
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Digging Up the Past

Even after all that arguing, we were still unclear about the finish line of this heated conversation. But one thing was clear, that at least, we reached a certain checkpoint which is way better than being stuck at the start.

Both of us calmed down and especially me. I stopped crying and we sat together looking outside, at the red sky. When I was alone after that last big incident [Battle against Seth]. I always saw death and blood in this red sky. But tonight... tonight I saw a beautiful dome, a light towards a new future.


"I am really sorry for being so insensitive. I-" I said.

"You were overwhelmed by your emotions, that's all. I have been through that so I can understand you." Faye replied.

"Thank you." I said.

"This red sky reminded me of my old days, which were not that good for me." said Faye.

"Yes. I was also reminded of that night when I shared my traumatic incidents with a girl. That was the first time I ever properly shared something with a girl." I said.

"Whoa! that sounds interesting. Can you tell me about it? I mean... if you want too." Faye asked curiously.

"*smiles* It will be like digging back to that past. But it is alright to share I guess. I do this alone every night, but tonight... you will hear about this story. It will be sad, like any other of my experiences but..." I replied.

"Don't push yourself. If you-" said Faye.

"No! I am fine. Let me go through." I replied.

"It happened when I lost my close friends for the first time. I was wandering here and there to survive, while all those visions were flashing in front of my eyes. While searching from place to place for any supplies, I fell... because I was already weakened from not eating properly. I fell unconscious and was just lying their on the ground with one thought on my mind. "Let's not get up... let this be the end of our struggle here."

My vision faded and the next thing that I knew, I was inside a house with two kids staring at me. When I woke up they just moved away. My head was hurting badly but I saw around me and was shocked to be here.

That's when I met her *smiles*. Emilia, the one who saved me and brought me here. She took care of me and the other two kids too. Slowly, days passed and I felt more relaxed. Life in that house was calm even though we knew what was going outside. It was because I saw no monsters for the time being and I felt secured.

I was happy. I was happy to live like this again. I kinda started to like her too." I said.

"Ooooh! getting interesting now." Faye said to tease me.

"It was nothing like what you are thinking. It was more like, I admired her." I said.

"Why are you blushing then." Faye asked.

"It is nothing. *smile* I was happy to be with them. The kids also lost someone, and so does Emilia. We all got together because of a mutual cause. Everyone lost someone but everyone wanted to survive. All four of us were trying to understand each other and help each other in anyway possible.

One night I was sitting in the window thinking about my friends, and Emilia came and sat beside me. That's when I shared everything about that incident with her, and she shared her incident about her brother's death. We both were talking and giving each other comfort that we both needed at that time.

It was an understandable conversation between two people sharing there past and wanting to let that out to feel lighter. It was just like how we shared our pain and sorrows with each other. But I went overboard this time I guess. *chuckles*" I said.

"Like us. Yeah you can say that you went over the top tonight." Faye replied.

"You are the second person with whom I shared everything that I had closed in me. But first girl to yell at me like that. *smiles* I always say that I can listen to others sorrows, which is true. But... but a listener also needs someone with whom he or she can share their thoughts too you know." I said.

"It can't always be a one sided communication because it defies the meaning or logic behind conversations itself." I said.

"So what happened to your love story then?" Faye asked in a teasing way.

"It was nothing or never like that... maybe *said silently*. It was more of an admiration kind of relationship we had, like I said. We both admired each other for being strong and weak at the same time.

I... I thought this life was not that bad, but... nothing lasts forever. It is the bitter truth of our life." I said.

"By your tone I can say that their will be something bad happening now. Are you OK, really? I don't want to hear it out if it brings back those bad memories." said Faye.

"Don't worry. Letting this out may be the best option for me right now. Rather than just locking these emotions inside forever, I must express myself as there might never be another chance. And I thought that you wanted to hear what happened till the end." I replied.

"It's up to you then. Stage is all yours." said Faye.

"On the next day, everything seemed normal, but suddenly an invisible force attacked our house. It was the assassin which I told you about. His relic was invisibility.

We stood against him together, and with everyone's help, we managed to defeat him. We were glad to beat him down, but all that noise invited those devils closer to us.

Our house was suddenly raided by 5 monsters altogether, and we were completely defenseless in that situation. We had no other choice than to attack and find a moment to escape.

We tried, but in that process, we lost both of the brothers. Now we were the only ones left there. That's when she said. "you must go on. I will back you up with my powers". That's when she showed me that she had the healing relic which she used to heal my wounds. At first I refused but by the looks of the situation, I told her to help me. With both of us, we would survive this together. As I was fighting those monsters to find an escape route, I was badly getting beaten up.

