
chapter 4

Len swings the canister at the person who grabbed her, Ari quickly blocks the hit and looks past her at the door. Within a few seconds she heard another loud bang, the door barely stayed attached to the frame. She saw a face void of skin, chunks of flesh hung from the face of the woman.

" run" Ari shouted while the group ran toward the east stair well, Ashley the nurse was nervously fumbling with the keys to unlock the door. Len saw some people slapping the window of the locked door, she quickly unlocked a few doors while going toward the rest of the group and twelve more people followed behind them.

" you all need to be quiet and listen to what I tell you" Ari said while listening to the radio she picked up from the nurses station.

Ashley finally got the door open, the people filed behind her, a loud bang with metal hitting metal sounded throughout the hallway.

Nails rapping on the floor were coming from around the corner, Len stared at the end of the hall with her heart trying to break free from her rib cage. A woman flopped down on the floor, her hands were pulling her body on the floor and Len was about to run forward.

" no something isn't right get in here now" Ari said pulling Len into the stair well, they watched while the woman dragged herself and then a creature with grey skin walked behind her. It was standing on two legs with long curved claws that kept tapping the floor and it had small horns coming from the sides of its face and long canines in its mouth, its dead white eyes looked around the hallway. It stepped around the woman that was laying on the floor below its feet, sniffing the air and the woman on the floor did the same thing.

Len gasped when she saw the woman, whose skin was missing from her face and her bottom jaw was completely gone. The woman groans out while her, tongue moves back and forth, Ari motions to the others to move down the stairs and the janitor is the first one who goes down motioning for the others to follow. A loud scrape was heard from the door they came from. Ari motioned for them to keep going when a loud groan came from the same door as loud bangs against it followed.

" keep going and try not to be seen through the windows on the doors" Ari said quietly watching the door behind them, they all dunk below the next window on the door when a loud screeching noise came from it making everyone jump. Ari quickly motions for all of them to quickly pass to the next floor when grunts could be heard, Len gets by the door and she looks out the small rectangular window of the door. Lights from the ceiling were flickering showing blood that was smeared on the wall and floors with body parts littered everywhere.

" Len move your ass" Ari said while peeking through the glass, several loud bangs came from up above them making them quicken their pace, running down the next couple of flights of steps when they saw that Ashley had stopped next to the door with fear painted over her face.

Ari saw three more of the girls pressed against the wall with their eyes clenched closed, her line of sight went to the hand laying at the bottom of the door with a slight trembling to the hands fingers making Ari curse under her breath while holding her gun walking Forward.

Len tapped the shoulder of one of the three pressed against the wall for them to start quietly moving down half of the stairwell with the others against the wall, Ari slowly walked down the steps with her gun drawn.

Ari mouths to the others to back away from the door, she then stands beside the door with the baton out along with a Taser taking quick glances through the window.

Rick was eating on another worker who was still alive and was laying by the door with his hand only out from the door. Ari looked to see what Len saw when she saw Rick ripping flesh from the man's stomach and the man was still alive crying out for help.

Ari takes a deep breath then crouches down then lifts the man's hand with Len and Thea watching close to the door so they can slam it shut once the hand is out of the way or flops it back into the hallway and when she slowly raises up. Rick's face is staring back at her through the window, his body rams into the door and Ari wasting no time to hold the door. Len and Thea run over pressing their bodies against the door, the janitor pulls Ashley down the flight of stairs.

" no wait ! we can't leave Ari" Ashley said while running back up the stairs passing the others that ran behind the janitor. Four of the women pushed their hands against parts of the door, Rick's arm was blocking the door from closing. Ashley started hitting his arm with the baton, his fingers were crooked from her hits, Ari points her gun at his head through the crack and fires off a shot. His body falls back hitting the ground, Ari slams the door shut while others like Rick are running to the door. Their eyes were a dead white color with parts of their bodies missing or large gashes that had their guts spilling out.

" Let's move whatever is slamming into the door up there will be through any minute" Ari said while rubbing Ashley's back, when they got to the ground floor and didn't see the other sixteen at the door and now there were only eight of them.