

We got to Leila's place and the feeling of being home... okay not home but close to home was amazing. I could eat real food and take a good nap. We had Rey to thank for that. There is still some good in bad people.

I stayed at Leila's for two days. At least I was feeling a little better. I decided to go to the hospital and see my dad. I knew he would be really glad to see me too.

Leila and Rey opted to come with me just in case something happened. Rey drove us to the hospital but waited for us in his car. My dad had been given a special ward and he was there all by himself. We got in and he had oxygen the oxygen pipe in his mouth

When he saw me, he started tearing up and so did I because it felt so sad to see him like that.

The doctor warned me not to allow him to do a lot of talking but it seemed like he really wanted to tell me something.

He removed the pipe from his mouth then he held my hand and pulled me close. He whispered something in my ear, something that really shocked me but all that was cut short by the news that was coming through on the telly.

"Pastor Midivas wife in a brothel scandal." I could see my mother being escorted from the same place we had been days before. She was covering her face but the camera men managed to get a glimpse of the not so well hidden face. When she was asked to give a statement, she said that her enemies were at work a typical way of Christians to defend themselves. How could she be so stupid to go back there even after realizing that the guys she had sent didn't come back?

When my dad saw the news something happened to him, something that I couldn't explain and then the machine started flat lining. I was scared that the news might have caused another attack. Leila rushed out to call the nurse and two of them came running in. "madam please step away and wait outside" one of them said as they attended to him. Leila hugged me as we waited impatiently. i had my fingers crossed that my dad would not die and leave me all alone.

When Rey realized we had taken too long, he came looking for us having heard the news about my mother.

We waited for close to thirty minutes when the doctor came and told us that my dad was out of danger and that he was going to be okay...

I showed a sign of relief as we all walked back into the ward. Dad was fast asleep but from the machine we could tell that he was breathing again.

I asked Leila if she was okay taking me to Lenny's place and she agreed. Rey had become like our body guard and everywhere we went he followed. I actually told him would be okay but he preferred to accompany us.

We got to Lenny's place at around 6:00pm in the evening and one of the sisters who opened for us was so excited to see me.

She held my hand and we walked into the house and we found his mum in the living room.

Her: Roxana dear, you are back?

Me: yes mama. How have you been?

Her: very well my dear you are welcome. Am really sorry about what happened to you and Leila.

She said as she hugged me then did the same to Leila and Rey.

Me: is it true mama?

Ignoring her apologies for now.

Her: yes my dear, Lenny did not die that day.

Tears of joy escaped my eyes; Leila looked at me very shocked. I was too, when my dad whispered in my ears earlier that Lenny was still alive I couldn't celebrate. I was afraid that him being sick made him imagine things. i needed to confirm for myself before I told anyone, even Leila.

Leila: Lenny is alive?

Lenny's mum nodded the she started crying. I didn't understand why she was crying but I never bothered to ask. All u wanted was to see Lenny. My Lenny whom

I had mourned till the last minute.

Me: I need to see him. Where is he?

Mum: in his room but.....

I was already on my way to his room before his mum finished her sentence.

She hurriedly followed me and so did Leila.

When I got to his room, he was seated near the window facing outside and i ran inside the room calling his name and when he turned to see who had walked in, he didn't react but looked at us like some aliens.

Lenny's mum: Lenny dear, you have visitors.

He got up to come and meet us. I hugged him all excited but he didn't hug me back. I slowly let him go then looked at him. He didn't seem to have recognized anyone but his mum..

Me: what is wrong babe?

Lenny: who are they mum?

I took a few steps back from him.

Lenny's mum: Roxana, this is what I was trying to tell you.

Roxana: what were you trying to tell me?

Lenny's mum: Lenny lost his memory after being in a comma for four days.

Leila: when we left the hospital Lenny was dead, how did he end up in a comma?

Lenny: why are you guys talking about me like am not here?

Lenny's mum: Lenny was being attended to by a young doctor who was on attachment. Lenny's machine flat lined and he immediately pronounced him dead without consulting the other doctors. Everyone knew he was dead but the doctor told me that after recitation by the main doctor who felt his pulse and realized he wasn't really dead even though the pulse was very weak.

