

We didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. Leila and I had no choice but to do as we were instructed.

The ride was a little longer with no one talking to us or to themselves, Leila cling to my hand as an assurance that she was still there with me.

We got to some house in a deserted place, neither Leila not I could tell where we really were. The guys jumped out of the van then grabbed both of us and pulled us out. We were escorted to that house and we got locked up in one of the rooms. There was no one else in the house except for the three guys that came with us...

I spotted a Cctv camera in the room we were Locked up in and then it occurred to me that we were being watched. We walked to the nicely spread bed and sat. I was worried for Leila and the mess I had dragged her into. Was this a kidnap or just some guys trying to get back at me, but why? I turned to Leila and watched her as she sat there quietly.

Me: are you okay?

Leila: I was to go and pick up Joe at the airport after we were done at the hospital and besides that, I should be the one asking you that. Are you okay?

Me: how can I be okay, am scared out of my mind right now? Who are those guys?

Leila: I have no idea but I guess we will find out. There has to be a reason why they brought us here.

As we were still talking, the key turned on the lock and in walked two of the guys who had grabbed us earlier.

Leila and I squeezed on the far end of the big bed.

One of the guys came in with a plastic chair and sat facing us. He introduced himself as John and he said if we stayed calm, no one was going to get hurt.

Leila: what do you want with us?..

John: relax ladies; if we wanted to kill you we would have done it already.

Leila: who are you guys and what do you want?

John: are you sure you want that question answered because there's a whole bunch of things we could get from you.

Leila remained quiet after that response.

John: at first I asked myself why the boss was so obsessed with you, but now I see. You are beautiful.

At this point, I didn't know who between the two of us was being addressed because we were both very beautiful only that Leila was light in complexion.

The other guy remained silent. He was dark and handsome and he had this very serious look on his face. For I moment I wondered why he would be here in the first place then I thought he was dumb until he spoke to let us know that the boss was here.

Normally, such things gave me butterflies but this time, I was eager to know who this boss was and what he really wanted with us. This was the wrong time to play such games as I needed to be there for Lenny's funeral arrangements since there wasn't going to be any wedding.

It was so hard for me to believe that Lenny was really gone and a part of me kept hoping it was a big joke and he would be back and walk down the aisle with me just like we had planned.

My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of high heels coming towards the room in which we were in. she walked in and when I looked it, I saw Cindy standing at the door with a gun in her hand.

Why wasn't I even surprised that she would be the one behind this?

Cindy: hi Roxana?

Me: Cindy,

it's good you remember me so we will not have to play catch up.

Me: so you are the Boss?

Cindy: Not really but you will get to meet him when the right time comes but as for now, how about we have a little fun?

If Cindy wasn't the boss then who was?

I looked at Leila and knowing her so well, I knew she was about to pounce on Cindy and give her a good beating but I held her tight making sure she didn't move.

Cindy: you know it's a little boring to be talking to myself.

We chose to ignore her then she asked one of the guys to grab Leila and he did pulling her from the bed and holding both of her hands behind her.

Cindy: for every question i ask and you don't respond, she gets punished for it. so you better talk and tell me everything i want to know. This is going to be fun.

People talked of psycho paths but this was definitely one. Only that I didn't know from what mental institution she had escaped.

Me: what do you want from me, you already killed Lenny didn't you, wasn't that enough revenge for whatever jealousy you had buried deep inside you?

She walked up to me and smiled.

Cindy: the interesting bit is that I killed him and enjoyed every bit of it.

Leila: you are sick!

Cindy: correct that mistake.

The other guy who was not holding Leila did give her a blow on the stomach and she groaned in pain.

Cindy: for every stupid question you ask, she gets a beating to so choose your words correctly and as for you, shut up!

I made a long sigh as I looked at Leila. I didn't want anything happening to her as it was already my fault that she was in this mess.

Cindy: see, I might have killed Lenny but that doesn't mean that we are even. Because of you, I lost someone else I loved and as a result, you will pay for it with your life, then you and Lenny can have your wedding somewhere in the clouds.

Me: what are you talking about?

Cindy: should I answer that question?

The guys did not respond but another blow landed on Leila's stomach again.

Me: why are you hurting her, am the one you have a problem with, let her go.

