
Magic Is Freaky

The little witch had fast reflexes and safely landed on her feet. Greta also rose to her full height and immediately drew her sword. She hacked at the monsters wildly, killing and maiming at ransom. However, the Elf was quickly overwhelmed, just like the other soldiers.

As Greta's screams of agony rang out, Beatrix rolled into a ball, hoping nobody would notice her. Orcs were enormous creatures, and a midget like her could escape detection.

Beatrix was wrong because one of the monsters picked her up like a child. He opened his mouth and tried to swallow her feet.

The little witch screamed like a banshee and shot a ball of fire into the Orc's mouth. The latter choked on his burned tongue and dropped her.

Beatrix landed on her feet again, her mind racing. Her gaze fell on an escaping horse. It probably belonged to one of the Elves.