
Wanna Bet?

"You sure about this?" Grizz asks for the nth time.

I sigh, already regretting this decision, "We have no choice do we? I mean, we can't just walk to Stone City."

I'm looking at my reflection on the mirror and look over my very sexy outfit – I'm wearing Reggie's black leather skin tight pants with matching long sleeved jacket adorned with straps and it's clinging to my body in all the right places. If this will not give us a free ride to the Stone City, I don't know what will.

Grizz hands me a scarf, "You'll need this, we're going to the Sand Lands."

I roll my eyes, "I know Grizz, it's not my first time remember?"

He pushes the scarf to me and says, "Just take it."

I take it and I smile at him. I still feel weird about being in this body but I have to work with what I've got. Since I met the Goddess I realized that she's the only one who's going to get me what I want – which is to get my body and life back.

So I check myself one last time in the mirror, I push my tits up and say, "Game on."

"Hey, will you stop doing that?" Grizz says.

I grin at him evilly, "Let's get this show on the road."


"Hi handsome." I fight the vomit that almost escaped my mouth when I said those words.

Mac turns around and his mouth falls open. He didn't even try to be discreet about checking me out, now I know why women get so offended when men look at them like their something good to eat. I fight the urge to leap on the bar and grab hold of his collar and smack that smirk on his face when he was done assessing my body.

"Hey, you look… amazing tonight." He grins and licks his lips.


I smile, "Thanks." I look around and ask, "Did you forget our date?"

He wipes his hands on a towel, "I didn't think you'd show up, actually. So I just started my shift."

I nod at the bottles behind him, "Well, can I get a drink at least?"

He puts his elbows on the bar, "What's your poison?"

I put a finger on my lips, "Hmmm. I'll have the Devil's Fuel".

The Devil's Fuel is Fuel City's signature drink, it has – well, I'm not really sure what's in it but it does pack a punch, I heard some guy from Stone City died from drinking one shot. I guess if you're from Fuel City you have a stronger stomach than most. It was after all, my favorite drink, when I was Jace at least. I drank it when I had a bad day at work, or had to kill someone who I felt didn't deserve it – but my job didn't let me have a moral compass.

I have to admit, the first time I drank it was because of a dare – I was nineteen and I wasn't about to let a bunch of old farts make fun of my age and my profession, so I drank the fucking drink. My stomach was on fire and I felt like dying – it was literal fuel that was lit and I was burning from the inside out. It took me thirty minutes to recover, but I lived. And those old farts didn't say a word from then on.

I knew I had to order this and get some needed respect to make this journey a lot easier. I'm not an idiot, I remember what a few chugs of beer did to this woman's body so Grizz bought me a tonic which I drank before we got here. I just hope it works.

He raises an eyebrow, "Well, well, well, I never pegged you to be a Devil's Fuel kinda girl."

I take a deep breath and remind myself of why I'm here and lick my lips – just like he did and say, "I'm not an ordinary girl."

I may be laying it on thick, but this guy is too easy. I mean I've seen me now and I know how hot I am, but I don't think with just a bat of my eyelashes Jace was going to fall for a girl – he's never, ever, fallen for anyone. But Mac? He puts men to shame, he's entranced by her mouth now – my mouth – Ew to the second degree, but I need him to trust me, no, to think I am what he wants and what he needs, so that I can get what I need from him.

He looks at my lips and bites his own, I fight an eye roll.

He doesn't say anything as he walks to the middle of the bar and pulls out the drink I ordered, he pours me a glass and I notice people were looking. Probably wondering who would be suicidal enough to drink that.

Mac pushes the glass to me with a raised brow, as if asking me if I'm really going to do it; which of course makes me want to do it even more. Fuck these fools.

I take the glass without looking away from Mac and as I lift it I hear an older man's voice beside me, "Don't do it. You'll die little girl."


I shift my eyes to the stranger and my eyes light up, Murph. Old man Murph is one of the oldest assassins in Fuel City; he's made a name for himself and retired a few years before I got into the game. He's selling sand vehicles now, big ass jeeps with spiked tires – just what I need.

I give him a smile, "It's just a drink, and I don't think I'll die from one drink."

He smiles and shows me his yellow teeth, "Oh, you look like you can't even drink beer."

This asshole is good, he probably assessed this body and well, it's not really Fuel City material. I lean a little bit towards him and whisper, "Want to put a wager on that?"

He cocks an eyebrow and then laughs – loud.

"Sorry honey, but I can't even get it up anymore, so I don't think you've got anything to offer."

A laugh erupts in the bar and I realize everyone's listening to our conversation.

I grin at him, "Oh, you're cute and all but that's not what I'm offering."

I pull the blade from the hidden pocket on the side of my right leg and put it on the table.

He looks stunned and asks, "Where the hell did you get that?"