
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs


After all that chaos we took shelter in an abandoned building and after healing whoever was wounded we tried to take some sleep. But... no one was able to sleep because their was fear among everyone that another ambush might happen.

I was thinking the same way, but I was taking a rest in the top section of the building because that way anything will reach towards me after they pass from the people who were staying on earlier floor than me.

This might be seen as I am baiting them but in this way I will get more time to think and respond to any situation accordingly.

But nothing such happened that night and on the next day we continued our journey. We were able to clearly see how this barrier just disconnected this whole island from the whole world.

We were walking and walking closer to the barrier but we did not encounter a single monster on this whole mission.

This started to create a feeling of uneasiness in me that something was not right, but the captain put whole night to choose the best route possible and we had no idea about such a group existed so if we keep that aside then this route was clearly a good choice.

Finally we reached our destination and we were able to see the red barrier blocking us from reaching the outside. There was nothing around. It was just a clean plain with nothing to hide around and open space like no other. While walking I realised that we were going opposite to where the Raven's point is but Seth must have blocked that route and would only open it when there will be around 300 people left.

All of us reached their and some decided to watch it closely but the captain said "Stop!" to everyone.

"Don't rush into things, first gather your supplies, a few go for lookout and rest replenish your energy and two of you just check the barrier by throwing something and it with all your force that will give us an idea of how strong it is." said Garrick.

"Yes Captain!" said everyone.

"Davis, I want you just to observe how the barrier respond to their attacks, don't jump to conclusions, just collect as much detail as you possibly can.

And Marc you go with the 3 as our lookouts. I know that when there's a battle against a monster you won't be able to handle even with the 3 of them but at least you could easily alert us with your telepathy and it will protect those with you and it will also work as an alarm for us to be ready for anything." said Garrick.

"Yes Garrick. I will do it." I replied.

"Yeah, yeah, just what you said." Marc replied.

"*smiles* Sometimes I really wonder, do you two really think alike? One has a somewhat serious personality and the other with a careless personality. How your brains even get aligned to each other." said Garrick.

"Well it is all my genius thoughts that can even sometimes a mortal can think of but not as much long as I can see." Marc replied.

"Don't you go on ranting about your are god or something. I agree you are smarter than m___" I said.

"See, you got your answer Garrick." said Marc.

"I was saying that you are smarter than me but your carelessness lets me an edge on you that's why we could think like each other." I replied.

"Now go do your job and don't worry we will be ready if anything happens." said Garrick.

With that we all divide our small group for different tasks given by the captain. Three members went with Marc for the lookout and With two other members I went to observe the barrier to see how we could penetrate it.

I reached close to the barrier with the other two. It was shiny because we were able to see ourselves but we were not able to see what was outside. It had a hexagonal cluster shape, much like we are trapped in a honeycomb jail or something.

We reached and one of us threw a stone which just got bounced back. Then he tried with another one but a bigger rock that before this time still the barrier didn't budge at all.

So finally one of them tried to throw a spear with all her power and at the contact something happened.

Both were shocked to see it so the other person tried to do it and the results were similar. They asked me what could this mean?

I did not jump right on to the conclusion because I don't want to be hasty in taking such an important decision. I took my time thinking about what it could be and what was that thing that happened to the barrier after the spears hit it.

"Hey can you try it one more time but this time you both try to aim for as close to each other's target area as possible." I asked both members.

"Alright. We will give it a try." they both replied.

They both threw their spears and they hit close to each other and that same thing happened again, but the catch was that this time the spark was much more than what we saw before.

It was not just me but they also noticed. They are not dumb as Marc says they are. They just don't want to think which they can't understand clearly.

"Let's go back to the captain and tell him what we found here." I said.

(Near the lookout...)

"Did you not get bored by just following Garrick's orders?" Marc asked the three members.

"It is not a matter of blindly following him but we are alive because of him so working with him won't do us any bad." One of them replied.

"*laughs* Any bad. Did you not see that 5 of us are dead in this mission." said Marc.

"That was not his fault. They died because they were too weak." second member said.

"Oh so you think you are better than them." said Marc.

"Just because you have that relic doesn't mean that you are as strong as any fighter." The second member replied.

