

We both turned and looked at her and she asked to see me outside. Lenny figured out what was going on and said he would look for me. I nodded then followed June outside waiting for her to yell at me like she normally did. Am even surprised she didn't do that back there.

June: what is going on between you and Mr. Lenny?

Me: how is it any of it your business?

June: people are talking. It looks like you are throwing yourself at him. You should know your place in this office. He is a manager and you are a mare cleaner. Stick to your lane.

I couldn't hear any more of June's crap so I left her talking to herself and went into the changing room.

Vivian was there waiting for me, I changed into my clothes and we left. June was really beginning to work my nerves because it was nolonger work but she was digging so much into my business.

Lenny took his girlfriend whom I came to learn later was Cindy on a date to celebrate her birthday. she traveled for business purposes a lot and it was even by chance that her birthday found her around.

Lenny had made a reservation for the entire restaurant just for the two of them. They walked in hand in hand and they were shown a table in the middle of the restaurant. He pulled the chair for her and she sat as she looked around and Lenny noticed the discomfort.

Lenny: Babe, if you don't like the place we can go somewhere else.

He said taking the seat opposite her.

Cindy: we are already here, it's not a place i would have chosen but I will survive.

Lenny: this has been your favorite restaurant for the longest time.

Cindy: yes, but one can't live on one diet. I needed to have something different from what I'm used to.

Lenny: I just wanted to have a good time with you tonight. I barely see you but when you come back it's like you don't even want to be with me.

A waitress came with a plate that was neatly covered and placed it before her. Cindy took off the lid from the plate and there was a neatly wrapped gift.

The facial expression didn't suggest that she was excited so Lenny sat in silence as he watched her unwrap the gift.

The waiter came with their food and set it on the table.

Cindy: a phone?

She looked at it for a while then placed it back on the plate.

She looked up and met his gaze.

Lenny: I bet you don't like the gift as well.

Cindy: other men gift their fiancé's cars and houses and you get me a phone, what am I a teenager?

Lenny: okay, you know what, this was a bad idea.

He got up took the iPhone he had bought her and put it in his pocket. He reached for his wallet, pulled out some money and put them on the plate that the phone was in as she stared at him in confusion.

Lenny: use that for your cab back home.

He walked out on her and when she realized how serious he was, she picked the money and her hand bag and rushed out calling him only to find him already in the car and she way her drive off.

Over the weekend I got a text on my phone saying I should not report to work anymore as my services were no longer required. I was told that my pay would be sent via mobile money but I was not to be seen in the office.

I went to the kitchen where Leila was preparing dinner and when she saw me, she stopped whatever she was doing.

Leila: that's not a good news face. What happened this time?

Me: I got fired...by text.

Leila: what did you do?

Me: I wish I had an idea. I think our supervisor is just jealous that I was getting some attention from someone she has a crush on. He won't even look at her.

Leila: am sorry dear.

Me: everywhere I go, trouble follows.no one wants to deal with me. I don't even want to deal with myself. I'm doomed.

Leila: don't say that. Everything happens for a reason. Don't give up on yourself, you will find something else and I will help you look.

The following day I decided to go back to the office to return Lenny's shirt that I had been keeping since the incident and also pick my stuff from the changing room.

I went early so that people would see me make the walk of shame. Apparently Lenny was already there when I got to his desk. My intention was to leave the shirt there and disappear. His laptop was on and a mug of hot coffee was there as well meaning he was around.

I took the shirt from the polythene paper and put it on his desk. Something else caught my attention. There was a nicely wrapped gift with my name on it. I picked it up and stared at it before putting it back and before I could walk out, I heard footsteps and I quickly turned around to see who it was.

Lenny: open it. It's yours.

He said walking towards me and he stood in front of me. I took a few steps back in an attempt to make my way past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

He then held my waist and pulled me closer to him. He gently brushed his fingers on my face and I attempted to say something but he put his finger on my mouth as a way of asking me not to say a word. I struggled to break free from his hold but he wouldn't let go.

Lenny: relax, I just want to talk.

Me: with your arms around my waist and your face too close to mine.

Lenny: it's the only assurance I have that you won't run.

Me: someone might walk in on us like this.

Lenny: am sorry about last time. I was under so much pressure from the board and I was from having a very heated conversation with my girlfriend, now an ex. I don't mean to go off on you like that.

Still holding on to my waist and having me so close that I could literally breathe the warm air from his nostrils.

Me: that's okay. It was my fault.

Lenny: the gift, would you like to unwrap it?

Me: how would I do that when you are holding me so tightly?

He didn't let go but loosened the hold a bit then handed the box to me. I unwrapped it and when I saw the phone, my face lit up. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Lenny: you like it?

Me: I love it. This is such an expensive phone. I can't accept this from you.

I said giving it back to him.

Lenny: if you don't accept the gift for any other reason, please do as an apology for what happened being so unkind to you the other day.

Me: i can accept the apology but the phone isn't necessary.

Lenny: I know but I want you to have it.

Me: okay, thank you. Can I give you a hug for this?

He didn't even respond. She pulled me to him and hugged me rubbing my back then we broke free from the hug and stared at each other deep in the eyes before June walked in and put the bucket down in a way that attracted both our attention.

Lenny did not let go of me immediately. we talked on low tone and asked if he could kiss me just to make June jealous and who was I to say no to such an opportunity of showing June just how insignificant she was.

Lenny lifted my face to his and kissed me. I threw my arms around his neck and made it more passionate.

When we were done, he let go and I said goodbye as I turned to look at June and she wasn't the only one whose face had turned red with jealousy. I spotted two more ladies and Lenny's friend William had walked in on us too but he was all smiles.

As I was walking towards the door June stood in my way.

June: you are not supposed to be here

Me: I know, am on my way out.

