

He came and banged Lenny's car and asked him to get out.

Who is this fool? He asked as if he was talking to himself.

Me: that is Jack.

Him: the same Jack we were talking about earlier?

I nodded. He opened the door to the car and got out to face him. I got out too just in case there was a fight.

Jack: hey babe, how is the going?

Lenny: dude what is your problem?

He asked walking towards him.

Jack: I don't have a problem but you clearly do because you are the one driving around with my fiancee.

I laughed.

Lenny: your fiancée.

He walked up to him and they started fighting and they exchanged blows. I stood there not knowing what to do or how to behave and i remember asking Lenny to stop because he was not Worth it and before he could let him go, Lenny gave him several blows and he fell to the ground.

Lenny: never lay your hands on a woman. My woman!..

Jack got up, reached for his pocket and took out a pocket knife..

Jack: you want to fight tough guy?

When I saw the knife I panicked and walked to Lenny and grabbed his arm.

Me: stop it Jack.

Jack: why babe, let me teach this woman snatcher a lesson.

He started waving his knife and Lenny took a step back. "Get in the car" he said as he folded his sleeves.

I obeyed at once and got in the car, after all, the view was still clear. Maybe they needed to beat the crap out of each other so that they could learn to respect each other.

Whatever was happening had already attracted people's attention and one of the watch men tiptoed behind Jack and grabbed him. When Lenny saw that, he kicked the knife on his hands and gave him severally blows before the watchman let go.

Jack pushed away the watchman and he landed on his butt then he came and gave Lenny an unexpected blow on the face. His mouth started bleeding.

I couldn't get out of the car and all I saw was exchange of heavy blows before Lenny overpowered him and pinned his head on his car.

Lenny: if I ever see you anywhere near Roxana again. I will kill you.

Jack: Do it now because if you let me live I will be your worst nightmare.

The watchman grabbed Lenny and pulled him a side.

Lenny: tell him to move his car I have somewhere to be.

Lenny said walking back into the car as I watched Jack straighten his shirt and get in his car.

Lenny got in and started the car.

Me: are you okay?

Taking a piece of tissue and wiping his mouth for him.

Lenny: He almost broke my jaw but I'm okay, are you?

Me: yes I am. I'm sorry about everything.

Lenny: it's not your fault.

Jack moved his car and drove in a very high speed. Lenny drove off too.

We got to a restaurant and we were ushered in with very happy and smiling faces, something I had not seen in any of the restaurants I have been to. One of the waiters let us up on the roof top and it was nothing like what I have seen before.

There were lamp stands at the end of each corner and the place was beautifully lit. There was a very nice breeze and from where we were we could see the entire city which looked so pretty at night.

He pulled me a chair and I sat as he sat opposite me. He could not stop gazing into my eyes and his smile gave me butterflies. A few minutes later the waiter came and took our orders and when he left, he took my hand in his. It was warm and soft. I stared at his hand holding mine then he held my chin and raised my face to his.

Lenny: I know you are wondering why I brought you here,

I nodded in agreement.

Lenny: I just wanted you to have a different feel of the world outside your small world. It's never that serious. What matters in life is that you do what makes you happy.

Me: What makes you think I have my own world?

Lenny: I have spent a lot of my time in that office trying to figure you out. You always seemed like something was bothering you but you always had that not so real smile.

Me: your office wasn't my favorite place; a lot of ladies hated me for no good reason.

Lenny: a wise man once said that if everyone loved you that means you have a problem. The fact that they felt intimidated by you meant they saw something special in you. Something they didn't have.

Me: am really glad you look at me differently it means a lot to me.

He smiled then we had our dinner as we talked some more. Lenny was an easy guy, very funny and entertaining. He took a sip of wine and watched me eat.

Me: that look makes me a little nervous.

Lenny: am sorry, it's just that am fascinated by you actually am in love with you.

I put my spoon down and looked at him shyly

Me: since when, I have known you for like five minutes.

Lenny: since that day you walked into our office looking all confused with your mop and bucket.

That was something embarrassing to remember someone with.

Me: you noticed that?

Lenny: I noticed everything there was to notice about you.

Me: well, I had a crush on you too.

Lenny: so I bet the bumping into me severally was intentional.

Me: I loved to hear your deep and sexy voice.

He smiled.

Lenny: will you please be my girlfriend; I will make you the happiest lady in the whole world.

Me: it's not easy to make me happy.

Lenny: I will take the challenge.

Me: you are pretty confident in yourself.

Lenny: confidence is all you need to make things happen. Give me a chance to show you that love is the most beautiful and fulfilling experience when you are with the right person. So I will ask again.... Roxana midiva, will you be my girlfriend?

Me: Yes Lenny, I will be your girlfriend.

He got up, held out his hand to me and when I took it, he pulled me up and hugged me, then he kissed me, something that got everyone clapping and talking.

