
Stop Him!

Fila and Gem had known each other for many, many years. Research leaders of the Vuvre Organization? No, Soul Gem wasn't anything like that back when they met each other. Fila and Gem met way, way back, back when Soul Gem was still a Nascent Soul expert. That being said, it was impossible that Fila had been put as a spy to watch Soul Gem from the very start.

Then again, he truly couldn't understand why she had attacked him at this crucial moment. Haven't they always been friends? They had gone through many things together. Simply put, Soul Gem trusted Fila more than anyone else in the Universe, or so he did until this moment.

In the end, Soul Gem ignored the confusion in his mind as he used his Spiritual Sense to ask while coughing up blood, "Why? Just why you, of all people? I don't understand..."