
Death's Vision

Ashln1 · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Annoying People

I smiled slightly at the crowd of people waving at me the moment I walked in, I knew what I had to do and I would've really liked to wrap everything up as soon as possible. I walked into the weighing and watched keenly as Ms. Sadie weighed the other models, how she did it fascinated me it looked so confusing up close

"Ms. Olsen." I stood up quite quickly from the seats and scurried to the gadget "Someone's in a hurry today huh." I smiled slightly before nodding.

I took off my shoes, purse and jacket and stood keenly on the scale waiting patiently for her to do her job. She moved her hand in the same pattern I had seen her do multiple times with serious focus written on her face, her lips parted slightly and I felt my breath seize, it was a bad habit of hers, a habit that never meant good news.

"Have you been exercising lately?" I opened my mouth but closed it quickly before shaking my head

"I'm sorry." She sighed

"It's just a few pounds so if you're lucky no one would notice… but I can't be covering for you as much as you want me to, understood?" I nodded and the door opened with Ms. Sadie's assistant waiting with a paper bag which I assumed were my tacos

"Thank you." I stated to the woman as she walked out, I looked at Ms. Sadie who shook her head disapprovingly as I innocently took a bite of my breakfast. She grabbed the bag along with my taco and tossed them in a nearby trashcan

"You shouldn't be eating if you don't want anyone to notice your weight at the shoot."

My stomach growled as if on cue and I gave the annoyed woman a pleading look to which she shook her head more vigorously "But…"

"No buts, your manager's waiting." I sighed and walked out of her office, it seemed like the start of an annoying day, one where it would seem like a contest to see who could piss me off the most.

"Lyra… sweetheart." I cringed, my annoyance starting to grow, the few weeks away from my manager made me forget the kind of person she was. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and played with my hair, an annoying habit of hers, she was only four years older than me and always bossed me around.

I moved out of her grip and glared at her "Morning" I muttered dryly and mustered up her usual annoying smile

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." I ignored her and walked into my dressing room, my makeup artist sat waiting patiently with some summer clothes with her. I chuckled at the sight of them, modelling summer clothes during the near beginning of autumn. Those weren't any ordinary summer clothes though, every face of the Chipa Lotion wore identical outfits to show off their flawless skin.

The sight made me feeling both nervous and anxious, the brand was known globally and ranked second to none in the skin care industry. This was a huge milestone in my career as a model, one that would affect my rest for years to come.


I stepped out feeling more annoyed than happy as I returned the hateful glares of my colleagues, to be frank I envied them more than they thought they did me. I used to love modelling and I honestly still did, my only problem though, was my schedule. It seemed easier to find death than whoever wrote me those notes, I was out of suspects and as much as I was scared to do it, I needed to ask Rhea for help and that was what I would be doing the following Wednesday,

"Sweetheart… you look great." I ignored Sydney and fingered my long ponytail in an attempt to distract myself from my growing hunger. She led me to a set different from where I usually had my photo shoots and stopped at the front door with an amount of enthusiasm that was equal to my mother.

The excited red hair cupped my hands with a wide smile plastered on her face "This is going to be a really big boost for our careers." I nodded…she never bothered to hide any selfish reason she had for doing things.

I simply sighed and walked into the room, everything seemed set and the man I assumed was in charge stood up and approached me

"Lyra… you look prettier in person…I knew I chose the right person, I am a genius after all." I pushed past the arrogant adult with a groan and stood behind the green screen waiting for instructions on my pose "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed."

I gave the man an irritated look "Will people stop saying that…"

"That's enough sweetheart." I scoffed and looked towards the camera

"Could you seat on the green mat with your legs folded?" I nodded and sat on the mat following his instructions, the camera flashed a few times and I got up. The cameraman linked his camera to his laptop and we all walked towards him the moment he yelled he was done.

The man smiled as he saw the pictures and hugged me unexpectedly "You look amazing even without any editing, you simply must model my perfume." He said as he let go of me and I nodded, before Sydney pulled me out of the room

"My career owes you a lot sweetheart."

"Sure… I'm going to eat before my next shoot." She held my hand, stopping me from walking towards the exit

"Don't think I didn't notice your weight gain sweetheart, if you're going to eat, have a salad here instead of fast food." I groaned and she glared at me as she pulled me towards the cafeteria. She pushed me onto a chair and placed a plain salad in front of me and sat in front of me with a burger "This is certainly not my job sweetheart, I only do this because I consider you my little sister. I scoffed and played with my salad, everyone was so annoying today.