

Everything that Joe said left us shocked, I mean who would have thought. I was feeling sorry was Leila. All these threw her off the cliff and she sat there crying. How was I to tell her that it was going to be Okay?

She hadn't known Joe for that long but at least I can attest that he was so good to her. What a beast! Leila was seated at the corner of the room all by herself. She didn't want to talk but I had to be there for her even if it just meant sitting there and staring at each other.

I was worried about everything that Joe said. He mentioned that my dad had a heart attack but was he serious or was it just a way of torturing me?

The worst part in all these was that there was no phone that i could call to assure my dad that I was okay.

My mum, I wasn't worried about her so much because we never had a good relationship. When Lenny came into my life, he took my place in mum's life. He was now his son. She would be okay even if I went missing for ages.

Leila and I were starving. This bread and water thing wasn't working for me. I needed to eat proper food.

We were silent all through until Leila got up and started banging on the door.

Leila: Come here and explain to me why you chose to hurt me like this you coward. I swear killing you is the last thing I will do before I die.

Did Leila even know there was a Cctv in that room?

I got up and followed her to the door.

Me: please stop it, the Joe you knew is gone girl, this one will kill you without blinking. I need you to stay alive, that's the only way we will get out of here.

Leila: what did I do wrong Roxy, all I did was love him with everything I had.

Me: I know and am sorry. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now, but it's not worth risking your life for.

Leila: how will we get out of here Roxy? We have to do something.

Me: then let me take the risk. You heard Joe; if you try anything they will kill you for sure...

as we were still debating on what to do and who to take the risk we heard the high heels again.

Leila: this woman doesn't give up does she, if she walks in here I will kill her.

Me: you are not killing anyone.

The ray guy opened the door and Cindy walked in with him following her together with two other guys. Not the Normal face we were used.

Cindy: take them away!

There was nothing polite about us being taken away. We were rough up and pushed as if we were some criminals, and we had no idea of where we were going.

When we got outside we were pushed into a van and Cindy sat in front with the driver as Leila and I sat at the back of the van with the two mysterious guys. Leila and I couldn't talk because of the gun that was pointed at us. I wasn't really scared of a gun as I had seen jack use it several times but the fact that it was pointed in my face gave me cold chills.

A few minutes later we had reached our destination and the drill was the same, we were pushed out of the van and taken to the other house with each man holding our arms tightly.

We were taken into a room and Cindy

stood there staring at us without a word. This was getting very awkward.

Cindy: there is someone I want you to meet

Me: who?

Cindy: Ray kindly usher our guest in.

I was curious to know who this guest was. The surprises we have been getting lately could give someone a heart attack.

Leila and I were curious to see who our guest was and when the guest walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Me: Mum?

Mum: Roxana?

Cindy: you two know each other?

Before we were done with this introduction thing that happened in a very awkward way, Joe walked in too.

Joe: I can see you already met.

Mum: what is this Joe, you knew my daughter was going to be here but you let me come?

Me: you know Joe?

Joe: I bet your mama never told you she has a thing for younger guys did she?

Mum: shut up Joe, you have already done a lot of damage.

Joe: oh trust me the damage isn't done yet..

Me: what is going on here, mum what are you doing here and how do you know Joe?

Cindy: I will be nice and tell you everything you need to know because from the look of things, no one is going to tell you the truth.

Joe/mum: shut up Cindy!

Cindy: No, don't shut me up. She deserves to know the truth.

I was getting tired of this game they were playing. Leila was shocked beyond words and I know seeing Joe there made her even more murderous.

Cindy: your mother here.....

Then there was a gun shot. Joe had shot Cindy on the arm to shut her up.

Joe: if I say shut up, I mean you shut up.

This was getting dramatic if not complicated.

Me: are you behind our kidnapping?

Mum: No, I didn't even know you were here.

Me: then what are you really doing here and what did Joe mean when he said you are into young guys?

There was silence. My mum was a pastor's wife. She chaired the women meetings and carried the biggest Bible in the house. We had a fight every Sunday morning and she came banging on my bedroom door telling me going to church was a must in her house.

She was respected among the few women that bore the name. "Pastor's wife". Seeing her here was confusing for me and i needed clarification on a few things.

Rey came to where Cindy had fallen to help her up and when he bent over I saw a gun on his waist and quickly grabbed it without him noticing.

Me: get up and step away from her.

I commanded Rey who did exactly as I had said.

Joe: what do you think you are doing?

Me: forget about what I'm doing. I need answers and someone better get talking before i carelessly start using this thing.

Mum: Roxana please put the gun down. I will explain everything.

Leila: Roxy when you start shooting, start with that pig.

Joe: you are here to be seen and not to be heard.

Me: don't talk to her like that.

Joe tried to move towards me and I pointed my gun at him instead.

Me: don't even think about it. Like I said I need answers so start talking.

Having been with Jack for years, I had known just how dangerous a ring leader of a gang could be and I was taking my chances with him.

Joe: your mother here is....

Mum: wait! I will tell her myself...

I was running out of patience and if no one constructed a sentence and finished it in the next two minutes, we were going to have a blood bath and this time I wasn't going to care about who being who....