

Joe got up and walked to where we were. Rey pushed Leila behind him and held the gun tightly in his hand ready to blow of Joe's head. Joe crossed his arms on his chest then started laughing. First of all we didn't understand how he was alive, Leila shot him and he dropped right in front of us. How was this even possible?

Joe: Drop the gun buddy I'm here to talk, am not killing anyone unless you provoke me.

Rey: I don't trust you.

Joe: that is very good. You should not but then again if I wanted you dead I would have killed you the moment you started going against my wishes.

Rey: yeah your wishes, I kind of forgot you were the boss and you call the shots. How on earth are you alive?

Joe: get that gun off my face.

Rey: tell your guy to drop his first.

Joe signaled his guy who dropped the gun immediately. Joe walked back to where he was seated and Rey dropped his gun too. If it were me holding that gun, I wouldn't have waited for an explanation but this was Rey and Rey was being Rey.

Leila: what are you doing here?

Joe: what do you mean babe, this is our house, and you even gave me the key remember?

Leila: Joe!

Joe: my bad, I know am no longer welcomed here but it was so hard killing you one by one then I thought, why not wait until we were all under one roof.

He let out an evil laugh and Rey impatiently hit the gun in his palm several times.

Joe: I can see you are connecting with my ex or should I say the girls?

Rey: i don't know about that but let's get to the part where you got shot and didn't die.

Joe: I didn't think you are stupid but well, I had your first 3 bullets exchanged with blanks because i had sensed how close you had started getting with the girls. I knew if there was someone who was going to double cross me, it was going to be you. Blank bullets don't kill people idiot!

Me: we saw blood on your body.

Joe: see that's the beauty of it all, I can make you believe everything i want you to believe. How is your not so dead boyfriend fairing?

Me: you knew he wasn't dead even as you and my mother were torturing us?

Joe: you are the only one who didn't have the memo and speaking of your mum, she is the reason am here.

Joe's guy excused himself to go and pick a call from outside. His phone wouldn't stop buzzing.

Me: did you forget the part where she got arrested, it happened earlier today.

Joe: I did not. I want you to go to the police station and withdraw the statement you made against her.

I laughed so hard and that's something that provoked Joe and made him pick his gun again.

Me: so it's true that you were having an affair with her?

Joe: an affair, No she was the real deal. She is so good in bed unlike some people I know. I wonder if all pastor's wives are like that.

Rey got mad and jumped on him hitting his head with the gun, and then the blows started and they both landed on the sofa as both of their guns fell.

Leila and I stood there watching before a thought came to me to have the door closed. If we needed to take down Joe then we needed to join forces. Rey kicked his gun towards us and I picked it. I shot in the air, okay it's not like I knew what I was doing but shooting someone couldn't be that hard. I have watched it happen in movies several times.

When I shot in the air unknowingly, Joe and Rey let go of each other and by then Leila had grabbed the other gun.

Me: step away from him

Joe raised his hand and stepped away.

Joe: you don't know what I have in store for you. You pull that trigger and your boyfriend dies and this time it will be for real.

Me: yeah right, he can take care of himself; the only corpse I see here is you.

Joe: are you sure about that, because from what I know, he does not remember anyone or anything. I sent one of my guys there to pose as his long lost friend.

My hand shook vigorously as I debated on whether or not I should kill him. I didn't get Lenny back just to lose him again but then what if this was just Joe's way of saving himself, what if it was true?

Both Rey and Leila were banking on my decision to keep them alive and I didn't have much time as the guy outside started banging on the door. This was a gamble. If I left Joe alive he would become our biggest nightmare.

Joe: make your choice beautiful, me or him.

I didn't wait for another word to come from his mouth. I pulled the trigger and shot him in the head then Leila finished the job by shooting him again to make sure that he was really dead.

The bang on the door became more vigorous that we actually thought it would fall apart and so Rey took the gun from Leila and asked her to open the door.

Leila got behind the door and unlocked it. When the guy came in, Rey shot him emptying the gun on him before dropping it. He confirmed he was really dead then we walked back to the living room and sat thinking if what next.

Leila: is it really over?

Sounding really frightened.

Me: I hope we are not in for any more surprises.

Leila: should we call the police?

Me: and tell them what?

Rey: report the crime, the neighbors must have heard the gunshots so the police will be here anyway.

Leila: will we get arrested for killing them?

Rey: not if we find a cover up story.

Me: why would we lie when we are not on the wrong?

Rey: having a gun without a license is an offence and should your fingerprints be found on the gun you will definitely go in for murder.

On hearing that, I took a face towel from the bathroom and wiped the guns. Then Rey took the gun and put it in Joe's hand and hid the other one in the back of his jeans.

Rey called the police and we waited for them. I was a bit tensed but I knew that with Rey around we were okay.

Leila sat next to Joe's body staring at it. I could tell that she was sad and we never really got to talk about the betrayal with Joe in our not so friendly environment. She was hurting. When I first met Joe, he was so charming and funny and there was not trace or any sign of him not loving Leila. They were the "it" couple and I admired their relationship. How everything turned so sour in a blink of an eye, I still can't tell.

I called Lenny's mum to confirm that Lenny was okay after Joe's threats. I asked if anyone had visited Lenny but she assured me that apart from William no one else visited.

Half an hour later the police came and took the dead bodies. We were also taken in for questioning and we left all the talking to Ray.

An hour later we were done at the police station and we were to go back home. Did we even have a home anymore? Leila didn't want to go back to her place and I didn't want to go back to my home when dad wasn't around.

Me: Rey, looks like we are officially homeless, are you willing to take in strays?

Rey: if it means seeing Leila a little more often then yes.

Leila smiled shyly. How did I even miss this chemistry? Rey gently held Leila's chin, lifted her face to his and kissed her.

Rey: I know it's not the right time for any of this but I have been dying to do that for a while now.

They hugged then shortly after we were on our way to Rey's place.

We took residence there for a few days.

Then my mum was to be a reigned in court for the claims that were made against her of cause by me and when the it showed on TV, this was going to be the final verdict. I did not attend the previous session because she is the last person i wanted to see. Girls who were mistreated by the men Joe hooked them up with started showing up I had to be there and watch as the judge gave his verdict. I wanted her behind bars.

Lenny had asked if we could go out and being the same day the court was giving it's ruling I asked him to come with me so that when we were done, we could go for that date. He wanted me to take him to the places we spent most of our times together and maybe that would help him with his memory.

Leila and Rey said they would meet me at the court as they had some businesses to attend to while I had to pick Lenny up.

I got to Lenny's place a few minutes late than the agreed time and he was really looking forward to this date.

His mum ushered me in and called Lenny.

When he saw me he smiled and for some reason I was hoping he had got his memory back so that we could skip this catching up thing.

Him: Hey beautiful,

Me: Hey Lenny

Him: Lenny! What a nice way to call a dead and risen fiancé, didn't we have a pet name or something like that?

Me: I called you babe but what difference does it make if you don't remember?

Him: you were supposed to remind me of everything right?

i nodded and smiled. He took my hand in his and we left.

We took a cab to the court and had a seat on the second row. Leila and Rey came rushing in before the judge came and a few minutes later, the court was in session.

My mum was brought in cuffs and when she saw me she started crying. The room was silent and everyone's attention shifted to her. The judge asked my mum to maintain silence or she would be thrown in jail without any verdict being read.

Judge: with all the victims that testified and the evidence of the dead bodies found in that home or rather compound owned by Mrs. Rosalinda Midiva, the court finds you guilty for recruiting girls into prostitutions, murder of two men and abducting your daughter and her friend. I hereby sentence you to 30 years in langata women prison with no Bond whatsoever and with no further ado that is my final judgment.

Prosecutor: all rise!

We all stood up as the judge walked out. And my mum came kneeling down in front of me crying and asking for forgiveness. I was choking on anger and I stared at her blankly with nothing to tell her. I hated her and i never thought a day would come when I would not even want to look at her.

Leila gave her a long hard stare and I could see her balancing tears in her eyes.

Leila's: you know, at one point I considered you my mum because you were the only mother figure I had after my mum left but after wanting us dead, I don't even know in what category to place you. May you rot in that jail and never get to see the light of day again. Wicked soul!

When Leila was done giving her a piece of her mind, I pushed her out of my way and walked away with Lenny, Rey and Leila following me close behind.

