting I gave him a maybe for an answer. I didn't want to get entangled into the type of life jack was living. I didn't want to be associated with a criminal no matter how cute he was. I was a pastor's daughter and there's a certain way a pastor's daughter should carry herself around.

Despite all that, I got attracted to the bad boy in jack and after fighting the feelings off for a while I finally gave in and I agreed to be his girlfriend after going on several dates. He was so gentle with me despite being rough with other people he treated me like a queen and with him I felt protected, loved and cherished.

We got through campus with the challenge of all the beautiful women hanging around him, drugging him for sex and sending me nasty photos. Jack was a ladies man; the fact that he was cute got me worried most of the time because I was always trying to protect him from the campus girls who wouldn't stop hitting on him even in my presence. l loved him with all his short comings and I trained him to be a better man for me, he cared and treated me well and despite the many fights, several arrests by the police and the breakups we had, we survived.

We cleared campus and moved in together. Jack got a well-paying job and we put up a fabric shop together. It was four years of fun, love and laughter until one evening I heard a knock on the door and when I opened, there was a fine young lady standing by looking confused as if she was at the wrong place. She looked up at the door number then looked at me.

Me: hi, are you looking for someone

Her: is Jack in?

Me: No he is not. Would you like to come in?

Her: No, there's no need of coming in if Jack is not around, so you are the one who is eating my leftovers, but I must say he still has a good taste in women.

Me: Sorry, who are you?

She smiled then turned to walk away but on second thought walked back to me.

Her: A word of advice, don't get too comfortable, you are not the wife yet.

Me: meaning what?

Her: I think you are smart enough to figure that out. Our boyfriend is a ladies man. He played me with you and from the look of things, there is trouble in paradise otherwise he wouldn't come looking for me. Who knows who he is tapping at the moment? If you are smart, dump before you get dumped.

Then she told me to tell jack she was here and swung her hips in her six inch heels as she left.

I stood there staring at her for a while before getting in and banging the door behind me. I was upset and if Jack didn't know me any better, this was the night he was going to give me all the names of his whores and their addresses as I was already feeling so murderous. Why would jack ask her to meet him here?

I called Leila and asked her to meet me at our usual joint. It was a club and a restaurant at the same time and that's where I went to relax my mind when everything became so overwhelming. Leila agreed to meet me and as usual I was early.

I sat by the bar and ordered a drink. By the time Leila got here I was already on my second glass. We had a chat for hours and told her about the lady who visited earlier. My life was always so complicated and so most of the time she would just listen but lack advice. To me, it was enough that she was like my diary. After telling her everything I felt, I ended up feeling better.

I got back home at around 10am and Jack was there waiting impatiently for me to get home. I had switched off my phone so the attempts to reach me failed. I staggered across the room before he asked me to stop right where I was.

Him: where are you coming from?

Me: I went out.

Him: why didn't you call and tell me you were going out?

Me: so now what, you want to police me around?

Him: Since when did you start drinking?

Me: since you started sending your whores to come here and deliver messages to me.

Him: what did you say?

He gave a slap that sent me landing on the sofa. I cupped my cheek with one hand as I slowly got up.

Me: what am I to you jack, do you have any respect for me at all, is this how you pay me for being good to you. Go ahead; hit me again because that's what you are good at. I was really stupid to think you could change. You are such a looser.

Jack walked up to me, grabbed and slapped me again before pushing me. I lost my balance and fell on the floor. I lay there for a while, and then all over sudden something was wrong. I felt a sharp pain cut through my stomach as I screamed and rolled on the floor holding my stomach.

Jack: Get up!

I didn't respond. I was in a lot of pain then suddenly my dress was soaked in blood. He took a good look at me then came closer.

Jack: why are you bleeding, what is wrong with you?

He attempted to grab my arm and pull me up but I pushed his hand away.

Me: don't you dare touch me.

Jack: we need to get to the hospital.

He said pulling me up by force and carrying me in his arms as he raced down the stairs, opened the car and put me on the back seat.

He hurriedly drove me to the nearest hospital that was not so far away and when we got there, he took me in and a nurse met us half way.

Jack: Nurse she needs help.

Nurse: what happened to her?

Jack: I don't know. She just started bleeding.

She signaled another nurse who came to help her take me to the emergency room.

Nurse: who are you to her?

Jack: I'm her boyfriend. My name is Jack

Nurse: please go wash off the blood then come fill the paper work as you wait for the doctor's report. He will examine her shortly.

I was taken to the emergency room and laid on the bed as I waited for the doctor to come but I couldn't stop crying because the pain was too much, it was worse than cramps.

The nurse had just finished asking a few questions when the doctor walked in.

Doc: what do we have here?

Nurses: a patient who has been bleeding, cause not identified.

Doc: what were you doing before the bleeding started?

Me: I tripped and fell in the house then few minutes later the bleeding started.

He took a pen and scribbled in a pad then handed it to the Nurse.

Doc: run those tests on her and give her that injection. She will have to be admitted for the night. When you are done come and get me from my office.

Half an hour later the nurse was done with me and she gave me some injection to stop the bleeding and help with the pain as she went out to meet Jack who by then was very impatient.

Nurse: I don't think your girlfriend will be discharged today. Please go home and come for her tomorrow.

Jack: what is wrong with her?

Nurse: I will be able to tell you that once the doctor is done with her. She will need a clean set of clothes.

Jack: okay thanks. Can I see her?

Nurse: yes.

She led jack to my room then walked out.

Him: how are you feeling?

Me: get out Jack, I don't feel like talking to you.

I turned to the other side.

Jack: I didn't mean to hit you, I was just angry.

Me: are you leaving or should I leave instead?

Jack: I will go. Get some rest, I will be here tomorrow.

The following day jack came into my ward and found me asleep. He stood there staring at me for a while before the nurse walked in seconds later.

Nurse: Hi Jack?

Jack: Hi nurse. How is she?

The nurse took Jack's arm and pulled him aside.

Nurse: am so sorry, she had a miscarriage.

Jack: a what?

Nurse: she lost the baby.

Jack: she was pregnant?

Nurse: you didn't know?

Jack shook his head as he stole a glance at me.

Nurse: the doctor said she had consumed an alcoholic drink that resulted to the miscarriage.

She really had a hard time coming into terms with the news as it shocked her too. I don't think she will get over it soon so be gentle with her....