There numbers and strength were greater than mine. Emilia was not able to keep her healing because I was taking more damage than what she could heal at that time. It was already taking a toll on her body, but she was also going on for it.

Her condition was getting worse and worse, but she didn't back down. She kept on, so I also pushed past whatever my limit was.

Finally we got our way out and escaped through that situation barely. But... Emilia's condition was beyond her own recovery." I said.

"Hey. Are you crying again?" asked Faye.

"No I am not. My tears were already emptied while crying before." I replied. *gulps*

"Just finish your story so we can sleep." Faye said while looking at me.

"She was beyond recovery, but I was calling out to her that she would be safe. I wanted to protect her, but I didn't have the powers to do so.

So as the last thing after giving me all that care. She gave me this pendant as a souvenir... or should I say, a gift for my birthday. Yeah... all these horrible things happened on my birthday." I said.

"That's sad dude. Well to say on that, I just don't know when my birthday is? Now that I am a different person, I never celebrated my birthday before." Faye replied.

"You could choose a day for yourself. Like any day." I said.

"I think I will choose the day we all leave this hell as my birthday. How does that sounds like?" said Faye with a smile.

"Not bad." I replied.

"Did you still have that-" Faye asked.

"I have always worn it from the day I got that from her. It reminds me of all the good time we spent, and about all the things she did for me." I replied while showing it.

"Well that's good to hear." Faye replied.

"Faye. If you are willing to not tell anyone about this, then only I can tell you this secret about me." I said.

"A secret?" Faye asked with a shocking expression.

"Please don't tell anyone at any cost. This might mean life and death for me if this goes out." I replied.

"You are this serious so I won't tell this to anyone. I won't." Faye replied.

"This pendant is what the source of her power was. This is the healing relic that she gave me while drawing her last breath. I... I tried to revive her with this, but I was not able to do it." I said while stuttering.

"What? How? I... I have so many questions. How can you take others relic like that. are you... a collector or something." said Faye.

"*smiles* I thought something like this would be your reaction after hearing this. Firstly... I am not a collector or something and I don't know if there is anyone like that. Next, it is only my theory, that the relics can be transferred from one user to another... but only if, the previous user is willing to give it to someone." I replied.

"Are you sure about that?" Faye asked curiously.

"Like I said, it is my theory. What do you think, how did I survived all this time? I was always badly wounded after every fight, but I slowly built some strength and slowly healed myself using this relic.

I don't expect that you would be ready to keep this a secret because this can help many others in distress." I said.

"No. I don't think so." said Faye.

I could see confidence and trust in her eyes.

"Like you said to general Gerrad, you must also have a good reason for hiding it till now. I don't expect you to use this for others. This is for your survival, and you are its wielder now. So it is up to you to decide when to use it." Faye replied.

"I am glad I met you. I'm glad." I said with a smile.

"Why saying this now?" Faye asked.

"You somehow understood what I wanted to express." I replied.

"Me too. You listened to my cries and sorrows. Had a fun experience with me. You saved me, you fought against me. It was a great emotional ride. So... just be with me till all of this ends, will ya?" Faye said with a smile.

"*smiles* Our duo might be a good one. If everyone else still wants to keep me here that is?" I said.

"I think so too. We will figure out something." Faye replied confidently.

"Hope so." I replied.

"Let's see through all this till the end." I said with a smile too.

"Yes. We will." Faye replied.


We had a great talk that night. All the fights, arguments, sorrows. We shared everything that we had gone through our whole life on that night.

Finally we decided to end this and take a sleep because tomorrow was a big day. All the important people were about to gather for the discussion, regarding the plan to fight against Seth.

We both slept in the same room and I was happy to see another person here in this empty room. It is good to be with everyone even while sleeping.

"Let's have a blast tomorrow." said Faye.

"Yeah. Tomorrow I might be reborn or should I just be the same." I asked.

"Just be true to yourself. Goodnight and see ya tomorrow." said Faye.

"That will be the best choice for me. Goodnight Faye." I replied.

(Later that night...)

I had those same nightmares again this night too, but this time I was mentally and emotionally ready for them. But after that, something new hit my brain. I had this new visions that gave me chills down my spine. I saw the death... of everyone... by the hands of Seth.

I suddenly woke up *Heavy breathing*. I stood and walked towards the window where we were talking. I opened it and gazed towards the red moon and made up my mind, that I will end Seth with everyone else here, and free all of us from his hellish prison.

I will never... ever... forget about what you did to me... SETH!!!

- - -

[ DAY - 115 MONSTERS COUNT : 3,380 HUMANS ALIVE : 4,112 ]