He restarted the machine and Lenny's heart started beating again but he slipped into a coma almost immediately.

Me: is that the evening you got a call from the hospital?

Her: yes dear,

Me: why didn't you tell me?

Her: I didn't want to say anything until I was certain. When I got to the hospital they were still working on him and so I thought why not give you the news the following day, only to call your phone and find you unavailable. I called your dad and he told me the news about you and Leila missing.

Lenny: Mum, who are these?

Lenny's mum: This is Roxana, your fiancée. And this is her friend Leila.

Lenny: I had a fiancée?

The mum nodded. To me, all this was like a big joke. So now what; God brought him to life only to take away his memories?

I was confused and wasn't even sure how to feel or how to react to everything that was happening. Leila couldn't take it and so she left to keep Rey Company as they waited for me to come into terms with what was happening.

I wanted to hug and kiss him and tell him the hell I had been through but how, he couldn't even recognize me.

Me: what actions were taken towards the doctor who pronounced Lenny dead?

Lenny's Mum: he was laid off for some time.

Me: How comes he remembers you?

Lenny's mum: I have been spending a lot of time with him trying to remind him of everything. You are not the only one he doesn't remember even his sisters.

Me: can I have a moment with him please?

She nodded then excused us. Lenny and I stood there staring at each other.

I walked towards him and stood in front of him not sure what to do.

Me: Hey,

Lenny: Hey

Me: am Roxana

Lenny: my name is Lenny. Is it true that you are my fiancée?

I nodded then showed him some of the selfies we had taken before he "died"

Lenny: what happened to me before I died like people assume I did?

Me: you got shot a day before our wedding. It's a very long story.

Lenny: why can't I remember?

He started hitting his head with his palms. I held his hands and looked him in the face.

Me: Hey, it's okay. You don't have to remember everything all at once. You are alive, that is all that counts.

As we were still talking, his friend William walked in and when he saw me, he hugged me and Lenny stood there watching like he wasn't supposed to hug me, i saw jealousy written on his face..

Lenny: you two know each other?

William: yes, she is your fiancée. She went missing after you died. You introduced her to me.

Me: does he remember you?

William: No he doesn't but I will not stop coming around until he does. Am sorry, I heard about your mother.

Lenny: what happened to your mother?

Me: I will tell you all about it when you get better.

Lenny: I'm not sick.

I was really getting impatient with the fact that Lenny could not remember anything. I excused myself so that he could talk to William and when I stepped out the door I sat by the door and cried my heart out. This is not how I wanted Lenny back. This is not how it was supposed to be.

a few minutes later I got up and went back to the living room where Lenny's mum and everyone else was. When she saw me and how pale my face was she came and hugged me so tight and in her, I felt the motherly love that I never got from my own mum.

Lenny's mum: it's okay my dear; it's a miracle that he is alive. About his memory, we will work on it slowly until he remembers.

Me: I can't handle it mama, I can't. I want my Lenny back. I want him back with all his memories.

She rubbed my back as Leila joined in the group hug.

Lenny's mum: He will be okay my dear. Just be there for him. Show him how much he meant to you. I nodded and she wiped my tears and hugged me again.

After a chat with Lenny's mum, we decided to go back to Leila's place. No one spoke to the other as I wasn't in the mood to talk. Lenny and my dad was everything that was on my mind. Leila hugged me all the way home.

When we got to Leila's place it was around 9:00pm and we realized something that was a bit off. The main gate was left open and the lights in all the rooms were on.

Leila: I didn't leave the lights open, someone is in the house.

Me: what?

Raising my head to take a good look; Rey quickly got out of the car and cocked his gun. He walked towards the house as we followed slowly from behind.

He pushed the door that had not been locked either and pointed his gun as he went in.

when we got in, Joe was seated on the couch waving his gun all smiles with another guy pointing his gun towards the entrance.

Joe: Hey guys, you missed me?

We were all shocked because the same man standing in front of us was the same man I had shot back there

Rey: How many lives do you have?

Leila: Joe?

Me: what!.....