We had an awesome evening and Lenny decided to drop me back home when we were done at the restaurant. Lenny led the way out holding my hand. We looked so in love and the truth was, I was already falling for him.

We got outside and as Lenny opened the door to the car for me, we heard a car pull over and the next thing was shots being fired at us. Lenny pushed me inside the car and asked me to get my head down. The shooters did not stop to shoot anyone in particular and at first we thought it was just street fight until I spotted Jack. Lenny escaped unharmed but I knew that was some kind of a warning to us from Jack. I even think that he went back to being the man he was in campus with goons all over him. He was a total wreck. Lenny got into the car and made a sigh...

Me: are you okay?

Lenny: yes, your ex-boyfriend is a psycho.

Me: you saw him too?

Lenny: yeah.

Me: what are we going to do about him?

Lenny: set the police on him and his entire gang.

Me: aren't you afraid for your life, Jack will stop at nothing until he does something to either of us or both.

Lenny: I will have killed him before then.

When I looked at the person talking about killing Jack, he couldn't even kill a fly.

Lenny dropped me home later in the night and when we got home, Leila was still waiting. Lenny said hi to her then he left.

* * *

Leila and I did some catching up before going to bed.

I couldn't sleep, I tried but I just couldn't. The house was filled by people who had come to celebrate with me and Lenny, something that had now turned into a funeral.

I got out of my room and staggered into the living room with my leg still in pain. When dad saw me he got up from where he was seated with some of his friends and came to me.

Dad: Roxy dear, you should be resting.

Me: I can't sleep; it hurts so bad I can't sleep.

Dad: am sorry my daughter, in due time, everything will be okay. God will see you through this.

Me: you are talking about the same God that took Lenny away from me hours to our wedding, no. it is never going to be okay. I walked past him and supported myself on the sofa that was close to the stairs.

Me: hi everyone, I know most of you have heard about the tragedy that struck earlier today. I'm sorry we will not be having a wedding tomorrow. You are free to leave.

Lenny's mum came to me and hugged me. She cried as she held me and this was such an emotional moment. She asked me what had happened and I couldn't even explain.

that night, Lenny's mum and sisters together with several of their relatives were there to do the final touches and even take my suitcases to Lenny's home as a sign that I was welcomed in that family.

Eventually people started leaving one by one, with others hugging me and telling me everything was going to be okay when I knew for a fact that nothing was going to be okay. Nothing was going to be the same without my Lenny...

Lenny's mum came and excused herself. She said she was needed at the hospital. My mum was in shock that she could not speak. All I know is that she locked herself in her bedroom for the better part of the night and my guess was that she was in denial just like I was.

Leila stayed over. She was the one who did the convincing that I should eat, take medication and rest.

my dad and Lenny's mum agreed that Lenny was to be buried the following week. So the funeral arrangements were to be starting as soon as possible.

Days went by and Lenny was so good at this loving me thing that he made me forget all my problems. The attempts to arrest Jack failed as he had moved out of the home we shared. We never heard from him after the shooting incident. I even thought he had given up on me. One evening he picked me up at Leila's place and said he was going to cook for me.

When we got to his place, the chef had just finished with the cooking and after setting the table he left.

Lenny pulled me a chair at the dining room and I sat.

Me: you know this is cheating right?

Lenny: Doesn't mean I can't really cook.

He smiled taking his seat.

Me: I bet if we didn't find the chef here you would have claimed you did all these.

Lenny: definitely.

He took a plate and served me then did the same to himself.

We got to know each other even more and the more time I spent with him, the more I fell in love with him.

When we were done eating, we moved into the living room to watch a movie. he had a collection of every genre and action being my favorite, he picked one of his favorite.

Later that night he asked if i wanted to stay or if he should drop me home.

Me: I want you to make love to me.

That was such an awkward response. He looked at me as if he never expected me to make such a request. I had caught him by surprise.

Lenny: are you sure?

Me: yes, am sure.

No one else has made love to me except for Jack and I wanted to have a feel of what it would be like him making love to me.

I moved closer to him then put my arms around his neck. He placed his hand under my chin then lifted my face up to his.

Lenny: I love you Roxana.

He said taking me in his arms as he gently kissed me all the way to his bedroom.

This man was so clean. His bed was spread in white sheet with black and white curtains on the window. This was like a little palace.in Jack's house, everything was everywhere and I had a full time job of making sure everything was in place.

He carried me to his bed and laid me down gently taking his place beside me. He leaned over and kissed me slowly and with time his kisses grew intense as we played with each other's tongue.

a moan of excitement escaped my throat as he kissed his way down my belly rolling his tongue on it and tickling me.

His caress sent sparks of desire in every part of my body. He kissed my thighs as he gently massaged them then he spread my legs apart to give him full access to my body and the feeling was indescribable. Not even Jack made me feel the way I was feeling that night. He made love to me and I moaned in a low tone asking him not to stop something that seemed to have turned him on even more.

He stopped for a while, looked up to me and his gaze met mine, then he smiled.....