"Well that might be true but I don't even need my relic to take you three down because you're already did the greatest mistake of underestimating your opponent. Please try to avoid doing that or it might really kill you someday." Marc replied.

"*silence*" from all three members.

(Back to the waiting point....)

Here we reach towards the captain and he asked. "So you are back. It's too early, even if it is you out over there. So what did you find?"

"Well, it was not just me but because of the help of these two we managed to figure out about how that barrier could be penetrated. But we want all of you to come there and see it for yourself and Ryan get your shield ready you are going to crash on a tough barrier" I replied.

(Close to the Barrier...)

We reached the barrier and I said. "Ryan, it's your time to show us your full strength."

Ryan charged towards the barrier with the full force of his shield, and with that much heavy impact the barrier was somewhat started to bend towards the outside but after sometime, Ryan started to lose his strength and that barrier just repelled him back.

After seeing this we were sure that we could penetrate through this barrier. We just need enough force to put on it for a certain period or to say in simple words, we need a power attack or attacks which will be concentrated on a small part which will increase the force of the attack and it will increase our chances of penetrating it.

"So who will do this captain." I asked.

"We reached here because of everyone so we will do it together." said Garrick.

"It will be risky if anyone mistimes it then that chance we got will be wasted." I replied.

"I understand what you are saying but with what I saw Ryan alone was not able to do it then we will do it together.

There are 6 members here. First the two members will throw their spear as close as possible to a certain area and as soon as the spears were about to fall Davis you and the other swordsman attack the same spot with all your strength and when you think that it is getting to much for you then you just step aside, till then Ryan will be ready to charge towards the same area and try to put as much force as he can to penetrate it and Ryan if you think that you can't then just step aside because even if you weren't able to do it but the barrier would be weakened form all these continuous attacks and when Ryan will be about to drop his shield I will rush to give the final blow with all my strength.

This should definitely be able to break it. " said Garrick.

"It won't feel bad to me. This time I will crash even harder." said Ryan.

"We need to keep the timing on point but there's no other point not to give it a try. You are the genius here and you were just praising me over some small things." I replied.

"It wasn't like that. Because of you I also focused on what others might think even if this was more of a selfish mission but everyone agreed so I felt better and I tried to improve it but that route that we finalized was good so I decided not to go off the route because we didn't have much information about that." said Garrick.

"Well then, let's do this." said Ryan.

"Just take some time to prepare physically and mentally because we might not get another such chance with any monsters around anywhere. So we don't want to mess this up." said Garrick.

So we all agreed to his plan and were ready to give it a shot.

First both the members who came along with me on the first visit started got ready and both positioning to get their aim as close as possible.

With that me and the other swordsman were ready to go anytime because we needed to attack the area that they attacked.

Ryan was charging up and was taking the appropriate distance to get to his maximum strength.

With everything set Garrick signals us to proceed.

"Let's Gooooooo!" Garrick shouts.

With this the plan started. Both the spears hit a point and gave us an area to attack and it was way smaller than what it was before then as soon as we saw that the spears were starting to shake we started running and as they fell we attacked the same point with everything we had. It was starting to create the same that Ryan's previous attempt to break it caused. It was still the beginning but it was starting to workout.

We both didn't stop even when his blade was about to break. He was also not stopping so I did not back down easily but then his sword broke so I shouted. "Ryaaaaaan. It's your turn now."

With that said I stepped aside. Ryan was charging with his top speed and he crashed it will his maximum force, which led to the formation of a boundary of a hole that means the Barrier was barely hanging in its place. But Ryan gave everything in that one dash so the captain told him to move and the captain dealt the final blow.

It wasn't easy for him too. He also attacked with his full power and with that he managed to penetrate his sword through the barrier. Then he cuts the barrier with all his force to make an entrance for his people and with that final blow we finally get to see what was lying in the outside world for us. Whatever it was, it was not what we thought.

"Captain, Is this real?" I asked.

"It seems like real. But let me check it." Garrick replied.

Garrick put his hand outside the barrier and it suddenly started to feel weird because whenever I was doing any moment inside the barrier it was not even starting to happen outside the barrier.

Then I tried to do it by simply making a fist inside the barrier, then I tried it outside the barrier but my hand outside was not moving at all and when I pulled it back it was frozen but got normal after sometime.

