
Death's Vision

Ashln1 · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter Four: Bitch


I wiggled out of Kyle's grip as soon as my alarm clock got to one in the morning and nervously put my bright pink cat hoodie over my night shirt, I walked back to Kyle and pecked his forehead. I opened the drawer next to him and took out the guide trying to find the part about teleportation or invisibility so I could leave without being noticed by my parents and my idiot brother.

I smiled happily as I finally found the section with the teleportation and invisibility which happened to be in the same page and closed my eyes trying to imagine Kyle's front yard like the book instructed

"You're late." I smiled as I heard Rhea's voice and opened my eyes

"You haven't been at school for the past we-"

"That's none of your business."

"Sorry." I muttered and she scoffed

"Guess you were busy making out with my brother." I quickly tied my messy hair and sucked on my swollen lip and she eyed me "What the heck are you wearing?"

I didn't see anything wrong with my bright pink cat hoodie and bright purple pajama shorts "I like them." She scoffed louder and brought her hand out "What are you doing?"

"You read the manual didn't you?!" she snapped and I quickly placed my hand on hers and closed my eyes.

The loud barking suggested we were back in my house where my dog was seemingly choking on one of her toys and held back tears as I watched Rhea touch my dog's head and a small ball of light went up to the sky

"You're such a cry baby."

I eyerolled "You can't understand the pain I feel." She looked away for a second before turning back to me, I quickly brought my hand out before she could yell at me and she seemed hesitant but quickly put her hand on mine and we were off to the next location.

The sounds of loud beeping and seeing doctors' panic made me feel nervous as the memory of my dad came back to me like it had when I had first had the vision. I rapidly shook my head and watched as Rhea walked past the doctors without them noticing since we were invisible and slowly place her hand over the patient's head before seeing the same white light only bigger, go into the sky. Rhea turned to me green eyes looked wet

"Don't bother me till your next vision." She looked back at the dead woman before she teleported without me and I followed just as a doctor had announced the patient's time of death.

I teleported into my bathroom just in case Kyle was awake and was thankful he was still asleep when I got there, I tiredly took off my hoodie and crawled into my bed before putting the covers on me and drifting off to sleep.


I woke up extremely tired and turned to the empty spot where Kyle had slept and was too tired from earlier to care, I turned to my calendar and sniffled a bit as the date seemed to be here but in reality it was still a week away, it seemed like everyone except me had moved on and it felt painful and tiring at the same time.

I slowly slid my exhausted body out of bed and put on a light blue cardigan and a pair of tight black jeans before tying my hair in a tight ponytail and putting on some dark eyeliner as well as cherry red lip gloss since I was too tired to focus on my makeup. I slipped into a pair a sketchers and headed downstairs

"Morning." I greeted dully and turned to the empty dog bed where Chelsea always slept

"Sweetie," I turned to my mum and from the look in her eyes, could already tell what she was about to say "Chelsea choked on one of her chew toys and-" my eyes started to water even though I had seen it happened earlier this morning, it still felt strangely new, I followed my mum's line of vision where Ares (my brother) was grumpily filling up a hole where I assumed Chelsea was buried "Are you okay?" I nodded and silently went to the dining table for my sad breakfast.

I didn't think I was emotionally stable enough to drive so I hitched a ride with my mum which was quiet minus her singing along to every song on her radio without knowing the lyrics, it looked more like she had been trying to cheer me up like she used to do when I was much younger but it didn't work as well as I'd expected it to. I could already spot Tyson holding a cup of my favorite blueberry milkshake since I'd told him the news about Chelsea

"Thanks for the milkshake." I said as he handed me the milkshake

"No problem."

I smiled dully and took a sip out of the blueberry beverage "Where's Kyle?" I noticed the slight barely noticeable shift in Tyson's facial expression "He didn't come to school." I almost cursed but maintained my composure as I headed to class with Tyson. I decided to corner Rhea at lunch ask about her brother fully aware that I could get insulted but she was still yet to resume and after debating over and over with myself, I just decided to visit Kyle.


I nervously pressed the doorbell and hummed the tune as it echoed through their large yard, the door slowly and I felt my heartbeat accelerate and hoped it didn't look like I was nervous on the outside, a woman peeked her head out and smiled at me before opening the door

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Kyle, I'm Lyra, his girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you I'm Trisha Rhe- Kyle's step mum." I noticed how she quickly altered her introduction but didn't think too much of it as she let me come in and gave me directions to Kyle's room. I quickly thanked her and ran upstairs to check on Kyle but was cut short when Rhea came out of her room and pushed me to the ground.

"Why're you here?"

I got up and straightened my outfit "To visit Kyle." She eyed me "Why haven't you been at school?" she raised a brow

"Didn't I tell you to mind your business?"


She scoffed "Get out of my house."

"I didn't come here to visit you."

"Why my brother didn't come to school is also not your business."

"Stop being petty and let me see my boyfriend."

"I'm not being petty so leave." We both glared at each other ready to attack at any moment

"What's going on?" I walked over to Kyle and Rhea scoffed before heading to her room, I glared at the door and hugged Kyle tight, Rhea was starting to get on my nerves and the most annoying fact was I couldn't do anything about it.

I had always been calm and not easily provoked but at that moment I felt something unpleasent bubbling up inside me as Kyle carefully led us to his room, I stared at Rhea's door one more time "Bitch."

Heyo! to all my readers, I'm ever so grateful for you guys checking out my book. I have one question though, what the hell are collections? I'm new to webnovel so don't judge (/▽\)

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