
Death is My Lover

Everyone dies. They can die in a peaceful way, in a way that they never expected, in a way that's so horrible, that you can't even imagine that it's really done by a human being. There was a myth that circulated along time ago. Death was a person, he comes to you and watch you die right on the spot. Ashleah chuckled, no way in hell that would be true. Right?

belly_hina · แฟนตาซี
92 Chs


She felt uneasy. Blink her eyes with her heart beating rapidly, Ashleah did not know what to do just because... IT WENT SILENT! It suddenly went silent and it was giving her goosebumps all over her body.

"I-I'm going to try and open the door again." She whispered to herself, before taking a deep breath and her feet was about to touch the door but it suddenly opened.

"Ashleah–" Nash quickly moved away before Ashleah's feet touches knee. "Hey, you can calm down–"

"No!" Ashleah has her eyes shut closed with her trembling body, and behind her was a large white blanket which Nash had this conclusion that Giulia, Aziel, and Nanny Riley was hiding inside it.

Nash took a deep breath before slowly walking closer to Ashleah and touched her head while soothing it slowly. "Shhh, you can cry now. Nanny Riley please do bring the kids to the Knights, and you too. Thank you for staying by her highness' side."

Even though the woman herself was also trembling in fear, she still gave the Duke a warm smile. As soon as they left the carriage, Ashleah broke down in tears.

"So those are the people that we are fighting with? Go-Goddamn that w-was scary as hell." She was stuttering while covering her whole face using both of her hands, sobbing.

"I know, everything is just kind of fucked up right now. Don't worry, no one can hear us. His Majesty is with Axis." Nash whispered as he slowly wrapped his arms around Ashleah, still giving her some space.

"I was so scared. So, so scared. I really thought I was going to die! It felt like every single thing that happened to me flashed right through my eyes.."

"Shhh, don't worry. I'm here now, We're here now. We won't let them hurt you, mmm okay?" with that, Ashleah's head suddenly felt heavy as she slowly blinked her eyes a couple of times before her surrounding went black.


"Are you sure that she's going to be okay?" Emperor Adler asked the royal doctor for almost the 15th time after checking up on Ashleah who was still sleeping after that huge incident.

"Her highness, was stressed and still a bit shocked with what happened earlier your Majesty. I do think that it's a lot better if you give her some time to rest and give her foods that are good for her health for now. Please do not let her do activities for now while we look into her health even more–"

"What are you talking about? It's not like she was poisone–" The Emperor stopped while he was talking and looked at his daughter before looking back at the royal doctor. "Or is she? Is that why she's still asleep?"

"Your Majesty, it's been a day ever since her highness went and fell asleep. Base on Duke Deoncan's side of the story, she was crying and there was blood from that cut because of the arrow flowing down to her cheeks. I do think that's there's poison in it. Since the Princess has a fever right now."

Emperor Adler sighed deeply before sadly looking at her daughter who had this facial expression that you cannot even explain while sleeping.

"Yes, please do comeback after a hour or so. And let them in after you go out." He said before walking away and sitting beside his daughter. The royal doctor just nodded his head and opened the door only to be welcomed by Duke Deoncan and The future high priest, Axis.

"Greetings Duke Deoncan, Greetings to our future high priest, Axis." He bowed. "His Majesty told me that the both of you can come inside his chambers." The two nodded like they were puppies, making the royal doctor chuckle a little.

"His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of Genry. Greetings!" Both greeted Emperor Adler, with their voice trying to be soft as possible, of course they did not want to wake Ashleah up.

"What did the royal doctor told you, Your Majesty?" Nash took all of his courage and asked the Emperor the question that they've been meaning to ask ever since Ashleah fainted.

"Ashleah needs a lot of rest and they need to find out if the arrow that hit her has poison since she has a light fever for now, I do hope that this does not get any worse." He said softly touching his daughter's cheeks. His voice held sadness

The two men looked at each other, Nash shook his head slowly and Axis took a deep breath before taking a step closer to his Majesty.

"I can try and heal her using my holy power—"

"No." Emperor Adler shut his eyes and shook his head, voice was full of authority.

"But Your Majesty, I can help her–"

"No, you've used your power too much Axis. We do not even know what ar ethe consequences when you overuse it. It might be the death of you or what, we are not sure."

With him, ending the conversation like that Axis ended up looking down for he knew that he himself was also tired and drained with everything that happened.

After that white light covered them, the man who had a cape collapsed, they quickly took him away as Axis slowly knelt down the floor, trying to catch his breath. Nash was about to run to him, but he stopped the man and pointed at Ashleah's carriage with a smile.

A smile that held thousands, and thousands of emotions. The man with a cape that revealed the truth about him taking interest at Ashleah was indeed true.

There were no lies, but he also knew that even if he tries to fight for his love for Ashleah.. She could never be his and he could never hers. They both have this roles inside the Empire.

Also, he can see it in her eyes and Nash's eyes too. How much they like– no, actually erase that. They love each other but they just cannot even try and confess.

With that, maybe 2 to 4 tears escaped his eyes with a small smile on his face as he saw Nash slowly opening the carriage's door where Ashleah was.

Axis knew that this day would come, that he would definitely see it right in front of his eyes. Axis knew that part of liking Ashleah was letting her go.

Closing his eyes shut, he told himself that yes, he's going to be happy for both of his friends. He can accept it.

"Axis? Axis?" Nash's voice made Axis comeback to reality for he was out of it for a few minutes. The Duke sighed deeply and massaged the back of his neck before smiling at Axis. "You can rest for now, you did a lot today."

His forehread slowly creased, Axis had this certain question inside his mind. It was 'Why is Nash not asking me questions about what that black magician told them?'

"You know what the black magician told–"

"Axis, it's alright. It's not like I can get mad at you–"

"No, listen to me first Nash. I do have feelings for Ashleah, I really do but still I do respect the both of you. I know for a fact that you like each other. I'm letting her go, she'll be a lot happier with you."

Nash went silent, no words can express how much he felt sorry for Axis. How he was surprised that he would even let her go because it was for the best.

And because of that, Nash was now more determined to save Axis from his own death. He smiled warmly at Axis before chuckling.