
Unexpected Trouble

Lunafreya POV

It has been 2 hours Slate returned to normal. Both he and Ink have been struggling in the bed. When the god told us to return quickly... I expected them to awaken within 10 minutes or so. They were not kidding about the Dark King Arms though. Noctis was getting more and more angry seeing Ink in Slates arms that he stood towards them and the Arms shimmered into existance circling them again. They would only vanish when he sat down once more. He left the room soon after causing them to appear 3 more times. I am sitting on the bed next to them stroking Inks hair.

Lunafreya: Please wake up sweetie, I cant stand this.

I take a look at Slate and grimace. He looks pale and is sweating. His left arm is completely bandaged up till his shoulder. His Materium mark is faintly glowing under the bandages. Lulu and I tried to heal him with magic or potions but the Arms wont let us. Ink is the exact opposite though. At first, she was hugging Slates chest to hold him down. Now she is kicking his face while hugging his tail. The scaled tail he had earlier reverted to the fluffy one when the Dark Slate vanished. I have tried to remove her foot from his face... but she just kicks him again.

I fell asleep on the bed with the two of them.


???: Momma, wake up. Your crushing me. You ARE big like Ms.Lulu

My eyes snap open and I see the most beautiful sight ever. Shes awake.

Lunafreya: My baby! Your finally awake! (Sobbing) NOOOOOCTIIIIIIIIIIS!

The door and part of the wall it was on was incinerated by Noctis with his Axe.


The Dark Arms Sprung out again.

Ink: What are you doing Father? Did you forget how to use a door? Why do you have the lollipop out?

Noctis looks at Ink for a second then blinks. Then he warps right to her and starts balling like a kid. His Axe fell to the floor 2 seconds later.

Noctis: My baby girl, your awake. Thank the gods!

Ink: Hahs. Father, you said the same thing as momma. Did I over sleep? OH! Did I miss school?! 🤩

Before I can tell her she still has to go to school, Lulu rushes in.

Lulu: Hurry and take the Princess to any other room. Its about to start!

Noctis/Lunafreya: Huh?

Ink: Momma, my back itches...

Noctis moves faster then I have ever seen him before. He grabs Ink and I and warps us to our room.


Ink: Momma... Im scared. Whats happening to me?

Lunafreya: I think your gift is waking up. The gods said you would get a gift because you helped Slate.

Ink: So... this is a good thing?

Lunafreya: Its a very good thing sweety. So just lay down on your tummy after you take your shirt off and relax. Who knows... the gods might give you a tail like Slate.

Im saying anything to try to relax Ink as I am about to break down myself. I see Noctis in the corner grabbing his arm so tight that its bleeding. He pulls out his shield to heal himself when Inks eyes start to glow golden again.

???: May the Mage borrow that shield human?

Without a seconds hesitation, Noctis warps The Shild of the Just next to our bed.

Noctis: Will she be ok.

???: She will be more then ok human. I sware it in my name... Asura... the High Goddess of Health.

I bow onto the floor and weep. Noctis falls back onto his rear and releases a breath he didnt notice he was holding.

Asura: It is the boy who needs your help. I shall watch over the mage. Listen to the boys explanation. It will shed some light onto the situation.

As Asura finished talking... Ink and the Shield became covered in a cocoon of light.

Lulu: Noctis! Luna! I NEED HELP! NOW!!


Lulu POV

The Kiddo is awake and im not sure thats a good thing. The black ooze from last night is coming out from the Materium in his arm this time. It is burning the bandages as it runs down his arm and once it gets to the palm of his hand... Its hardening. He's having a hard time breathing. Whenever I try to use a healing spell on him... I get hit with random ailments as retaliation. It is similar to the new Arms in that it reacts to anything magically aimed at the Kiddo. Im now under the effect of Slow and Silence when his left hand up till his wrist becomes fully covered in the Black Crystalline Ooze. Then the most disturbing event happens... it moves.

The covered hand twitches some before it starts to move unnaturally. The fingers bend the wrong way. The sound of bones snapping and tearing echo in the room before the hand makes a screeching sound. I will be having nightmares after this...

The Ooze makes it halfway up his arm before Slow and Silence wares off.

Lulu: Noctis! Luna! I NEED HELP! NOW!!


Luna and Noctis show up... and Luna runs back outside. I dont really blame her though... The Ooze is pumping out some seriously dark magic. She is an Oracle of the Light... Just being near this must be making her feel sick.

Slates arm is now Oozed till his shoulder. The Ooze avoided his Materium for some reason though. The arm stopped moving altogether. The arm picked itself up and after a few more unnatural moments... it spoke

???: This body is fabulous. The darkness within is never ending and the possibilities with are limitless. 11 classes at the age of 10 and the body is ready for another at anytime?!What the hell is this kid? He was simply made for me! With this body. The 8 Assholes of Light will meet their fate. But before that...

The talking arm grows a spike out of its palm and...

???: This body doesnt need the soul within. Mine will replace it!

Strikes down towards Slates heart.


Noctis POV

I warp right next to that nasty arm and grab it. The spike is a few inches from Slates chest.

Noctis: Just made it. Hey, Creepy Arm... this body is spoken for. You cant have it. We just went through an ordeal to save it.

Creepy Arm: You stopped me? Hmm... Your body leans towards Light and Space. Not suitable at all. Die from my Dark Mana Poison. You will let go.

My arm starts to sizzle and smoke. Lulu rushes to Slate's head and bends down to cast Protectaga and Curaga on my hand point blank. ... I dont think she has realized that her bust is on top of the lucky kids head.

Noctis: The soul within this body protected my Daughter from the very darkness you have taken a liking to. I will hold on and keep you in place until Lulu can seal or destroy you.

Creepy Arm: Haha. The Witch's efforts and presence are useless. Her own Magic is of a similar affinity to mine. Its like trying to dry a wet towel with more water. Once you let go, I WILL get this body and kill the 2 of you.

???: Her efforts are useless, I agree but her presence is not. Especially her position, for that is what caught my attention.


Lulu POV

My body is on fire. The dark mana radiating from Slate's arm is absolutely intoxicating. I hear Noctis and the Arms voice arguing when everything goes quiet and the mana within the air has quadrupled. My milk is actually leaking... how shameful

I take a look at Noctis's arm and notice everything is moving so slow that it might as well be still

???: Busty Witch. We must speak.

Who in hell is it this time? I try to open my mouth to answer but I cant move my body. How can I speak if im unable to move?

???: I can hear your thoughts and you were correct. I am from hell. I will reframe from naming myself for now. Answer my questions for the lives of everyone in this castle depend on it.

Lulu: If it will save everyone in the castle, ask away. My family is here.

???: Ok then... What is your bust size?



Lulu: Excuse me?

???: It is incredibly important. What. Is. Your. Bust. Size? Answer or I let the Lizard in this lucky boys arm finish taking him over.

Lulu: ... Normally im at an H Cup but due to giving birth... Im an I for now. 102 I Cup

I wait a few seconds for an answer and a reason this was so important...

???: Unholy smokes! Great. ill hold this over the boy later on. He was being suffocated by a pair of leaking 102 I Cups and he doesnt remember it.

My expectations have been destroyed.

???: Ok Second question... Is this boy perverted? My last user was a 21 year old kid with the libido of a potato.

Again... what the hell?!

Lulu: Well... the first time I met the kiddo was a few days ago. He literally ran into me and the first thing he did was squeeze my chest 5 times plus take a nibble almost as if it was his instinct

???: Done. He is perfect. Tell the teleporter to let go. I will take it from here.

As I am trying to recover from my stupefied brain... The world starts to speed up.

Lulu: WAIT! Whats your name?!

Before he could answer, the world returns to normal and I hear the body less voice speak again...

???: Her efforts are useless, I agree... but her presence is not. Especially her position, for that is what caught my attention

Enter Slate's Eidolon... kinda

Hope you enjoy.

Thanks TrueTych.

Beviscreators' thoughts