She walked up to me and pressed the gun on my forehead.

Cindy: you have no right to make demands. You are a prisoner... my prisoner and for that, I do whatever i want with you.

I couldn't ask any more questions because I didn't want Leila getting any more blows so I sat there staring at her with my mouth shut.

Cindy: you know what, she is right. I think we are hitting the wrong person. Let her go.

The man who was holding Leila let her go and she dropped on the floor holding on to her stomach. I ran to her and held her to see if she was okay and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Cindy: this bff love thing is so overrated, step away from her now!

There was something so annoying about a woman being in charge. Cindy wanted to make me suffer because it is obvious that if she wanted me dead, I would be dead but what loved one was she talking about?

Cindy: I heard of Jack's death.

Me: you knew jack?

Cindy: everyone knew jack.

Me: I don't understand

she sat on the chair and crossed her legs.

Cindy: I knew jack even before you did. He was the man I loved back in campus before you showed up from nowhere and screwed up everything. You thought Daisy was the only one he was having an affair with, the many nights he didn't spend at home with you, he was with me.

Me: What?

Cindy: I loved the bad boy in him only that he chose to be with you for reasons only known to him. You killed him and I want you to tell me how you did it and why.

Me: he fell off the roof top. Wait you knew Jack in campus?

Still wanting a clarification of what she had just said.

Cindy: I was part of Jack's gang. We split and lay low because the police was on us. Then in the process I met Lenny and you snatched him away from me too. What is it with you and the guys I date?

Me: I had no idea you were dating any of those men.

Cindy: it's sad you didn't end with up with any of them, they are both dead.

How does it feel that Lenny died just a day to your wedding?

Leila: stop it, don't you have a heart?

Cindy: oh yes I do but it's so cold. Ice cold and I don't remember asking you to speak.

Leila: how about you just kill us already, you don't have to remind her of the tragedy that you brought into her life.

Cindy: can you tape her mouth so that she stops talking?

One of the guys took a piece of cloth and stuffed it into Leila's mouth.

Cindy: that's better. So where were we?

She was tapping her finger on the gun.

Cindy: see when you and Lenny killed jack, I wanted revenge on either or both of you, then I thought why not kill the guy first as I watched the lady suffer before killing her too. Us ladies, we don't let go that fast but if you were the one lying in that morgue, Lenny would have already replaced you.

The words Cindy was saying made me angry. All I felt was rage and I remembered how she pulled the trigger on Lenny and shot him leaving him there to die.

Without second thoughts, I jumped on her and we both fell with the chair and all I wanted was to leave a few marks on her face before any of the guys got to do anything. I used my long nails to my advantage as I scratched her face and gave her several slaps to go with it.

One of the guys grabbed me and gave me a slap that landed me on the bed.

I watched as they helped her up and her face was a mess.

She got up, walked up to me and shot at me only that it Missed and hit the wall as I covered my head with both hands. Cindy so badly wanted to kill me but she could not, I guess it was because of the boss that we were yet to find out who he was ordered her not to.

"I will be back for you" she said as she walked out ordering the two guys to lock us in and they did.

Elsewhere ★★

When Cindy left us she went to meet the so called Boss. She walked into his office which happened to be one of the rooms and when he saw her he was shocked.

Boss: what happened to your face?

Cindy: Roxana happened. I will kill that bitch.

Boss: you are not killing her or anyone else.

Cindy: not just yet but I will kill her.

Boss: sit down.

She sat.

Cindy: so what next. Do we ask for ransom or what plans do you have?

Boss: my plans remain known to myself but be assured that by the time am done with Roxana she will beg for her own death.

Cindy: and the best friend?

Boss: she is not that important. She might end up as collateral damage.

Cindy: so it's okay to get rid of her?

Boss: I said we are not killing anyone. Go and take care of that mess on your face and stay away from them. You had your revenge on Lenny so leave the rest to me.

The boss got up and took his gun with him.

Cindy: where are you going now?

Boss: there is no where we signed that I have to tell you everything am doing but if it interests you, am going to pay our guests a visit.

Cindy: it's not the right time.

Boss: there is no right time. I can't wait to see the look on their faces as I inflict pain for the rage I have carried since they conspired to kill my brother....