
Death God Supreme

It's a great story of ups and downs with Roman and his wife fighting against the world and everything in it.

Dylan_Blevins_2568 · สงคราม
3 Chs

Chapter 1

I open my eyes, seeing an odd new celling, I start to look around noticing I'm not home. I look around to see if there's any indication as to where I am, but there's nothing, But a door and a chair and its quiet. But I start to realize I'm chained to the bed, it's on only my right foot, so it's not too heavy. As I start to sit up a women dressed in a gothic looking dress walks in, she says "Hi" she continues walking, she sits in the chair I saw just a few seconds ago. "HHHii" I studder the light in the room illuminates her beautiful face, she cutely laughs, surprising me. We sit in silence for a few minutes "What's your name" I ask scared a little but confident as well she is surprised by my action, but she replies "Vera" Vera pauses "and you" I start getting nervous and I don't know why "Roman" I replied. I look down noticing I have no shirt on, but she starts speaking "Would you like to know why you are her" Vera ask, " I would, thank you" I pause waiting for an answer " Well first off I apologize for the chain, but I didn't know how you would react to being here against your will." Vera's eyes told me she really did feel guilty, and I was grateful for that Vera continue "As you are now, a newly turned vampire as well as my soulmate." I look at her like she is crazy, but I didn't mind getting kidnapped by this beautiful woman who I had a strange attraction to, it's as if she is all I need and nothing else is needed. Considering I had no parents or family at all besides myself I know no one would worry about my disappearance."Whatttt" I stuttered nervously and surprised by the directness of this women. She ignores me as if I'm not there and continues speaking "So as of today you are my husband." A little taken back by her answer but I didn't mind it's not like there is anything to go back to, so I accept. "Sounds fun." I replied, a little surprised she gets up to take the chain off. When she finished taking the chain off, I got up and stretched Vera says" Follow" I listen and start following though the door and down a long hallway filled with cells, up some stairs we went into a beautiful room filled with pictures of family I assumed, Vera speaks "I'm surprised you haven't tried to run" she finished and of course I thought about it but it seemed stupid to try because if everything I've watched about and read about vampires is true then the older they are the more powerful they are, I don't know how old she is but she can use her powers better then I can so it was not worth it."Well, I didn't run because I didn't believe I could escape but also I'm not scared of you and plus your my wife, I can't leave my beautiful wife alone."A light dusting of red speared across her cheeks, and I laughed"HaHaHa" She turns away and starts walking trying to hide her face.