
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

The Reveal

The fight against Seth continues but this time we got some help from a few new guys who were there coming to kill us. But now, they were helping us because of Marc's power. May be.

At last Marc found the truth about Seth that, Seth is not going to stay true to his words of keeping him alive till the end. Marc changed sides again and joined us again.

After that Seth sent a few monsters to attack us but then we got to see and at that time Marc also realised that he could control these monsters too. It could be a power that he had and never knew or Marc might have unlocked and enhanced his relic like what Ryan and Garrick did back against Drago.

This gave us a second chance so we can't just let this go to waste.

"So what do you think now Seth." said Marc.

"I can control a few monsters but it is taking too much toll on my body. I don't think I could do this for a longer period so please try to hurry." Marc said to us using telepathy.

"Alright. Everyone get ready to attack. Don't let this chance slip." said Garrick.

"All monsters. GO!!! Attack Seth." Marc shouted.

All the monsters started moving towards Seth. With all of them we three moved in with them too. All the monsters were attacking Seth but he was strong enough to handle them too.

We tried to blend in and try to sneak attack but it didn't go any better.

"All Monsters. Attack at once." Marc shouted.

Monsters were attacking Seth but Seth killed one monster with just his one energy blast.

"*laughs*These are nothing against me. They can't even kill you so what good will they do against me." said Seth with a wicked smile.

The monsters were attacking all together and were getting killed in a single blow by Seth but, with that as a distraction we three snuck in and all three of us attacked together.

This was a more powerful blow than any previous one and with this we were able to land a good hit which knocked Seth on the ground.

Ryan force pushed Seth and I continued that attack with my Cursed Blood Sword with the captain beside me with his Gladiator's Blade. We did a duo sword slash which succeed this time.

Seth was on the ground and a ray of hope sparkled in my eyes that yes, this is our moment.

But, Seth was not done. That ray of hope was getting overshadowed by Seth's dark clouds.

Even with all this help from the monsters we were not able to defeat Seth and because of our last attack Seth got even more angry. He focused his energy and released a powerful blast which killed every monster in that place. All that power blew us away and we were scattered and fallen on the ground like nothing. Nothing we did was making it any good.

All of us almost lost our hope. We can't defeat Seth that was going through my mind. It was not just a logical answer or anything, but it also had fear in it. Fear of being brutally killed, fear of death. I was afraid even to move my body. Marc was almost down, with his power level down to minimum after controlling all those monsters.

But, Captain didn't lose hope yet. He stood up with all those injuries. With him Ryan slowly stood back too. And seeing both of them back on their feets, I thought that we could defeat Seth if somehow we could again able to merge both their powers, but for that they need to be...

Seth was looking down on us like we were nothing in front of him. He was still not much harmed by all those attacks.

The situation was getting worse and worse for us. The history was repeating itself in front of me where I was not able to do anything to save anyone, but... *heavy breathing* but not this time, not anymore.

I guess the time has come.

"Garrick... Ryan... don't fall back. Move forward. I... I will back you guys up with..." I shouted.


(Incident at Emilia's place...)

I somehow managed to bring Emilia out of that situation. It all happened because she boosted me to my maximum limit but because of that her condition was gotten worse. She was bleeding. She used too much of her relic's power which put too much toll on her body and that led to all of this.

"I... thought that I would be of *coughs* of some help to you but..." said Emilia.

"No. You helped me to get out of that situation. So never think like you did nothing." I replied.

"I... I was not able to save Ned and Ted... from those *coughs* things." said Emilia.

"Don't think that it happened all because of you. It was my fault for not coordinating correctly with those two. Because of me they... *sobbing* they..." I replied.

"See... you are also only blaming.. yourself." said Emilia

"I... guess so." I replied with watery eyes.

"I said it before that... you remind me of my brother... *cough* he would have also blamed himself for everything." said Emilia.

"Please don't talk. The bleeding is not stopping." I replied.

"*laughs* I won't make through this. But I won't regret anything... After losing my brother... I was alone but then I found you guys. First Ned and Ted. Then you. I lived my life without any regrets... and *smiles* I would say you should live like this too." said Emilia.

"Please don't say things like this. *sobbing* You will make through this. I am..." I replied.

"You have already done what *coughs* what you could have done. Now, just let me go... Let me set free from all this." said Emilia.

"NO! *sobbing* I can't do that. I would be left alone, again. I don't want that feeling back again." I replied with my watery eyes.

"*smiles* I thought about something to give you. *coughs* But I couldn't think about anything." said Emilia.

"You don't have to do anything. *sobbing* You just have to live that's all." I replied.

"Don't worry. Now I know... what to give you." said Emilia.

"What?" I asked with my soared throat.

"Take this... It is my brother's. Like how he gave it to me, I pass this on to you." said Emilia.

"I can't take this." I replied.

"I said you resembles my brother *coughs* don't I. This is my present for you.

Happy Birthday, Davis... *smiles with tears in her eyes* We will always be together... *with fading voice* always... be... together..." said Emilia.

These were the last words for me from Emilia. So I took that relic and kept on moving forward. I didn't know anything about that relic or how to use it in the first place.

After that painful incident, I reached Shimon's place.

(At Shimon's place...)

With the training of getting stronger using a sword under Shimon's guidance, I also trained myself for the whole past month after ending my sword training. I slowly tried to heal smalls wounds which I got during the last incident and also during the training.

As I started to progress I started to get the hang of it. I was not a master at it but got better at handling its power.

That's why I was able to almost heal myself to move forward after that intense battle against Shimon.

On that night after the battle I wasn't just sitting there talking on my own with Shimon's body but I was also trying to heal any fatal blows.

I knew that I have to reveal this power someday but, I never thought that the time would come so soon.

Nothing... can be done to prevent any of this from happening now.


Note: Relics can be passed only when the previous user willingly pass it down to someone. It will destroy itself or repel the user if taken by force.

"Garrick... Ryan... don't fall back. Move forward. I will back you guys up with my healing power." I shouted.

Everyone was shocked when I said that. I stood up and released a healing blast which healed all three of them. It weakened my condition but I was still barely standing so that they wouldn't have to worry about me and they could attack Seth.

"What! You never told us that you were also a relic user?" said Ryan.

"Woah that was some flex." said Marc.

"I... I was..." I said.

"If you had that power then why didn't you tell us about that. We might have been able to save the dying ones." Ryan said angrily.

"ah... umm" I said.

"Stop Davis. There is no need for you to clear yourself. It's your relic and your free choice when and how to use it. You might have thought that even if I heal them they won't help us much or something like that." Garrick replied.

"No! that's... not it..." I said.

"Means you thought like that?" said Ryan.

"I said there's no need to explain anything. You must have your own reason for hiding it and I respect that. So don't worry about it and just move forward." Garrick replied.

"And don't forget Ryan that we are still standing because of his timing to reveal his secret. So you can't blame him for doing this." said Garrick

"Thank you... captain." I replied.

"Right now we need every power we can get. And Ryan, if we can give another chance to Marc, then Davis should be given a chance too, don't you think." said Garrick.

"Well... Yes." Ryan replied.

"We can discuss everything later because right now our enemy is in front of us." said Garrick.

"So we are battling against Seth with 4 relic users. Never thought something like this could happen. This world is like no other." said Marc.

Many things happened and many things left us but this will be the end of us if nothing goes in our favor. let's Hope for the best guys.

[ DAY 65 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,832 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 105 ]

If your are enjoying this story till now then you can drop a comment it will motivate me to do even more great work.

And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts