
Death by Santa Claus?! [Cancelled]

~Didn't really want to bother grinding out reviewswaps n stuff for promo so I'm dropping this lol [WPC-243 Entry] In an unordinary world of magic, Hazel is your everyday businesswoman working a 9 to 5. Adulthood and corporate pressure has long since destroyed her childhood sense of wonder, let alone 'Christmas Spirit'. Forced to work on Christmas, she decided to take a walk and appreciate the snowy scenery to make the best of a bad situation... Only to be subsequently murdered by a 'Santa Claus Cosplayer' escaping from a bank heist. Reborn in the body of her younger self, she vows to find this 'Santa Claus' and exact her revenge; after all, she's a ruthless businesswoman who will make the most of this "Christmas Miracle". ... But why's this Santa Claus so hot?!

BotBrain · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Attacking the Homeless!


'I didn't really think that through.' Quickly realizing her anger took over her, Hazel begins to smooth things over. 'I can't get my revenge against this guy, right now, because I'll get sent to prison and won't be able to save my parents from their deaths which is more important.'

Thinking of ways she could play it off, she considers claiming that she mistook him for her ex-boyfriend and got emotional but decides against it since that won't hold up in court. Instead, she goes with a gamble.

"He stole from me!"

Trying to bank on the saying 'once a thief, always a thief' she hopes the man was still stealing in this past as well. Judging from his worried look, she hit the mark.

"Ma'am, let's not have this conversation here. Please," the guy pleads. He has no idea who this crazy bitch is and he definitely - well, probably - didn't steal from her but if she causes a scene then he'll get arrested since the cops already have a file on him, and there's no way they'll take his word over hers.

Preparing to run away, she unexpectedly stops him, "Alright, let's continue this discussion in private."

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to be talking to this gentleman out of ear-shot. Don't worry, I'll stay within where we can be seen."

"... Sweetheart, I'm more worried about him," Hazel's Dad confesses.

Angrily pushing my future killer to the side, I let him speak.

"Ma'am, I-I swear you have me mistaken. I just work here-"

Cutting him off, "Don't care. Didn't ask. If you were so innocent, then why didn't you immediately alert the authorities and instead try and brush my assault under the rug, huh?"


"Did I say you could speak?" Looking the man up and down, it's rather unfortunate that I'll be killing--erm, *exacting my revenge* on him one day soon. His chiseled face and droopy eyes give off an innocent impression, but the mole that dots his upper right cheek adds a seductive allure that makes me want to gobble him whole...

"Listen, we both know you haven't stolen from me, but I *know* you're a thief. Take this as a business offer that you can't refuse: you'll work for me as long as you still have value in my eyes," normally I'd end my ~business ventures~ by transmitting contacts through the WonderWatch (TM) that does so through a mere bump of wrists, but 13 years in the past still uses the archaic 'mobile phone'. Grabbing his phone that's sticking out of his back pocket, I take his number into memory.

"See you soon, Mr. Royce," I plan to end the meeting on this note. Knowing his name should let him know that I'm not someone to be messed with. I don't want 'Santa' to be getting any bright ideas.

"Uhm, Ma'am," he flinches slightly scared to speak, "Who's Mr. Royce?"


Shocked I ask, "Are you gay?" I'm not homophobic or anything, but it's rather reassuring to know there's no romantic potential between us for when I kill him. It'll make it easier.

"W'ah?! N-no! Why would you ask that?!"

"You sure 'cuz I'd look into any ~best friends~ with the last name Royce then," the most probable explanation is that he changed his name through marriage.

"W-well, I have a friend named Sara Royce-" realizing his loose lips he curses, "Ah, Shit!"


So, he's straight but a beta cuck.

Fuck! Killing him is gonna suck, he's my ideal type...

Sorry for omega short chapter.

Christmas n' all that.

Normal length chapters resume tomorrow :)

BotBraincreators' thoughts