

Cindy tried so hard to convince the boss that it wasn't time yet but he insisted.

A few minutes later we heard a man's voice coming towards the room we were in and it seemed like he was on a call. Shortly after we heard Cindy's high heels along the corridor then after a short while they walked back to where they had come from.

It has been three days and we have not heard from the boss or Cindy. I didn't even know what was happening back at home and if my parents found out about what happened to us. None of us had our phones. They were taken from us the moment we got into the house.

The two guys have been alternating to watch over us bringing us clean set of clothes and food. Did I say food? I meant bread and water. If this was a plan to starve us to death then it was working. I was feeling a little weak especially with the fact that I hadn't eaten well the past few days.

That evening Leila and I planned to attack whoever would bring us bread and water then run. We couldn't continue staying in here blind as no one was willing to share what was going on.

"shhhhhh!" someone is coming, I whispered as we hid behind the door when we heard footsteps. Leila was holding a lamp stands in her hand and the idea was to hit the guy's head as hard as she could then find our way out. We heard the key turn on the lock and we both squeezed in the corner behind the door. This was not courage; it was fear of what was going to happen to us should this plan fail.

When the guy walked in Leila hit him with the lamp stands then we pushed him and stormed out running as fast as we could. When we got to the living room we saw the other guy seated watching TV and we tiptoed all the way to the door. I opened the door slowly and when I was about to step out.

Guy1: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

When I turned the guy we had hit already got hold of Leila.

Leila: Roxy run!

I was torn between running to get help and going back and sticking with Leila. She was asking me to run but how sure was she that I would find her alive when we got back?

I stepped back inside and locked the door.

Guy2: where do you think you were going?

I was silent. The other guy grabbed me and they pushed us back inside and locked the door.

Leila: you shouldn't have come back for me. You should have run.

Me I couldn't bring myself to leave you behind. We are in this together.

Leila: do you think anyone has noticed we are missing?

Me: definitely. My dad must be so worried.

That day, we were not given any bread or water. Cindy came in later in the evening and when she was told we tried to run away she came to inflict pain. Something she is really good at.

The door was opened and she walked in with her coat hanged on her shoulder.

Cindy: Hi bitches.

Leila: Hi bitch, here to play?

Cindy: No, am here to tell you that your pathetic boyfriend has offered a lot of money to anyone who can help him finds both of you.

Leila: Joe is looking for us?

She laughed in a sarcastic way.

Cindy: and as for you, where were you running to, to a dead fiancé? I think you are safer her than out there. Oh and your daddy dearest had a heart attack when he found his car dumped without his precious little daughter in it.

At this time, I felt like grabbing the gun in her hand and shooting her dead. I hated her for telling me things I didn't want to hear, I hated her for killing Lenny.

Leila: you know Joe and anyone else looking for us will find us and you will die like a dog that you are.

Cindy walked up to Leila and started a fight. The two guys had remained outside and I knew this was the chance to beat the crap out of her if not killing her.

We ganged up on her and beat her up before Leila taking the gun hitting her on the head. She passed out and the guys having heard the commotion came running in but stopped abruptly when Leila pointed a gun at them.

Guy 1: you people never learn do you?

Leila: we are going to leave this place and you are going to let us out.

Guy1: drop that gun and you might actually have a second chance.

Leila: Did you hear what I said, open the door and lead us out.

Guy 2: that is not going to happen.

He took out his gun and pointed it at me.

I don't know what Leila was high on but she was going to get both of us killed.

Leila shot the other guy and he dropped on the floor then she shifted her gun to the one pointing a gun at me.

Him: even if you kill me, you will never find your way out of here. You will die before you get to the main gate.

Leila: I would like to take the chances.

She pulled the trigger but by bad lack there was no bullet left and so she did not shoot the guy. This was now trouble.

The guy walked up to Leila and gave her a blow and took the gun from her. Leila dropped and lay silent on the ground.

Him: do I need to take you out too?

Me: not necessary.

Him: any other attempt to get out of here and I will kill you before you get to meet the boss who by the way can't wait to meet you.

I went and sat next to Leila checking if she was okay. the guy carried Cindy and locked us in together with the dead body.

a few minutes later Leila woke up holding her jaw.

Me: are you okay?

Leila: yes am okay.

Me: what were you thinking?

Leila: I was trying to be brave.

Before we were done with our conversation we heard footsteps outside and the door flew open. In came a young guy tall and dark. He dressed casually but very appealing to the eye. We looked up and met his gaze. I was still holding Leila's head to my chest trying to make her feel better from the blow.

Could this be the so called boss, I thought to myself but that thought was interrupted by him clearing his throat.

"Hello ladies"

His deep voice filled the room

none of us answered him.

"it's rude not to respond to greetings or do I need to force it out of you?"

We were still silent.

"Do they talk?"

He turned to the John guy who had given Leila a blow and he nodded.

"So it's me they don't want to talk to?"

Holding his nicely trimmed beard.

Me: are you the boss we should be scared of?

"I'm not, but he is."

Pointing to the door, then we heard some other footsteps and in walked the Boss.

This was some kind of a joke and if it was not then we were in a bad dream.

Us: Joe?

Joe: it's about time.

Leila got up and so did I.

Leila: No, no this can't be happening Joe?

Joe: yes love, you missed me?

Me: Cindy told us that you have been looking for us, you are here to get us right?

Joe: well, Cindy told you the truth but then again, how can I look for you when am the one who has kept you here?

Leila: why would you do that?

Joe: stop asking stupid questions. I'm here for one thing, to avenge my brother's death.

Me: what brother?

Joe: the guy you and your dead fiancé threw off the rooftop do you remembers him?

Leila: jack was your brother?

Joe: you mean the guy you hated do much that you almost broke his head with a stone, yes he was my brother.

Leila's legs got weak and she dropped on the bed holding her head in both hands. I stood there all confused not knowing how to react to everything that we had just found out.

This was Joe, the guy who was so sweet and harmless. He loved Leila, at least I thought he did, but why would he hurt her like that?

Joe: you are really loved. You should see the number of guys looking for you out there, William personally asked me to join forces do that we can find both you and Leila.

He smiled. Leila looked up at him and I don't even know how she got up from the bed but there she was hitting Joe as she shouted at him. Joe held both her hands and threw her back on the bed.

Leila: I hate you!

Joe: don't be dramatic honey, you of all the people should know that guys use ladies all the time, I needed you to accomplish something and I did, so now you are useless but her, I need her to watch as I take down everyone she cares about and I want her to feel every bit of pain as she watches them die painful deaths and that might include you too.

He turned to the guy who had walked in ahead of him." Rey let's go" he said walking towards the door and stopping briefly.

Joe: keep that one alive, and as for the other one, should she try something funny like running away, kill her!

Me: Joe!

Joe: I mean it.

He cocked his gun and gave it to john. Then he and Rey walked out.....