Then to finalize our opinion we tried to light up a small bomb and we tied it to a rope and then threw it outside the barrier. After sometime we tried to pull it back in but it was taking too much time and it was feeling heavy while pulling such a small thing. Then we all pulled it and were surprised because it was still lighting as we threw it. Ryan quickly threw it back outside to avoid unnecessary noise.

"After seeing all of this we could say that this is not something normal. It is magical." one of the members said.

"It is not magical at all." I replied.

"Yeah, Davis is right because the time in both inside the barrier and outside the barrier are going on differently." said Garrick.

"What does that mean? How... how could this happen?" asked Ryan.

"Let me explain this. It might not feel true but it must be that we are trapped in something like a time chamber. That's why time inside the barrier works differently than how it works in the outside world.

I am not saying that this is 100% true. This is just my theory on this that our time is faster or should I say the time outside the barrier is much slower comparative to ours. To give an example, we are isolated and surviving for days now but in the time outside the barrier they must felt like a few seconds just passed. And with the night sky we see here is just another one of Seth's projections and what the real night looks like we could see their." I replied.

"That's why... that's why no one even tried to save us because for them just a few moments past and as their is night-time right now so no one is even thinking or noticing that an island might have been covered." said Garrick.

"So, now what we are going to do Garrick. What we decided did not go as we thought." asked Ryan.

"I... I really don't know what to do now but we can't just sit here and do nothing." Garrick replied.

"We need to think of something or else all this effort will be wasted." said Ryan.

"No. It won't go in vain. I can't allow to happen any of that." Garrick replied.

Suddenly we started to here sounds of someone moving towards us. The sound was getting louder and louder as we could understand that it was getting closer and closer.

"Everyone get your weapons ready. Be prepared for anything and don't hold back." said Garrick.

It was the most logical thing that a captain must have done. To take charge, to help them concentrate on what they have in front of them and not to think about other things, to encourage others. That is what being a captain means.

The sounds were getting so close now that we were able to see who are coming for us and we were definitely not ready for any of this, not at all because we could see four monsters coming towards us from the same direction.

We were not at our best yet we have to fight if we want to live.

"We can just leave outside through this and save ourselves from them." one of the members said.

"You are not thinking enough. If we go through it they will follow us and they will reach the outside world and it will be a huge chaos." Garrick replied.

We could also see that the barrier was getting repaired little by little but the captain said not to focus on it, for now the enemy is in front of us so let's focus on them.

"We opened it once before so even if it gets closed we could open it again with our force so for now forget about the barrier everyone." said Garrick.

"He's got a point." I said.

Taking important and quick decisions in such a situation is really something to admire.

There were 4 blob monsters and 1 Drago monsters suddenly joined them from behind.

-The Drago Monster : More powerful and vicious than the blob monsters with sharp claws, Dragon sharp teeth that can crush even a vehicle, body scales not at all easy to slash through. Body of a Dragon combined with a humanoid and a type of dragonoid is formed which is called "Drago". An aggressive monster and far more dangerous than blob monsters. It can breathe fire like any dragon but his claws are his main weapon. His senses are sharper than blob monsters which makes it hard to attack on. Also with that thick scales it becomes even more tough to kill it. Yet they are not unkillable. Just need a clean hit through his neck because that is the weakness Drago poses. -

This was the first time I had seen a Drago or else should I say seeing it coming to kill me.

In all this chaotic moment in which the 5 monsters coming towards us and would reach here in minutes I asked.

"Where is Marc? Why didn't he warn us? Where did he go at a time like this."

"He might have been... dea_, because he was not a fighter who could defend himself against monsters." one of the members said.

"No it can't happen. He might look weak but he can at least think of something which he can execute when something like this could happen." Garrick replied.

By saying this he was not only encouraging others but also sowing the trust he has in them.

But my brain was not able to go with that completely. It felt like it was planned rather than all this as a coincidence because the monsters came from the direction where our members were at the lookout. Then I started doubting that someone from this group might have betrayed us.

But there was no sure way to say that it is from our group but my gut feeling was telling me that it is someone from the inside. After all this time of my survival here I always learned one thing, not to neglect my gut feeling. It won't fail me.

[ DAY 65 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,850 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 135 ]

If your are enjoying this story then you can drop a comment it will motivate me to do even great work.

And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts