
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · แฟนตาซี
113 Chs

Chapter 26 - Scythe of Death

I wasn't by any means an expert in weapons, quite the opposite. I can safely say that when it comes to this subject, I'm the last person in the world you should ask for an opinion. Besides, today was the first time I ever held a weapon. I mean, it's not like I had the chance to use daggers or swords before.

Out of all the weapons presented, I'm completely lost on the criteria to distinguish the good from the bad. Also, even though the scythe seems to be the most logical choice, considering its direct connection to my rune, I have no idea how to wield it. After all, I've never had any experience with swords or weapons of this kind before.

Though I admit my combat experience is limited, I also lack any formal skills in sword or dagger handling. So far, my actions have been limited to mimicking what I've seen in movies and anime. I don't possess refined techniques or elaborate skills; my approach is rather straightforward: slash the enemy in front of me, no frills attached.

After pondering the matter for a few minutes, I let out a reflective sigh. Anyway, it's pretty obvious which weapon I'll choose. I mean, if you were playing a game and suddenly came across a legendary bow, wouldn't you trade it for your common sword? Even if you normally didn't use bows? I'm applying the same logic here.

With these thoughts in mind, I selected the Death's Scythe, making it clear that I didn't choose this weapon specifically because of its name, of course not. I simply opted for it because it's undeniably the strongest. Anyway, with my choice made, a new translucent screen appeared with the drawing of a scythe. Suddenly, the back part of the scythe was ejected out of the translucent screen.

I won't lie, that scared the heck out of me. Honestly, I was expecting something less dramatic, like the scythe just appearing out of nowhere and landing in my hand. Anyway, I took a deep breath and grabbed the back part of the scythe. Surprisingly, sparks started flying, and despite it seeming hard to pull, it was actually quite easy. I didn't even need to exert much force, and I already had more than half of the scythe in my hand.

As I took hold of the scythe entirely, I gave it a quick once-over. The scythe was predominantly red with intricate black patterns. Moreover, albeit subtle, I felt some sort of connection with it. Not to mention, its appearance was simply terrifying. If I held it with some clothing covering my body, it would undoubtedly seem like Death itself was coming to claim another victim.

While contemplating my new weapon, I noticed curious glances directed my way. Leo and the other passengers were watching me with surprise, some even displaying jealous looks. I chose to ignore those looks; after all, they wouldn't be of any help to me. Besides, I was eager to test my new weapon and discover its capabilities.

Starting the test, I swung the scythe in the air. I must clarify that I've never wielded a scythe before in my life. At best, my previous experiences with weapons were limited to childhood swordplay, using broomsticks, something that honestly can't be considered proper training.

Returning to the main topic, the scythe was surprisingly light. At first glance, I expected it to be heavier, but in reality, its feel was comparable to holding a broomstick, maybe a bit heavier. It was light enough to be easily handled, yet still provided a sense of firmness and control.

After this realization, I briefly checked my stats and noticed I had several points available to distribute. There were 25 stat points and 7 general skill points, possibly the largest amount I've accumulated so far. Or maybe not; honestly, I can't remember. With that thought in mind, I decided to start distributing the points. It was better to use them while I had the opportunity than to leave them unused.

Ether: 40 -> Ether: 55

Constitution: 30 -> Constitution: 40

With my enhanced stats, I turned my attention to my general skills. With a total of 7 points to allocate, I decided to start by lifting a weight off my conscience, a remnant from the last encounter with the Nebulous Goblin.

Identify [Lv - 3] -> Identify [Lv - 5]

Initially, I underestimated the usefulness of the [Identify] skill. However, during a frustrated attempt to analyze the overall status of the Nebulous Goblin and failing, a strong sense of unease took hold of me.

Gradually, I became dependent on this skill, to the point of feeling insecure when facing an enemy whose status I cannot visualize. In my perspective, only a fool would plunge headfirst into a battle without prior knowledge about the opponent.

With a resigned sigh, I decided to enhance my other general skills that I considered top priorities. Although I wasn't entirely convinced they were the ideal choices, they were the ones I used most at the moment. Moreover, given the limited number of skills at my disposal, there weren't many alternative options to consider.

Infusion [Lv - 5] -> Infusion [Lv - 7]

Etheric Pumping [Lv - 4] -> Etheric Pumping [Lv - 7]

Ether Manipulation [Lv - 3] -> Ether Manipulation [Lv - 5]

In any case, the capabilities of this weapon would be best tested in combat. For now, I decided to use [Identify] on the scythe out of curiosity, but I was seriously surprised by what I discovered.

[Death Scythe]

Strength: +10

-Death Aura: Weaker enemies succumb to the scythe's aura, decreasing their total strength by 25%.

-Drain: Upon killing enemies, the Death Scythe absorbs their souls, converting them into power.

For the first time, such a screen appeared when using the [Identify] skill on a weapon. Was it because I raised the skill level to 5? I confess I wasn't sure, but one thing was certain: this weapon was extraordinary. Its passive abilities were remarkable, but what exactly did its strength mean? And what about the damage it dealt? Furthermore, there was a "+" symbol in front of the weapon's name.

Though confused, I decided to check my stats to see if anything had changed. To my surprise, a "+" symbol was added to my strength. If I understood correctly, wielding the scythe would increase my strength by +10, totaling 12 strength overall. This probably also explained why the scythe felt so light; it was simply because my strength increased when holding it.

Strength: 2+10

Constitution: 40

Agility: 9

Perception: 15

Intelligence: 16

Ether: 55

In the end, it was clear that this scythe would be a valuable addition to my arsenal. Its passive, [Death Aura], would likely make my hunts much easier, especially against weaker enemies. Honestly, I couldn't find any downside to the scythe, though I was somewhat curious about the statuses of the other weapons.

That said, I realized I would have to carry this giant, intimidating scythe with me. Frankly, I wasn't looking forward to it. First, it would be odd walking around with a scythe. Second, it was a hassle to deal with something so large. I probably couldn't even get on the bus with it.

With that thought running through my mind, suddenly, the scythe burst into flames. It was a dark, reddish-toned fire, a sincerely strange coloring. And with that, the scythe simply disappeared from my hand. I was surprised, wondering where the heck the scythe had gone, when suddenly something ignited again in front of me, making the scythe reappear.

Now, that was truly fascinating. The scythe seemed to come with some sort of on-and-off mechanism, appearing only when I desired it to. With a smile on my face, I made the scythe disappear again and boarded the bus. There, I found Ellen in the back, lying with Noelle's head in her lap. Noelle seemed to be sleeping soundly. Quietly, I moved to Ellen's side and sat down next to her.

"After you arrived, she fell asleep. It seems she really likes you" Ellen said, with a small smile on her face as she stroked Noelle's hair.

I felt ambivalent hearing that. On one hand, Noelle and I had a mutual partnership, where we aided each other. Her ability was incredibly useful, so protecting her was a priority. On the other hand, I didn't feel a deep emotional bond with Noelle, like the one I shared with my younger sister, whom I truly loved.

However, if my presence reassured Noelle, then I didn't mind being her safe harbor. After all, the feeling of having someone depend on you wasn't a bad one.