
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Monster Killers

For the past few days there has been a news about a person that can kill a monster with bare hands. I didn't believe it at first but after seeing these people that are attacking monsters, it can be a link to reach near that person, if that person is real ofcourse.

I moved closer to that location and saw that 4-5 people were attacking or should I say distracting the monster. I said distracting because these 4-5 people were drawing the monster's attention towards them and I could see one person at a distance who is charging power, that must be another relic user.

That person hit a powerful attack right behind the monsters head which made the monster unstable.

This confirms my theory that they are attacking monsters because they knew what they were doing. Even if they know that their is an enemy they were not afraid of that monster.

I followed them but also kept my distance from them. That monster stood up again and the relic user was standing in front. And that person just shot a powerful attack which destroyed the monster.

I was shocked to see that but I also saw a monster sneaking from that blind spot and my body instinctively moved.

That person saw it and shot an attack but missed. At that moment I was right on the top of that monster and with full power, I attacked. "Let's end this Blood Cursed Blade."

That heavy strike was fuelled by all the rage and pain inside me and I just cut that monster from the middle. The attack was so strong that it was my first time to one shot a monster.

In an instant an arrow suddenly hit my left shoulder and I fell down on the ground.

"Wait, what just happened. I just destroyed that monster and I got attacked instead." I said to myself.

"Hey, are you OK? You shouldn't have done that." that relic person said.

"Not much... I guess." I replied.

"Well not acting all tough guy huh. Ooh that some nice looking blade." that relic person said

"I will be fine..." I said while breaking that arrow.

"You look hurt. You can come with us." that relic person replied.

Then I looked and saw a girl with long hair, blue eyes, and a long bow. I could say just by looking that she is a strong woman. She had that confidence and aggression in her eyes that is required to survive.

"Hey are you listening?" she said.

"Yeah. It hurts a bit." I replied.

"A bit huh. Well congrats on becoming my first target that I missed." she said.

"What target. wait... what?" I replied.

"Yeah. I never missed my shot. Not even in doing my practice." she replied.

"That's... something of an achievement for you." I said.

"Yeah I know but you killed a monster by yourself. That is a feat on its own you know."

"*in pain* I think so. Happened first time though." I replied.

"Hey you can come with us you know. That way I can able to help you." she said.

"But Squad captain?" one of her squad members said.

"What?" she said.

"We can't just bring anyone to our group?" that guy said.

"Didn't you just saw that this guy killed a monster on his own. We need these kind of guys in our group." she said.

"Well... but..." Squad members said.

"We need people who can initiate an attack on monsters and not just to divert them." she said.


"Are you doubting me?" she said angrily.

I guess she has some temper issues. But she said about people who can initiate an attack on monsters, so they might be able to take me to that person which I was hearing news about.

If they are ready then I must go with them to get more information about all this. It might contain some risk but the payoff will also be good enough.

"Will you come with us young guy." she asked.

"Well, I can't just lie here bleeding and die. So I got no other choice." I replied.

"Nice, still not giving the tough guy attitude. I like it." She replied.

"You are quite a cheerful and energetic person, you know. Even in this situation you have a smile on your face. You are confident and bossy too." I said.

"..." said squad members.

"She is energetic but with a bad temper *members laughs*" said one of the squad members.

"Do you guys need any therapy from me?" she replied.

"*smiles* You sure are having fun. Unlike me." I said.

"Come on. Are you one of those who can't think other than negativity?" she asked.

"You can say like that but I don't dislike that. I think it is what made me who I am and helped me survive till now. I think about the negatives first, that lets me make a decision to avoid even slightly in any situation." I replied.

"Well well a brains type guy. Not like these guys though. *Referring to her squad members*" she said.

"Then let's move on before more of them shows up." she said.

We started walking towards their base and I was observing everything around me and the people around me too. I was being cautious of everything.

"Are you being cautious of something or it might be that you are cautious of us." She asked.

"It's not that." I replied in a low voice.

"Even if I'm not a brains person, I can see that you are watching everything closely." she said.

"Yeah. I observe everything and being cautious is not bad in this kind of situation." I replied.

"You are right. Did you listen you pipsqueaks. *Again referring to her squad members*" she said.

"What were you saying when you said that you didn't missed any shots before me?" I asked.

"That's true. I never missed because of this relic. 'The Unmissable Bow'. Weird name but I like it." She said.

"Whoa a relic. That's something of a rare thing you know." I replied.

"I can't reveal my relic to them not yet I guess. I will hide it till it is really needed." I said to myself.

"But I think that your posture was good to shoot with a bow and arrow. Your aim was right on target and you did not even startle when in front of that monster. You are strong." I replied.

"Well you got sharp eyes. You got some part right. I trained to be an archer and my attacks miss sometimes. But because of this relic I can't miss any attack because it follows the target which it is fired for." She said.

"That's some unique weapon you got." I replied.

"Have you seen any other relic users?" she asked.

"I have fought against a guy who had an assassin type relic which turned him invisible. But we managed to defeat him." I replied.

"Whoa. Wait, you said we. You had someone with you before?" She asked.

"I... I don't want to bring back those memories." I replied.

"You can share with me. I like to hear other people's stories." She said.

"Some other day but please not now." I replied with a saddened face.

"Well let's come back to the topic. You did you manage to dodge my arrow. How did you do that? " She asked.

"It just happened so fast that I got barely time to move my left arm." I replied.

"You did that in a split-second. You got some reflexes." She replied.

"I got a question for you. Why were you killing that monster?" I asked.

"What do you mean by killing." She replied.

"I know that you were not defending, it was not some sudden attack. It was a plan with an intent to kill that monster." I said.

"Sharp ain't you. I knew that you were a brains type. With all those observations you deducted it didn't you? " She said.

"Yes." I replied.

"You will get your answers when we reach our base."

"Are there really people killing monsters because if you calculate the number of monsters and people alive, it doesn't make any sense." I said.

"That's right. Let me clear your one misunderstanding. The number of monsters increases only when someone is killed by a monster, but if someone is dead because of any other reasons like illness or fatal injury by other humans, the number of monsters does not change." She replied.

"This... this can't be true because when Seth first arrived He said..." I said.

"It is true because I saw people dying of illness or other reasons and after their death only the number of people alive changed but nothing changed in the count of monsters." She replied.

"*sigh* Well sorry for your loss." I replied.

"Don't be so formal boy." She replied.

"Who are you calling a boy. I'm 18+ you know." I replied.

"Well I'm 19 too. Finally someone from my age." She said.

"Ah! Look, we reached our destination, boy." She said.

"Please, will you stop calling me that." I replied.

I took a look towards the destination area and I was shocked to see what the base of this group was.

"Hey, is this really your base? It is Castle Reiner. It was abandoned years ago." I asked.

"Yes indeed. So you are an observer and a nerd too huh? " She replied.

"There is nothing nerd about it. I just happened to read about this place." I replied.

"I thought that it was just a dummy castle." I said.

"Yep, it was. But we took shelter here and made it our base of operation." She replied.

"Let's go in then. Shall we?" She said.

"umm, yeah" I replied.

"Well I didn't gave my name did I. It's Faye. Nice to meet'cha." said Faye.

"My name, Davis" I replied.

"So Davis, let's get inside the base... of the 'Monster Killers'." Faye said.

[ DAY 103 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,133 HUMANS ALIVE : 5, 072 ]