
Death’s Lover: The Object of Death’s Desires

Delilah never expected to be the object of Death's affection, but when the mesmerizing Doctor Morian (Death) appears, she can't resist his allure. Despite the consequences, Mori risks everything for a chance at a life with Delilah, hindering her reunion with her soulmate Ciaran. Delilah is plagued by blackouts and nightmares from her past lives, struggling to uncover the truth of her existence. But Delilah soon discovers the truth about Morian and her complicated love for Death. With Lance's help, she fights to free Ciaran's soul and faces an impossible decision. **Mature Content** New episodes are updated everyday

PraiseD · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Out of order

Morian found the nurse who had alerted him of the situation.

"How many people suffered this monster attack?"

"About five, the others were ripped apart so badly that they all died, so their remains were sent to the morgue, he was the only survivor, well until now." Replied the nurse.

"See to it that his body is prepared to be taken to the morgue and before he is shipped out, let me know I'd like to investigate his wounds further."

The nurse nodded and then left,

After about an hour, the nurse summoned him again, and he proceeded to the patient's body. He had made certain that he was alone with the corpse before drawing strange symbols on the corpse's forehead with his nails. This symbol showed him the man's assailant. He had suspected it, but these visions confirmed his suspicions: the man had been attacked by a soul eater. Soul eaters were treacherous monsters who lived in the nether realm's darkest and most desolate areas. They ate souls who couldn't find peace or reincarnate.

This one had found a way to escape and was already loose on Earth wreaking havoc. Morian couldn't figure out how the soul eater ended up on Earth. He returned to his office to see other patients who needed his help.

Back in the Nether realm, it took a lot of force to temper the soul eaters' defiance; they were vile creatures of darkness who spared no opportunity to inflict pain and horror on souls unlucky enough to come into contact with them. Morian knew that if one of them made it to Earth, it wouldn't be long before others followed. He needed to get this problem under control before it became a bigger problem for him. He didn't want anything to get in the way of him getting Mortala, and this soul eater was just a minor annoyance he'd fix later tonight.

Morian wondered how Delilah had the nether realm summoning spell etched on her back. He wondered if she knew who he really was. He couldn't let everything fall apart; he'd gone too far, sacrificed too much for Mortala. He returned home after his shift at the hospital and summoned Grim.

"You called, my lord?" said Grim as he entered the living room.

"We have a problem."

"Pray tell"

"Tell me Grim, when I left you in charge did, I err? Did I overestimate your abilities to keep the beings in the nether realm in line?"

"My lord? I do not understand, I have done my best to not disappoint you"

"And it's not enough. You have failed me, Grim."

"Forgive me, my lord, I do not understand how I have disappointed you."

"There is a soul eater out in the land of the living. It claimed 6 souls today. Six souls perished before their time. Do you understand what that does to the cosmic scale of balance?" yelled Morian.

Grim fell to his knees face down in submission.

"Forgive me, my lord. I will see to it that the soul eater is removed from the earth."

"Make sure you do and ensure nothing like this ever occurs again or I'll have your head."

"Yes, my lord." Replied as he got up.

"One more thing, Grim. Is it possible for humans to have access to the spell that plucks souls from the nether realm?"

"To the best of my knowledge my lord, only the mages of old had access to such archaic knowledge but most of them have long since disappeared."

"That will be all Grim, you may leave."

Grim bowed and then vanished.

The night was dark and chilly, and the alley was blood-red. The soul eater had killed again and was feasting on its victim's soul and flesh.

"Your kind always had a flair for the dramatics," Grim said.

The soul eater came to a halt, turned to Grim, and spoke in an eerie voice. "What do you require, messenger boy?"

"We made a deal, you stupid creature. What part of ending the relationship and being subtle did you miss?"

"With all due respect, dark one, but I am chaotic, and subtlety is not my style." "I'm just doing what I was made to do."

"Death knows you are here, you were meant to find the girl, Devore her soul, ending his obsession with her. So, he would be forced to return to the NetherRealm. You fool, you've ruined everything."

"I still have time; I can still find her and finish the task."

"Your services are no longer needed."

Grim began to chant in an ancient tongue.

"Please, don't do this dark one, I promise I can still be of use "pleaded the soul eater as it disintegrated into ashes and was blown away.

"If you want something done, you do it yourself," said Grim as he disappeared.