When we got outside, I hugged Leila and cried as I watched here being helped up the police van. I can't believe that after everything she had done, I could still afford to cry for her.

Leila rubbed my back and Lenny took over the hugging. I had attracted so much attention as news reporters came my way to ask me questions about my mum's 30 years jail sentence i mean who would want to talk about such things.

Rey pushed off the reporters saying I would give a statement when I was ready and the rest of us rushed towards Rey's car and got in. Rey joined us and took off in a high speed to avoid the paparazzi from mpasho, uhondo motomoto and any other gossips that wouldn't wait to make a juicy story out of this.

Lenny asked if I could take him to the last spot we were in the night before he was shot and as much as I didn't want to relive the memories, I agreed to his request.

Rey drove us to that destination but parked by the road and let the two of us proceed. He and Leila remained behind but they said they would wait for us.

When we got to the spot where Lenny was shot we stood there and he stood in front of me facing me and holding both my hands in his.

Lenny: so this is where it all ended?

Me: it didn't really end because you are still here with me.

Lenny: what happened to you when you thought I was dead?

Me: Nothing really, why?

Lenny: it feels different. You are cold towards me. It doesn't feel like we were in a relationship at all.

Me: how would you know how it felt like to be in a relationship with me when you can't remember anything?

He rubbed my hands in his then looked up to meet my gaze.

Lenny: what if I do?

I looked at him as if I didn't hear what he had said.

Lenny: what if I really do remember everything?

Me: Do you?

He nodded and I let go of his hand.

If Lenny was joking, that was not really a good time

Lenny: I had lost memory but gained it two days before leaving the hospital.

Me: but why would you make me believe you had no memories, why would you do that to me?

Hitting him on the chest with both hands then he grabbed me and pulled me to him bearing all the punches I was throwing at him.

Lenny: I didn't mean to. Listen I had to because that was the only way to save my life.

I pushed him away and slapped him keeping a distance between the two of us as I broke down.

He stood there confused not knowing whether or not to hug me or let me cry until I was satisfied.

He gently took my hand and pulled me up and hugged me.

Lenny: I'm so sorry love; I didn't mean to hurt you like that. Joe came to the hospital a few days after i had come out of the comma and his main agenda was to kill me again.

I broke free from his hug.

Lenny: I pretended that I still couldn't remember him and that pretense saved my life. He said I was now useless and the revenge on his brother's life would only make sense if I was in my right state. He said he would get back at me some other way and so I will ask again. What happened to you when you thought I was dead?

Me: am afraid if I told you that you would never look at me the same way again.

Lenny: try me.

I was hesitant. How was I to start telling him that I had been raped, how was I to tell him of everything I had been through?

Lenny: you know you can trust me right?

I nodded and he wiped off my tears with hands.

Me: the following day after you were pronounced dead, Leila and I were kidnapped by Joe; he took us to some house and locked us up for all those days. We were tortured and I ended up being raped by one of the men. I tried to fight him off Lenny, I tried so hard but he was stronger than I was.

Rey came to my rescue but it was already too late.

Lenny: I'm sorry love, if only I had been there with you all these could not have happened.

Me: it's not your fault. The rape made me different; it took away something in me, something I could never get back.

Lenny hugged me again and we cried in each other's arms for a while before letting go. He wiped my tears and kissed me and held my hand as we walked back to where we had left Leila and Rey.

We stood outside the car and kissed again. Lenny asked if I still wanted to marry him and I'm not sure why he would even ask that because to me, it was a definite yes.

A week later my dad was discharged from the hospital and Lenny helped me bring him home. The doctor said he had recovered and he would be on his feet in a few days.

As dad was recovering, Lenny and I were planning our wedding which would take place a week from now. We no longer wanted a very big wedding but Lenny's mum and my dad insisted that the wedding had to be one of its kind. Leila and Rey helped us with the planning

On Sunday I accompanied my dad to church. He had decided to step down as a pastor after the shame my mother had brought to him. He was going to talk to the congregation, apologize for my mother's deeds then step down.

All my friends accompanied me to church and Lenny's mum came too. She was there to support my family and she had promised that we were in this together.

Dad got on the pulpit, said everything he was to say then gave me a chance to address the church members too.

I stood up and slowly walked to the pulpit withy head down. I was feeling embarrassed because after what my Mum did, i couldn't pass without whispers.