I pushed her out of my way and walked out of the office. I got to the changing room, took my stuff and Vivian saw me off though she wasn't happy that I was leaving. I told her it was for the greater good because June and i could not stay in the same place.

Lenny had been coming to the office but he wouldn't see me around or bump into me along the corridor. He left his desk and stood along the corridor pretending to be making a phone call and he paced up and down until he saw Vivian approaching. He got off his fake call and stopped her.

Lenny: hello

Vivian: hello sir, you need something?

Lenny: yes, some information. The other lady Roxana; I haven't seen her for some time now. Where is she?

Vivian: she was fired last week after an incident with you.

Lenny: oh! I really need to talk to her; can you give me her contacts?

Vivian: unfortunately this is one of those bad days I left in a hurry and forgot my phone at home but I can give you her home address though she lives with her friend Leila.

Lenny: that should help. Thank you.

Vivian gave Lenny my home address and he walked back to the office smiling.

That evening Lenny drove to my neighborhood. The direction was quite clear and he did not have a hard time getting there.

When he got to our door he knocked and a few minutes later Leila opened in a hurry carrying her purse and jacket in her hand.

Leila was surprised to see a very fine, good looking and elegant man standing by the door.

She said hello and Lenny held out his hand for a handshake before saying what brought him.

Lenny: my name is Lenny and you must be Leila.

Leila nodded not sure of what to say. She was still perplexed by how handsome he was.

Lenny: am sorry to bother you and I can see that you are on your way out but am looking for Roxana. Is she around?

Leila: oh, yes. Roxana is inside but am really in a hurry.

she called me severally but I had my headphones on so I did not respond.

Leila: she must be on her headphones. I can trust you right?

Lenny: yes you can.

Leila took out her phone and snapped a photo of him. He was not sure what was going on but he cooperated.

Leila: that's for security purposes. If something happens to my friend I will know who to look for

Lenny: okay, that is very smart of you. Can I see her?

Leila: sure, the one with the open door is her bedroom.

She pointed inside the house towards my room.

He got in and Leila pulled the door shut. He walked to my room and leaned on the door frame watching me sing along to the music that was playing with my legs on the wall. I saw a text from Leila saying I have a guest and I quickly got up and removed my head phones. When I looked at the door, Lenny was standing there with a broad smile on his face. He walked up to me and stood at the edge of the bed. He spread his arms open and waited for me to get in then for a hug. I hugged him and for a moment it was all silence. I could hear his heart beat and none of us let go for some time.

Lenny: I missed you.

I got loose from his embrace and looked at him. He had that charming smile again.

Me: what are you doing here and how did you even find me?

Lenny: when you badly want something, you get it at all cost. Your friend at the office helped with the direction. She told me what happened and I'm so sorry.

Me: Don't be. Can I make you some coffee?

Lenny: No. I'm okay. Thanks

He sat on the edge of the bed as I lay on the same position he had found me in.

Lenny: I met your friend on her way out. She took a photo of me just in case I was a serial killer.

Me: she does that to strangers all the all-time. On a serious note, why are you here?

Lenny: I came to check on you. I haven't been seeing you around or bumping into you along the corridor all bubbly and cheerful. I missed that pretty smile and besides that, I haven't been able to get you off my mind since that day at the office. I saved my number on the phone I gave you. You never called, not even a text.

Me: yeah, that is because I was respecting boundaries. I know you have a girlfriend. I didn't see the need.

He lay on his back facing the ceiling and stared at it for a while then turned to look at me

Lenny: we broke up.

I turned my head to look at him and our eyes locked, then there were butterflies all over my stomach.

Me: am sorry. What happened?

Lenny: she called and told me I wasn't good enough for her. Everything I was doing thinking i would make her happy wasn't good enough. We have been dating for a while but all that time I was planning to make her mine, she was planning a future with someone else.

Me: am sorry about that, I really don't know what to say other than that.

Lenny: it's okay I'm getting over it. So who owns the heart of this beautiful woman lying beside me?

Me: no one at the moment. I swore not to let anyone own my heart again because I don't want to end up sticking the pieces with glue.

Lenny: what happened?

I got up and sat on the bed as I started narrating what had happened. I walked to the dressing table and looked at him through the mirror as I spoke and when I was done, I had tears flowing. Every time I thought of jack, I got so angry and emotional at the same time.

Me: I did love him, but with him, I never got to experience love the way I thought I should. I never want to feel the heart ache again.

He goes up from the bed, came to where I was standing and hugged me from behind. It felt good in his arms as I leaned on this chest.

Lenny: when you look in that mirror what do you see?

Me: I see me all sad and hopeless.

Lenny: you are not sad or hopeless. When I look at you, i see a strong woman who deserves the best. You shouldn't let what happened affect the life that you are supposed to be living.

That jack guy did not know what he had and it's his loss. You have a choice to either be this sad beautiful lady who no one will want to hang around or make each moment in this life count.

He turned me to face him, raised my face, wiped my tears, planted a kiss on my forehead and hugged me so tight. We talked about a lot of things and I made dinner and we ate before seeing him off. It had been a wonderful evening.

One week later, I was at home with Leila. I was applying nail polish on Leila's nails when we heard a knock. I got up and went to open. it was Lenny, he handed me a bunch of roses and two bars of chocolate. I smiled and thanked him then asked him to come in but he maintained his position at the door. He said he was not coming in.

Lenny: I want us to go somewhere

Me: Right now?

He nodded holding out his hand and waiting for me to take it.

Me: should I at least change into something else?

Lenny: no, you are beautiful just the way you are.

I put the flowers and chocolate on the table then we left. We got into Lenny's car and just as we were about to drive away.Jack came from nowhere and blocked our way. He got out of the car and the look on his face was not friendly at all. From the look of things he had come for a fight..