Me: I believe you have all heard what my mother Mrs. Rosalinda Midiva did. I'm here to clear the air so that people will stop whispering Every time they see me approach. My father is a good man and he never wronged anyone or got involved in shady behavior when he was a pastor. He had no part in what my mother did and him stepping down is as a sign of respect to the church. Thank you for the love and support shown to him during the time he was hospitalized. My mum got imprisoned last week and as a church instead of spreading gossip and engaging in malicious talks, please pray with us. Thank you.

I stepped down and when we were done, we left. Life is sometimes so unfair, my dad was a righteous man but he ended up paying for my mother's sins by taking in all the shame, blame and the negative energy that was coming from people who should have been there to support him.

It was Friday night and people were gathered in my living room again. We were having the final ceremony before my wedding the following day. Lenny's mum, sisters and aunties had come to take my things with them as a sign of welcoming me into their home.

Lenny had left together with Rey and William and I was so afraid watching him leave. Only I knew the fear I had inside as the memories of what happened last time came flashing by.

I went to bed early, took sleeping tablets to help me sleep because from the look of things, it was going to be a long night.

On Saturday morning was here, this was the day I got to marry the love of my life.it was finally here. Leila woke me up and the first thing I thought of doing was calling Lenny to check on him. i wanted to make sure that he was really alive. the phone rang and he picked it almost immediately.

Lenny: hey love,

Me: hey babe.

Lenny: I thought it was bad luck to talk to a bride before going to the alter.

Me: talking is okay. Seeing is not.

Lenny: I love you Roxana Midiva

Me: I love you too Lenny.

Lenny: are you ready to be my one and only?

Me: I was ready like yesterday.

Lenny: see you in church?

Me: yes, see you in church.

He told me he loved me once again then hanged up.

Later in church.

The procession was done, lot of people showed up and here we were. My Lenny and I had finally made it to see this day, a day we had really longed for.

Pastor: Lenny please hold her hand up and repeat these words as you place the ring in her finger.

Lenny took my hand and held the ring as he repeated the pastor's words.

"Roxana, I give you this ring, as I sign of my undying love to you. I promise to hold and to cherish, to love and protect you, forsaking all others and standing by you, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse until death do us part."

I repeated those words and when I was done I put the ring on Lenny's finger.

Pastor: is there anyone who has any reason why this man and woman should not be joined together, if there is anyone please speak now or forever hold your peace.

Lenny and I had our fingers crossed hoping there wasn't any ghost coming back to haunt us.

No one spoke and we both showed a sign of relief.

Pastor: Lenny, you may kiss your bride.

Lenny must have forgotten that we were in church in the presence of our parents. He held my waist and pulled me to him giving me a kiss that left me gasping for my breath. The pastor felt embarrassed that he was left clearing his throat as a sign for Lenny's to stop.

When Lenny was done being in a romantic mood. The pastor handed us our marriage certificate that we had signed and I put it in Lenny's.

Pastor: ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Roxana and Lenny Noel.

The congregation cheered and celebrated as Lenny and I made our way out.

Later that evening after the reception, I threw my bouquet of flower and Leila god it, I wanted her to have the bouquet because it has always been believed that whoever catches it weds next. In the commotion of getting the bouquet Rey went and got down on his knee and everyone's attention shifted to him.

Rey: my love, I know we met under very awkward circumstances but I have come to love and appreciate all the effort you have been making to make me a better man. I don't want to be with anyone else but you. I love you my baby and I would love to grow old with you. So I have this one question I would like to ask. Leila, will you marry me?

Leila could not believe what was happening. She had her hand to her mouth as a few drops of tears escaped her eyes. She watched Rey take out the ring from his pocket and showed it to her. "Yes Rey, I will marry you" she said shyly as Rey slid the ring on her finger then got up, hugged her as they shared a passionate kiss. This was so good and I am happy that my best friend finally gets to be with someone who adores and loves her unconditionally.

God had finally done it for us. He saw me through all the challenges and heartaches and even though Lenny and I would have wished for our missing parents to be there, it was pleasant enough that our friends who meant so much to us and the rest of the world were there to witness this beautiful reunion and

they now call me Mrs. Noel.

★★★★THE END ★★★★